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pyro pie

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Everything posted by pyro pie

  1. I don't know about that. I feel that one of the reasons FiM is so good is that it doesn't have a constantly reoccurring villain. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think Chrysalis or Discord would be quite as awesome if they showed up in every other episode, and constantly got thwarted by the mane six. It would just become repetitive and boring, and is altogether unnecessary. Edit: However, I'd love to see Zecora on a more regular basis, even if just as a background character.
  2. I definitely would have to go with Twilight's singing voice. While she doesn't get a whole lot of songs, I love all of the songs she does sing in!
  3. Alicorns are naturally, bigger, and more powerful than any other race of pony I believe. Seeing as how they're the god-race of Equestria, it's not really surprising.
  4. I think it would probably feel like putting your hand in loose jello, or maybe a vat of marshmallow. I can't help but see that their manes look almost liquid, and I think that if I stuck my hand in it, it would be all wet with magic-mane stuff when I pulled it out. Gross, but cool.
  5. I'm pretty sure that multiple examples of unicorns flying has already been shown. There's the episode were rarity gets wings, and then the one were one of the cake twins flies using magic. This just goes to fortify my belief that unicorns are the master race of Equestria, right after Alicorns.
  6. But wait... Chickens don't fly. How is she crippled? All joking aside, that is rather unfortunate. However, this could also be used as the plot for an episode. Steampunk flying machine anyone?
  7. The Characters that grew on me the most were Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. At the beginning, I didn't really like either of them. Pinkie Pie seemed way too obnoxious and annoying, and RD was just a flat out jerk. Now though, 2 seasons later, I've really come to appreciate both of their Characters. In fact, Pinkie Pie became my favorite of the mane 6, and 2nd favorite overall, right behind Trixie.
  8. I quite like Cadences eyes, but I'm digging Discords as well. There are just so many designs to choose from, it's great.
  9. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay, because YOU NEVER GET TO LEAVE! MWHAHAHAHAHA! we've got a great community here, and I'm sure you'll love it.
  10. Heya! Always great to see new people join the forum. I'm sure you'll have an awesome time here. Most accepting community I've ever seen.
  11. I voted Scootaloo. I've never really liked any Pegasus that much, to be honest. I flat out dislike rainbow dash, and while derpy is neat, I prefer other background ponies, like Colgate. Scootaloo is part of the cutie mark crusaders, so I just had to vote for scoot. What's not to love about her?
  12. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay! It's always great to see so new people join.
  13. Welcome to the forums. Luna's pretty awesome, but Trixie is my favorite pony. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  14. Oh my. That is quite the question. My first thoughts go out to Trixie or Pinkie. I'm good with people who have a superiority complex, like Trixie, so I think that I could be a good friend with her. I'd also love being friends with pinkie, simply because she could make me smile, no matter how depressing my day has been. However, the problem with being friends with one of those two ponies is that I'd develop a crush on them, and that could potentially destroy the friendship. I have a terrible habit of developing strong emotional attachments to friends of mine who are female, and 99.9999% of the time, they don't feel the same way, and that's devastating. So, In conclusion, I'd be best friends with Big Mac. I wouldn't develop a crush on him, he's a pretty cool stallion, he's hard working, and he's just a pretty chill guy.
  15. The only person I know who outright hates the show doesn't mention ponies unless I bring it up. In fact, he won't even be in the same room as me if I have ponies on my screen. It's actually pretty useful for when I don't feel like talking to him.
  16. Sorry to say it, but the Great and Powerful Trixie is the Greatest and most Powerful pony. Welcome to the board!
  17. Exactly my thoughts. They seem to be some sort of hive mind insect-like creatures, like Tyranids. My current theory on the subject is that all changeling reproduction works like an ant hive.
  18. Hello, and welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy your stay, because YOU NEVER GET TO LEAVE! MWHAHAHAHAHA! But in all seriousness, you I really hope you enjoy your stay. These forums are wonderful.
  19. After taking a look back at it, I have to say I don't notice a size difference. But of course, maybe that's because I'm unobservant.
  20. While an episode like this could be interesting, it could also end up in complete disaster and fan outrage. Personally, I'd be against it, unless it was VERY vague, generic getting-to-know the citizens episode. That way, it wouldn't hurt the fan image of the characters, but it would still give out some kind of information we wouldn't know otherwise.
  21. Welcome to the forums! As your honorary welcoming present, please accept this awesome GIF.
  22. Bass cannon or Party cannon?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FortyShadows


      Party canon, you know the musical composing style o nvm.

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Party cannon!

    4. Colon Leftbracket
  23. I was going to post a 10 page rant about how I despise shipping, but then I read some of the posts. Phew, that saves me a bit of typing. Anyways, if we're talking about pairings, I want Discord and Chrysalis to team up and take over Equestria. That would be awesome. I'd also like to see an huge, full length episode of a DJ-P0N3/Pinkie Pie party. It would be the most epic thing ever. Last but not least, I want to see an episode were Trixie and Twilight Sparkle have to team up to... do something. Escape a dungeon somewhere, perhaps? I'd love to see the tension between them, and then finally finding out if Trixie will change her ways.
  24. Firefly's the best pre-G4 pony. I would love to see her make it into the Friendship Is Magic, even if just as a background pony. Although, this does pose some dangers. If my knowledge of time travel serves me well, I believe that if you come into contact with your past or future self, it creates and interdimensional, wibbly wobbly whole in the time-space continuum, which could end up destroying the fabric of reality, unless you have a time lord handy. Good thing this show has Dr. Whooves.
  25. Welcome to your new home away from home! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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