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Everything posted by YoungJustice12334

  1. I couldn't agree more. BTW, I'm not a fan of the "To Where and back Again" storyline. When Starlight discovers a big elaborate plot that involved all of the Mane 6, royals and loved ones getting kidnapped, she starts up a team between herself, Trixie, Discord and Thorax of all people to try and save them. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to care much for this finale. I really hated the way they had to dumb down basically every other important main lead aside from Starlight into helpless damsels-in-distress just rubbed me the wrong way, especially when you consider how much the Mane 6 fought so strongly against the Changeling army back in "A Canterlot Wedding" (and even Shining Armor and Cadence were able to blow them all back with the power of their combined magic). In The episode, here it just seemed like they were all conveniently underpowered JUST to hype up Starlight as the "big grand savior" of them all...what a joke. As for that whole "team up" between her, Trixie, Thorax and Discord it just didn't really make any sense to me since they were all such randomly placed characters when put together... so I couldn't get that into their team dynamic much, unfortunately. Thorax was the only character I liked out of the dynamic. When Starlight and her team finally reached Chrysalis' new fortress, they have to make a big life-changing choice to finally free both their friends and the other Changelings from Chrysalis' control. While the stakes did seem to rise up a bit better with Chrysalis now shown more on-screen in a more intimidating light, I still couldn't get that attached to the plot enough to stay that invested. Though I admittedly don't really mind the new looks of the reformed Changelings (minus Thorax's rather..."gaudy" colorscheme), and it was lowkey refreshing that Chrysalis actually rejected Starlight's offer to reform along with the others before running away. But still, the whole finale set up felt too much like a bad fanfiction for me to fully appreciate it. So as much as it tried, it's still generally my least favorite finale of the show.
  2. I See why you may think that, but That doesn't make me like her that much from the reasons I just stated. I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of the "To Where and back Again" storyline. When Starlight discovers a big elaborate plot that involved all of the Mane 6, royals and loved ones getting kidnapped, she starts up a team between herself, Trixie, Discord and Thorax of all people to try and save them. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to care much for this finale. I really hated the way they had to dumb down basically every other important main lead aside from Starlight into helpless damsels-in-distress just rubbed me the wrong way, especially when you consider how much the Mane 6 fought so strongly against the Changeling army back in "A Canterlot Wedding" (and even Shining Armor and Cadence were able to blow them all back with the power of their combined magic). In The episode, here it just seemed like they were all conveniently underpowered JUST to hype up Starlight as the "big grand savior" of them all...what a joke. As for that whole "team up" between her, Trixie, Thorax and Discord it just didn't really make any sense to me since they were all such randomly placed characters when put together... so I couldn't get that into their team dynamic much, unfortunately. Thorax was the only character I liked out of the dynamic. When Starlight and her team finally reached Chrysalis' new fortress, they have to make a big life-changing choice to finally free both their friends and the other Changelings from Chrysalis' control. While the stakes did seem to rise up a bit better with Chrysalis now shown more on-screen in a more intimidating light, I still couldn't get that attached to the plot enough to stay that invested. Though I admittedly don't really mind the new looks of the reformed Changelings (minus Thorax's rather..."gaudy" colorscheme), and it was lowkey refreshing that Chrysalis actually rejected Starlight's offer to reform along with the others before running away. But still, the whole finale set up felt too much like a bad fanfiction for me to fully appreciate it. So as much as it tried, it's still generally my least favorite finale of the show.
  3. I respect your opinion, but I still don't like Trixie. She's nothing more than an Egomaniac to me, and shewas the most obnoxious & egotistical character in MLP to me. I'm sorry, but Trixie to me is nothing more than an obnoxious show-off who's too damn smug for her own good. She's also a cheater and a bragger, and The only thing she was Great and Powerful at was being Arrogant and Unbearable and I just can't stand her.
