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MaRe Twilight

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Status Replies posted by MaRe Twilight

  1. I've never understood the fear of A.I. being capable of learning and advancing. That makes it more capable than most humans, especially if it is capable of compassion and empathy. 

  2. I'm out of here. Find me on Discord, username is on my profile. 

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      I believe you should continue to stay here as you're a good person who cares about others and stands up for them especially LGBTQ people. We got to have the good to counteract the bad. But that's not my decision to make.

  3. Watched the season 2 finale of Code Lyoko with my buddy @MaRe Twilight last night. I really do think it is a show that is underappreciated. Season 1 is formulaic but has a good basis and season 2 made it a lot better, with a much stronger emphasis on its narrative and more variety in the episodes. I swear, if I could have watched this when it was just premiering back in the day, I would have been obsessed with this show and its story. Plus Odd would have very likely been an early crush of mine. :P 

    Also this is my favorite Aelita face.:


    She always looks so done with it all with this expression. :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      I mean wouldn't you be done with it all if you were her? Getting attacked by a evil AI controlled jellyfish every single time must be tiresome.


  4. This was one of the best birthday's I've had in years. ^-^ Thank you all for the comments. It means so much to me. :BrightMacContent:

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      That's great to hear! Did you get any good presents?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. 5 hour Minecraft session with mah boyfriend. Pure bliss. :BrightMacContent:

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      Minecraft is one of the best video games out there. 



      Although it doesn't come close to the masterpiece that is Resident Evil 6 :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Adding more stuff to my profile. Want to have a much more positive feel overall. :3 

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      It's always better to be positive, especially as of late.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

    1. MaRe Twilight

      MaRe Twilight

      The news today has been delightful wouldn't you agree?

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