Ah, alright. I have a picture I made using a Pixel Art platform, though it's just a face shot and poorly done one at that. I'm not much of an artist.
For a general Description Lance would be a bit shorter than Chrysalis, with the Red mane as shown in the picture above, blue eyes. His Chitin would be the same Grey/Black blend as most changelings and the armor plating on his back would be a red/orange mix with red being the dominate color. He'd be wearing a current issue US Army Uniform with the standard issue patrol cap and an M4 carbine slung over his barrel via shoulder strap.
That's all I'm really looking for is that general theme, I'd like a half body shot preferably shaded. Though the insignia on for the Division on the BDUS should be the Symbol of the 3rd Infantry Division AKA (The Rock of the Marne)
Other than that you can take any artistic liberties you want, I'm not a nitpick about these types of things.