  4. The reasons of why I don't like Trixie is the fact that She built her ego on a foundation of lies and deceit, along with Bullying and provoking other ponies to satiate her pride, and chose to punish a town, which was Ponyville, that DARED to suggest that maybe she wasn't nearly as great and powerful as she thought she was, and The only thing Trixie was Great and Powerful at was being Arrogant and Unbearable and I couldn't stand an egomaniac like her. There are two types of braggers, those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk. AJ, RD, Rarity & Twi can at least walk, and while Trixie being all talk is technically part of her job, she took it too far at several points. When confronted on her supposed "greatness" Trixie defended herself against Rainbow's heckling was telling her lie about the Ursa Major, then started calling ponies on stage to humiliate when her audience, ”her entire audience”, didn't give her a standing ovation after she claimed to be the "best in Ponyville", with only Snips and Snails praising her. Trixie said "anything you can do I can do better" she was expected to do just that, but she didn't: 1. She challenged ponies to show off their talents 2. Didn't actually attempt to out-do them in anything they do, but instead, attempt to publicly humiliate them. AJ shows off roping prowess and ropes apple. Trixie ties her up, stuffs apple in mouth. Not doing AJ's trick better Dash shows off flying, creating a rainbow. Trixie attacks her with the rainbow. Again, not actually doing it better Rarity clothes herself. Trixie turns her mane into a sewer rat's nest. Once again, that's not actually doing it better. If she really wanted to turn their own talents against then she'd: Lasso more apples than AJ. Actually use RD's rainbow and have it mimic her stunts while adding a little flair to them via fireworks or something. Simply use a spell on her own cape to give it more flair or simply made her dress prettier than it already was. But instead she just cheated by embarrassing them off the stage and back out of her own challenge. While I understand the whole "traveler spreading tall tales" thing being part of her act, she loses sympathy points because of her "anything you can do I can do better" challenge. Not mention that they called her out since she gloating about something she didn't do, plus she didn't really do anything that spectacular aside from basic magic, which really isn't a big deal in a world where it's a part of everyday life, it's not like she was pulling off Starlight Glimmer level spells or anything. Bottom Line: When you boast, it's better to boast about things you can actually accomplish, and when you challenge someone, you don't back out of it by embarrassing said challenger, that doesn't make you better it just makes you look like a pathetic, cowardly, cheater. Trixie's actions were uncalled for, she simply cheated and attacked her hecklers instead of owning up to her own challenge. If she can't do that then she's technically more in the wrong than the Mane three. I'm sorry but In MLP I kind of hate ponies that are characterized by Ego and Pride. Her redemption didn't help because to me it was forced, and to me, her friendship with Starlight Glimmer, who was the worst reformed villain, was kind of a Toxic relationship in my eyes and didn't help improve her at all, it made her more annoying to me than anything. The episode "All Bottled Up" was one of the reasons why I Hated Trixie. It doesn't make it any better to come back to it since it basically all but proves how much of a toxic dynamic Starlight and Trixie have grown to see in the show. In this instance, it wasn't just because of Starlight in the episode, but Trixie herself for her overbearing smugness and insensitive ignorance to Starlight's growing frustration while they were trying to find the map. I'll be honest, I may not care much for Starlight on her own and I consider her redemption arc to be written terribly but even I found her treatment in the episode to be unfair and terrible...And I was just sick of Trixie. The Mane 6 didn't fare any better with them being derailed into cheesy cliches of themselves in some forgettable side plot about exploring some friendship adventure or whatever, so there's very little else for me to enjoy about this episode to give it much of a pass. Trixie to me was the most obnoxious & egotistical character in MLP. I'm sorry, but Trixie to me is nothing more than an obnoxious show-off who's too damn smug for her own good. She's also a cheater and a bragger, and The only thing she was Great and Powerful at was being Arrogant and Unbearable and I couldn't stand an egomaniac like her. The Boast Busters episode, which was her first appearance, never had me like her as A character either. To me, the only thing the character was great and powerful at was bothering me and just being a pain in the ass. Even though she was the focus of only two episodes recently, she really left a bad mark on me. In Boast Busters, she exaggerated her fantasies that led to trouble and in Magic Duel, she became corrupted for the purpose of getting revenge on Twilight from BB. (And she used Snips and Snails as they were her slaves) It's already bad