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Derpy Hoops

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Posts posted by Derpy Hoops

  1. Ah, the Dreamcast! I was actually given the system for free by family members couple years back. I have great memories with the system and still go back to it to this day. Favorite game had to be Shemnue!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Without a doubt, my favorite video game soundtrack is from one of my favorite games ever, Shenmue. It was this game that showed me that video games were an art form and the music really helped me realize that.
    Main Theme (Favorite Tune):



  3. The first game I remember playing was Super Mario Bros. on the NES. You probably not going to believe it, do to the fact i was born in '98, but my brother had just set it up and asked if I wanted to play it. Probably could explain my love for retro games and consoles :)

  4. One night I was on the forum and was reading the pony hypnosis thread. It was kinda late so I was on my laptop, just laying on my bed. I was interested in that Vinyl Scratch was one of the ponies you could hypnotize yourself to "become", so I decided to try it out. I was about more than half way through the audio track when i just thought it wasn't working, so I stopped it and went off to bed. I then a dream that I was Vinyl and getting ready for a show. I remember the loud music, everyone cheering, and going crazy with the turntable like I know exactly how to play. It was pretty cool B) !

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Best: My brother saw me watching the show in my room and had one of the best WTF faces ever. He then proceeded to ask me why I was watching the show and I explain to him about bronies and a quick synopsis on the fandom. He then watched the rest of the episode with me (The episode being The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000) and understood why I enjoyed the show so much. I also showed him the music community (as he is currently working on a music career) which he also thought was pretty cool!


    Worst: This very strange guy from my school had been stocking me on the internet and soon found out I was a brony. He then tells everyone in my school that I enjoy a show with technicolored ponies and I kinda got semi depressed for a little while. Then I remember something my good friend Marty Mcfly once said  :P . On a side note, this was a kid who was in a C.O.D clan and made montage videos in his spare time.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Havent posted it a little while but plan on posting soon :wub:


    My Tumblr mostly consists on art I make (none at the moment :/), random stuff, and reposts.

    Hope you enjoy!


    You can even ask me something if you so wish!

  7. Hey Im Derpy Hoops!

    I used to been active on this forum's awhile ago but had left the fandom not long after. Well, after watching being forced by a friend to go to the theather and watch Equestria Girls with him, I remembered how much i loved the show and back to (hopefully) stay!


    Hope to see ya around!

  8. My Parents have completely respected me for being a brony and really don't treat me any different but the same can't be said for my brothers... They have made fun of me ever since I've told them! As for my friends, its really mixed. A lot are ok with me but others just love to mock me for it... They aren't true friends....

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Welcome to the Reaction Picture Game!


    Rules are Simple:

    You react to the Reaction Picture above with a Reaction Picture!

    (The Reaction Pictures don't need to be pony related)


    I'll start:

    Posted Image

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Oh of course I missed it :P

    Idk it's just something I would feel necessary if it were me doing it. So used to tracklisting being on the back of stuff.

    But it is you're case so inside tracklist works!


    Usually from my experience one disc can hold 20-25 songs depending on length of songs


    Funny, I just finished burning the disks... It took Three disks....

  11. Actually pretty cool looking!

    I would've done something a bit more.

    Like a BIG track list on the back or something.


    Also, from my experience burning CDs you might need multiple discs to get the whole thing!


    I do know that there are multiple discs so that's what sucks :(

    (P.S. There is a Track List on the inside)

  12. Hey There Everypony!

    A Couple days ago, An album called Balloon Party was released. It was filled with MLP Mixes from your favorite MLP Mixers!


    Now, it was completely digital so I decided to make a Physical Copy for Myself!





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    Coming Soon!




    Hope you like it!

    • Brohoof 1
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