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Everything posted by HeavenSunset

  1. I agree, out of the mane six, Pinkie is undoubtedly my least favorite, she has nothing special about her like the other ponies and just has an annoying personality overall
  2. This is a good first episode for Applejack, and its a good introduction to Big Macintosh Also liked the lesson where they realised that its okay to accept help as well as give it
  3. I knew from the start that if she just asked Celestia for more tickets, she would give them Still like the idea of the episode though, and the idea that we shouldn’t pressure people too much into decisions
  4. I found this as a really good introduction to the show and characters, and the main plot I don’t like how they fixed Derpy’s eyes on the Netflix version though, Makes her lose her uniqueness, although it was an accident to begin with
  5. I kinda fee like Gilda was wronged in this episode, obviously when she is rude to Fluttershy and stealing the apple is not good on her part. But she has reason to think Pinkie Pie was annoying, because she was. When she was trying to hang out with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie would relentlessly try to butt into whatever they were doing, which if i was in her position, would annoy me. She does come off as a bit grumpy at the party, but that is to be expected after being annoyed by Pinkie Pie all day
  6. I love it, i like the crunch and that peppery, herby taste they have
  7. Coffee is one of those things where the taste has grown on me over time, so I like it yeah As for alcohol, i only really like beer or at the harder end, vodka. Anything like alcopops, whiskey, gin just make me sick and i hate the taste of them
  8. Lowkey might have to make Fluttershy my new favourite of the mane 6… :squee:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Espy Vibe

      Espy Vibe

      @HeavenSunset What changed for her to jump up in the list? :sealed:

    3. Miss


      im also curious! 

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my friend! Good to see you again. :lookup:
      Don't blame you, honestly.

  9. Some good ones would have to be: - Gasoline - “Rain Smell” - The Keg Room at Work But best of all Vanilla, it’s my favourite flavour and scent of anything, It makes everything better, Vanilla Ice Cream, Vanilla Yogurt, Vanilla Pudding, Vanilla Custard Everything!
  10. HeavenSunset

    general questions What's this on my profile?

    A malfunction in the engine the forum is run on. There’s been multiple occurrences of this in the past. As for fixing it, that’s up to the Administrators
  11. 513,759 Have we hit a million yet? Haven’t done this in a while.
  12. Guess who’s back…. back again :-P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HeavenSunset


      @TacodidraGood to see you too, friend

      And yes, the days of this profile picture were the best ones

    3. HeavenSunset
    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Heaven's back, tell a friend.

      Guess whos back, guess whos back guess whos back, guess whos back.

      Guesswhos back, guess whos back.


  13. Hi people, I just remembered right now that i am now 3 years on mlpforums. wow

    1. Splashee


      I actually missed my 3 years. Too much on my mind lately to think.

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my divine friend. :kirin: Good to hear from you again. Enjoy the 3 year anniversary.

  14. Hi, im supposed to be inactive but i wanted to celebrate 2 years on this site. Its been good for the time I have been active

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      So good to see you again! :kirin: I really hope you'll consider staying a while. If not, thanks for being here while you can.

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Great to see you, fellow Irish brony! :squee:

    4. Splashee


      Nice to see you again! :coco:

  15. I could be wrong but I'd imagine its something with the bank. Your bank might have flagged it and cancelled your subscription. and for it still showing you as a subscriber you haven't actually missed a payment (i think) so you technically are still subscribed.
  16. I've changed my username and pfp etc. im not that interested in MLP so it fits me more now

  17. I don't even remember what my signature is. This should be fun Anyway 10/10 because communist
  18. Happy new year everypony! I see they changed the interface on MLPF :mlp_wat:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend! Do you like it? :fluttershy:

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy New Year! :blue_baloon:

    4. RaraLover


      Happy New Year, my friend! :yay:

  19. Hi


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      As long as you are still following me, then I will stay by your side are well. :BrightMacContent:

    3. TheRockARooster


      Thanks Heaven, you’re so nice.

    4. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      UwU thanks for not unfollowing me, I hope you've been doing alright bud! :fluttershy:

  20. I predicted this would happen, a bit of a bummer for me since I actually liked it, I have had many peaceful debates with users on this site, but if I'm going to be honest, some users were also very aggressive towards me
  21. Questioning at the moment, I have been thinking more and more that I'm gay
  22. Hi. sorry I haven't been on this forum. There's just some things going on in my life where I can't pay much attention to this forum. I hope you all understand :blush:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Understandable Comrade, life always comes first and sometimes it can get busy, no need to worry about us here, we're not going anywhere :fluttershy: 

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      No need to apologize. Just live your life however you need to. I understand. :adorkable:

    4. Splashee


      Aww, I have missed you! I completely understand though! :kindness:

  23. You know you haven't gotten enough sleep when you bump into not a closed door, but an open door :ButtercupLaugh:

    Anyway, how has your day been?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rikifive


      That happens. :mlp_icwudt:
      I'm enjoying the weekend. :fluttershy:

    3. EpicEnergy


      My day's been good today, how about yours? :grin:

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Surviving. Thanks for asking. :)

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