enough we had to have that egomaniac shoved down our throats, but once she came back and befriended Starlight, Trixie to me was the same old annoying pain in the ass who never seemed to learn her lesson. I was never a fan of the episode "All Bottled Up" but it makes me wonder why characters like Starlight Glimmer would see the good in her. I'm sorry if I offended you too much if you're A Trixie fan, but I just think she's an arrogant, stuck-up bitch who only brags about how wonderful she is when really, she sucks. Rainbow Dash may be a show-off at times, but at least she's honest about herself. Rainbow Dash Can be smug, but the main difference between Rainbow Dash and Trixie is that when Rainbow Dash brags she can be able to Back Up her boasting and can actually do what she claims she can do. Sure, Rainbow Dash can be a loudmouth bragger, but at least when she brags, she does it within her own range of talent. Trixie, on the other hand, brags outside of it and never owns up to it. Trixie always make her ridiculous claim of "anything you can do I can do better", and she was expected to do that, but she can't. Rainbow Dash can actually back up her boasts on the spot, and she doesn't issue any challenges as she knows she's not capable of owning up to. Sure she's a bragger, but she's a bragger that can actually act on any of her boasts. Trixie does not do that, and Rainbow isn't stupid enough to simply take credit for something she didn't do. Bragging outside of your skill range will only get you so far until you're backed into a corner and forced to actually act on those claims, Trixie couldn't act on them so she cheated her way out and instead just attacked them directly. Don't get me wrong, I kind of get annoyed with Rainbow Dash's boasting, but at least she backs up her boasts at the spot, and she doesn't issue any challenges as she knows she isn't capable of going against. Sure she's a bragger, but she's the type of bragger that can act on her boasts. And even after I saw "No Second Prances", I just couldn't bring myself to even like or relate to Trixie. I still didn't like the "All Bottled Up" episode, & while I'm not a huge fan of Starlight, Even I was getting tired of Trixie's awful attitude like She was. Don't get me started on her behavior in "A Horse Shoe-In" didn't make her any better, in my opinion, Trixie was incredibly obnoxious throughout the whole episode. Just like Starlight, Trixie was nothing of A special character in the show, to say the least. Do you agree or disagree with my reasoning of Why I Don't Like Trixie?
  5. Okay, I respect your opinion, but it's still not my favorite episode. You can't parallel the critics of the show to the critics of the journal because the journal critics are acting like these real characters are fictional and the show critics are acting like these fictional characters are fictional, which they are. It breaks the correspondence and makes no sense. BTW, I've been writing my own MLP OC, And I'm not quite sure if the OC's good. Is there A chance you can read it later?: https://mlpforums.com/topic/191745-my-very-own-mlp-oc-let-me-know-what-you-think-of-it/?tab=comments#comment-5854411
  6. I see, sorry about that. I'll remember to post it there next time.
  7. I feel like the original version of Magical Mystery Cure was rushed, & Twilight's moment of becoming an Alicorn could've been much better if given better writing. The main problem I had with the episode is while it is obvious that this episode was originally planned as a regular episode, it became an ending, and as a season finale, it is just disappointing. It clearly falls short of expectations. The story progresses slowly and predictably, without any twist. There is no real tension, everything just goes forward, until it reaches its end. Twilight's ascension to an alicorn should have been one of the best, one of the most memorable, and most cathartic moments in the history of the show. While It still is, It felt rushed and anticlimactic. So The one Big Change I would make to MLP's Magical Mystery Cure is instead of the episode being self-contained, I will write the storyline as A Two-Parter Instead. Part 1 and 2 of Magical Mystery Cure would play out like this: Part 1: Prologue: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna discuss about The book of Star Swirl the Bearded, and after the two flips through the book, they spot an Incomplete last page. Princess Celestia tells Luna that if Twilight can complete it, she'll be rewarded to the next level of her studies. Princess Luna would ask her about what happens if Twilight writes the spell wrong, but Celestia reassures her that she'll be fine. Act 1: The Mane Six would be hanging about together in Ponyville and talk about the great adventures they had together and how much they have grown since being conjoined by the Elements of Harmony. Following a quip about how happy Ponyville looks and is, The Song from the original episode "Life in Ponyville" occurs, but without the scene of an interruption of Rarity accidentally dumping rainwater on top of her, that part will occur later on. When the song is done, the Mane Six laugh together. Suddenly, Spike ends up burping A letter with the addition of Star