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Posts posted by MaxAnim

  1. Hi. 

    I don’t like asking others for help because I feel like I would be taking advantage of their talents but this is one time in which I don’t know what I’m doing.

    I had an idea for a character to put in my profile picture. The thing is I’m awful at drawing. The design can be from any generation but I would like G4 or G5 style.


    Gender: Male.

    Race: Pegasus.

    Eyes: Brown.

    Coat: (This one I don’t know, my favorite color is green but it’s way to overused).

    Mane and Tail: Black (both medium length).

    Cutie Mark (Rough Draft)Untitled68_20230422005332.thumb.png.46ad24eaac1682e418b9d4e1b143bcbe.png
    As you can probably tell I like 80s rock, at first I was going for a Van Halen style design but I scrapped that idea because I don’t want to give any of you a hard time.

    there’s not that many instructions because I’m a little indecisive at the moment. If you want you can consider this a challenge.

  2. The first episode I watched? I don’t remember, but I believe it was Boast Busters or Suited For Success. It might be one of those 2 because my sister and cousin watched those nonstop.

    Update: I've been rewatching Boast Busters; I really need to catch up.

  3. When there's lightning, you know it always brings me down
    'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
    Who's lost and never found
    I cry out for magic, I feel it dancing in the light
    It was cold, I lost my hold
    To the shadows of the night.

  4. I did this once but I’ll do it again for the hell of it. (By the way these are also confessions so that’s why they are written weirdly)

    1. I never learned how to properly swim.

    2. I don’t have a lot of friends, I like spending my time on my own at the risk of my mental health (My musical instruments are all I have no joke).

    3. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and my reaction time is horrible.

    4. I’m in the autism spectrum.

    5. As of now I’m still learning how to drive and only have a month left to start college.

    6. During my friend’s Hanukkah (I’m not Jewish by the way my friend just invited me and my family to witness it). We were playing a guessing game and accidentally said Manehattan instead of Manhattan (We were trying to guess cities).

    7. According to my parents, I was very chill as a baby, so much so that they once left me outside of a restaurant with the dog (who passed away a few years ago :( ).

    8. I’m a guy who paints his nails and I’m not ashamed to admit it (I saw a video of Alexi Laiho [Guitarist For Children Of Bodom R.I.P] playing and thought about trying it out, seems to work great when playing.

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