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Live Spark

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Posts posted by Live Spark

  1. I just completed my first viewing of A New Generation and I have to say it's pretty by the books with no real stakes. The plot is very contrived; there is no real explainition as to why the pony races are no longer friends other than the fact they're evil and we don't like them anymore, movies like Zootopia or How To Train Your Dragon handles themes like prejudice and overcoming your differences and working together for a common goal so much better than this film. Everything that happens in this film happens because the script calls for it not because it happens organically. I feel like Hasbro and Boulder Media spent all their money on the animation side of things (which looks great btw), along with music and voice talent (which are also pretty solid), I just wish they put more effort into the script side of things but oh well. Overall it an alright film if you're a fan of My Little Pony or have young kids.

    Also Izzy is adorable she is a prefect blend of Pinkie Pie and Rarity without the overbearing annoyance of Pinkie Pie!

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