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Posts posted by F-22brony

  1. Cupcakes....wins...... because that fan fic was HORRIBLE ( Princess Celestia bless you Dashie) Well the story its self was horrid, the way it was written was ok, but I have seen the 2nd one on youtube, all it is is just things and killing, it doesn't come from an innocent natre to killing/torturing

  2. Why is it such a big deal to appear on the Jerry Springer Show? Why not just have fun with it? There are always going to be people that will choose not to consider the show for its worth. So why not just enjoy the moment of fame and appear on Youtube? Hahaha!




  3. I was scrolling through Tumblr when I saw a very important message to the brony community, I feel like I should spread the word outside of Tumblr. I have already been accused of "fear mongering" on certain sites, but its your choice whether or not you wish to believe me. The announcement said this:




    I don't want any of my fellow bronies to be humiliated on public television, so please spread the word :c


    Hey newsflash buddy, goto page one. Haha :).

    Your message was already spread here, so I merged this thread with an already existing one. :)


    You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.


    Haha, we're not on TV buddy! Well that's funny. About 7/10 :D

  4. But what if you can troll th- *slaps myself in face* *yells at myself* HOW DARE YOU EVEN THING OF DISOBEYING YOUR QUEEN?! *replies to self* I'm sorry


    ( I actually do things like that.. I need help O.o)


    <br />

    Eh, Discord wouldn't waste his time talking. He'd flood the place with chocolate milk until the walls themselves burst from pressure. And as far as Tara goes, she's right, ignore the trolls, do not feed.<br />


  5. Hmm that is a good question..However I feel that they already have a whole set of embarrassing questions to ask and I don't want Tara to have to experience that.What we need is a super troll xD


    Calling Chaotic Discord, Hello Chaotic Discord? Haha, We should get him to do it! :D awesome trololol



    And on the subject of Jerry Springer, I really doubt this garners any attention from bronies. How many people would actually fall for this? :huh:


    You would not believe my facebook brony friends.... Really, they asked me about it, and said I should try it. tisk..tisk...tisk

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Oh BRONY COMMUNITY! You're making a big deal out of this again! I swear, the lack of thick skin in this community is getting annoying. If you know its a crank rip on bronies, WHY bring attention to it? So that people can go LOLNOPE, like they were originally gonna do if people didn't spread around this?


    But... I am tempted to prank call the guys.


    I should too, and I just don't want any-pony go accidently get f**ked by him, not literally of course.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. FLIM FLAM ALERT! The Jerry Springer Show is evidently looking for bronies to appear on their broadcast. DON'T FALL FOR IT. They aren't trying to give positive exposure to fans of My Little Pony. They're trying to mock us.


    If Jerry Springer, or Howard Stern, or any similar broadcaster contacts you or a friend, asking you to appear on a show about bronies, say NO and don't let them persuade you. They're just out to make us all look bad.







    The post from his Facebook is here : http://www.facebook.com/JerrySpringer


    And the Facebook post is :

    Are you a brony and your lover objects? Call Gina at 1-877-735-3779


    Posted Image

    • Brohoof 18
  8. Not much to base off of in season 3, plus, I was under the impression Ashleigh's voice was hurt for a while, ergo where Dash's voice cracks came from, so that's probably completely cleared up now. Somepony go find me something that says Ashleigh Ball is no longer performing Dash's voice, then I'll give a proper thought.


    Ok, I was unaware of that. I was going to kill somepony, I may or may not be very serious about that.

  9. One song has Dash being adorable while putting on cool armor, the other doesn't.


    The answer is clearer than a fire in the night.


    THEY CHANGED HER VOICE!!! IT'S NOT THE SAME!!! (RAAAGGGEEE) Sorry, caps lock is appropriate to express my anger.


    Also, the 2nd one is better to me.

  10. It's fine, I don't feel insulted.


    If nopony can do it then I'll attempt it tomorrow since I have to go to now for today.


    Ok, well if I can help with anything, just say the word. Well since you're going, good night. (ingore this in the parentheses , I was at 96 characters and needed text)

  11. I suppose you'll have to find somepony else because I have no idea how to make things cute, this is just my style and I don't know what you consider cute.


    Ok. And now I feel bad, like I insulted you.. I'm sorry.

  12. What a rather confusing request you have there, though I am going to have to say no as I have no idea how to export the jet with the rainbow with it.


    Sorry but I suppose that will never work and nopony on this forum can do such a request unless you do some alterations.


    I can still try if you want to though so don't be too down in the dumps, all you have to do is say yes and I'll attempt it.


    No, it's ok. I was just wondering anyway :P But if not that one then could you do a Dashfire one, just not as funny. But more..... cute..





    I feel so dumb for saying that.

  13. I think the show plays fast and loose with it's level of technology. The most blatant example of this is the canonification of video games in the Hearts and Hooves Day episode, where a young colt is seen playing an arcade machine outside.


    OUTSIDE. Meaning it isn't even hooked up to anything but the ground itself. Dear lord, are these ponies even more advanced then us? Then why do they still light their homes with lightning bugs instead of lightbulbs?!


    Solar Panels? It is possible that some pony invented a way to get a source of power from magic that is floating around, like a Tesla Coil, just on the receiving end.

  14. I wouldn't mind, just post a request and I'll try my best.


    I also remember where Pinkie was placing "Hay Bacon Strips" on a pie that Rarity devoured at the end of the video.


    Yupp, well I was wondering, could you put the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor doing a Sonic Rainboom with RD? Separate though. Also Rainbow can't be in the F-22 :) I would VERY much appreciate it, and I can supply almost every photo you need. Almost

    P.S : no .GIF

    P.P.S : F-22 could be like this : http://4.bp.blogspot...lling+G%27s.jpg http://i.imgur.com/j2uHk.jpg

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