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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. Welcome to the ​Forums!


    Saw your comics on your Deviantart, they look pretty damn impressive at first glance. I'll be sure to keep an eye on that account in the future.

  2. I'm having a hard time agreeing with you on 3, I think that each species of ponies have their own kind of magic that makes them unique to each other. For example, the Pegasus are not only gifted with their wings, but control the weather and the sky. Not even Unicorns can step on clouds without falling through. The Earth ponies I feel have a lot more then what meets the eye. Other then being the sole provider of food in Equestria, they seem like they would also be the strongest physically of the 3 species as well as live much longer (Granny Smith admitted to being alive during the founding of ponyvile, and Twilight told Spike "Ponyvile was started by Earth Ponies, so for hundreds of years they never used magic to clean up Winter". By looking at the Manehatten architecture in Cutie Mark Chronicles, it also seems like the Earth Ponies have a more modern design to their cities with lights and possibly electricity rather then the Victorian-style of Canterlot and the Pegasus' sky fortress.


    Also consider that Twilight is one of the few Unicorns that spent her entire life in the study of magic as well as having her cutie mark symbolize magic itself; I cannot recall any other Unicorns preforming anything more then simple levitation.


    Granted this is all headcanon for a children's show, but I the whole 'Unicorn Master Race' thing is a little one-sided when Twilight is the only Unicorn we know who can preform all these incredible feats with magic.

  3. Yes but this isn't a year. This is 7 months. Could you imagine buying a PS3 then all of a sudden, PS4 comes out a mere 9 months later? Yeah, I would be pretty upset with Sony. And that is what Apple is doing here. Want to know how many people have the money to buy a $500 tablet in March then spend another $500 in November over bills, gas, etc? not many. And back to iPad Mini, its true that brand recognition helps sales however. Anyone who actually does research on iPad Mini and other tablets like Nexus 7 and Nook HD will know that iPad Mini is a ripoff compared to the cheaper, and in someways better, competitiors.


    No, this is more like buying a PS3 and the PS3 slim comes out 9 months later; and for the record, PC gamers have to upgrade their parts on a 6-12 month basis to keep up to the highest standards. However, those standards are not all necessary to play PC games. Lets all be honest here: we would be spending $500 extra dollars to use an new iPad with a newer cable and the ability to open Facebook up twice as fast. You don't need to upgrade every time a new model is introduced.


    And I'm not really promoting the iPad mini, I still think it is a ridiculous idea and lackluster product.

  4. It works but it isn't right. Seriously iPad 4 is a big slap to the face to iPad 3 early adopters. All iPad 4 is basically iPad 3 with a lightning connector, dual-band wifi, and supposedly 2x processing power. Apple should be named worst company of the year.


    Why, because they know how to create a working business model that allows them to achieve profit? You have to assume whenever you buy an computer that something new will come out next year that will blow it out of the water.



    My thoughts, there are better options out there.

    Google Nexus, cheaper, better res. and you can add 64 gb card to it.

    I used to like apple, but it seems like any of their new products you have to have the battery replaced every year. So I can't see why you would want apples mini when there are higher quality tablets...


    EDIT: and let's be honest, they haven't redefined a product since the Apple II, they haven't really been ahead of the game since.


    I am inclined to agree with you, but people like to purchase through names they know and are generally not very proficient with computer knowledge. Even though I personally would rather buy a PC over a Mac because I take gaming as a hobby, I still like the Mac OS better. Perhaps that is because I grew up on them and my father was buying Apple since the 80s, but the Apple OS is something I am very familiar with. People don't want to buy a Google Nexus when they already are familiar with the iPad.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I respect that. I am just saying that I think the iPad Mini is overpriced and not worth yours nor anyone's money. I do like Apple's products, but I simply can't stand their business model.


    They are successful with that business model because people always try to buy the newest model devices. It is unnecessary to buy a newer Apple model unless you are at least 2 or 3 models behind, they don't evolve and adapt to newer technology very quickly anymore.

  6. One of my biggest gripes with the Saw franchise is how it turned from an dark and immersive horror to a movie series for people with gore-fetishes. I liked the first movie, but once the traps got to the point where it is not possible to escape, I was not quite as impressed. I will hand it to the writers however, they do make a compelling story.


    Even through all the disturbing traps, the one I cringe at the most to this day still has to be the needle pit in Saw 2.

  7. Not a really inspring idea. The iPad itself is the perfect size for it's purpose, making it any smaller isn't necessary when the iPod and iPhone are on the market already. Granted, we certainly don't have to purchase it, but I don't see it becoming nearly as successful as the iPad.


    The new iMacs however don't look too bad.

  8. I have no idea how you would pull this off, but if you feel confident, give it a shot. As a reader, I would be more interested in the crazy shenanigans of Derpy (assuming this is a comedy) then the Bon Bon love affair.

  9. 1. Applejack

    2. Twilight Sparkle

    3. Rainbow Dash

    4. Fluttershy

    5. Rarity

    6. Pinkie Pie


    Aside from derailing potential Applejack episodes, I just really don't like Pinkie. Her episodes are mediocre at best; Feeling Pinkie Keen was a masterful cop-out and she was so pushy in Cranky Doodle that it even made me rather annoyed. She doesn't even really provide anything to the story besides childish antics and sneezing confetti. Other then her, the other 5 are great and even though Rarity is 5th place, she still is quite amusing and a entertaining character.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Obama... and Hybrids.


    That's all I got to say about that. YOLO doesn't bug me that much because I suppose I don't see or hear it everywhere.


    Something that really bothers me is the general blind hate that any president, no matter the race, religion, or party, gets when they get elected. If you cannot respect the man, respect the position and all the extreme hardships and challenges they face as leader of the free-world.


    Yolo is bad to.

  11. I would take that offer for sure; think of all the things that we will never see in our lifetimes. We will not witness the colonization of Mars or the rest of our solar system; we will never meet our great-great-great-great grandchildren; we will never get to play Half Life 3.


    Think of all the possibilities eternal life brings, as well as a means of ending our adventure when it no longer brings us happiness.

  12. Now this is my own personal opinion, but it really bugs me when people have their profile pictures not actually be a picture of themselves. I see profile pictures as a way to quickly identify without having to look at their name (that, and a good amount of my friends share first names). However, don't let your fear of being ridiculed for you profile picture be a reason not to do it.

  13. Welcome to the Forums! I'm not much of a RPer myself, but I do enjoy writing! Besides, we have plenty of good RPers around here, so be sure to check out the Roleplay World.


    Hope you enjoy your time!

  14. How can you say those two episodes are the worst so far when we had to endure Owl's Well That Ends Well and Look Before You Sleep in season 1? Granted, opinions are opinions, but those two episodes are not that bad at all. The finale will make up for anything you haven't come to appreciate so far.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. One thing that I had observed about Discord is that he is one of the few villains who did not want world domination like you would expect from cartoons. Instead of simply enslaving Equestria or destroying the Elements of Harmony, he toyed with the Mane 6 because it pleased him. Discord didn't need a motive or a reason, he just wanted to watch the world burn. He was very polished and refined, and made for a very unique antagonist, the best for MLP yet in my opinion.

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