Swirl's book which appears before Twilight. Everyone in Ponyville sees this and gives out an ooh moment, especially Twilight, who was responsible for finishing the spell. Some Ponies would question how to finish it, and One of the Ponies asks who Star Swirl the Bearded is. Twilight Sparkle explains who he is and his legend. Some of the spells Twilight used came from him. He was one of her idols when she was a filly, and it was his greatness as to why she yearns to be the best magician alive today. If she can complete the spell, She evolves to a new level of her studies. Act 2: Twilight returns home & begin to research Star Swirl and reads his book of spells, starting from the small ones to the aging spell. Then she came across the incomplete spell again. Forgetting that the Elements of Harmony were behind her, she began to chant the spell, but nothing happened. So she changed it by completing it, not knowing that the rest of The Elements of Harmony are altered in color but hers. The next morning, Twilight hums Life in Ponyville again, only to have water dumped on her. Rarity's cutie mark was Rainbow Dash's lightning bolt. Twilight asked what happened, but Rarity doesn't remember anything prior. Therefore, the Song "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me" from the original episode plays out here In Part 1. Act 3: Twilight panics and tries to convince her friends to remember what they did, but they couldn't. They didn't even remember what happened yesterday. Twilight races back home and looks at the book again and Star Swirl's past history again. Then she looked at the Elements of Harmony. All of the colors are altered, which has Twilight realize that what she did resulted in her friends' livelihoods being altered, and harmony quickly turned to despair. Twilight looks at the results of this which is Carousel Boutique was being boarded, Sweet Apple Acres becoming desolate, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy feeling hopeless with their new talents, and Rarity crying into a corner for the mistakes she made with her talents. Twilight's mood saddened and felt even more hopeless. The song "I've Got to Find a Way" Plays, which closes off Part 1 of Magical Mystery Cure. Part 2 Prologue: A Recap of The events of Part 1. Act 1: Twilight would start researching her books and she keeps looking at the spell she enacted. She tried to write it out and rewrite it, but each time she attempted, it got blocked. Frustrated, Twilight throws her book down hard on the ground, frustrated. For the first time since her discordance, she felt hopeless. A tear sheds, landing on the book. Princess Celestia appears & consoles Twilight. The Two teleport into Canterlot, where Princess Celestia brings her into a room where all of Twilight's memories and accomplishments are kept. An altered version of Celestia's Ballad commences, reminding Twilight of all the hardships and accomplishments she underwent. Princess Celestia reassures Twilight that she can fix the spell and encourages her not to quit and also says that it's not too late to make things right. Princess Celestia tells Twilight to Follow her dreams and To put her heart into Ponyville. Twilight was inspired and realized if she can't rewrite the spell, she can fix it by reminding her friends of their true talents. Act 2: With the Elements of Harmony gathered, Twilight finds Fluttershy and tells her that only she can help Rainbow Dash and make things right again. The two Ponies go to visit the cottage, where the animals hold a mutiny against Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy's able to successfully communicate with them and, with help from her Element, got her true talent back. The Song "A True, True Friend." from the original show then plays and after the song, The Mane Six have A group hug and they're very happy to see themselves back to the way they were again. And here, Twilight was able to think of a way to fix the spell. They looked at Star Swirl's book one final time and noticed a pattern of attempting to live a life and evolve further, but the spells felt negative and cold. Twilight was able to connect the idea of maybe evolving into something more important and greater. And the spell was a method to conclude it. Instead of rewriting the spell from the paper, Twilight rewrote it from scratch but changed the final lines. Suddenly, the Elements of Harmony are charged, engulfing Twilight into a ball of light. When the light fades, everyone gasps to see Twilight missing. Act 3: Twilight then wakes up and unfolds her wings, revealing to be an alicorn. Everyone was shocked but excited. Twilight was surprised but worried about how all this can happen. Celestia appears and explains Star Swirl's past about not being able to understand friendship. He was a powerful unicorn, but was always alone and worked on his spells solo. His legacy didn't begin until long after he disagreed. He wanted to be great, but Twilight did something no other Pony ever did: complete Star Swirl's magic of alicorn evolution, which is A concept that's never been done before. Furthermore, if needed, Twilight can be promoted into a Princess of Magic, surprising everyone. Twilight questions Princess Celestia of how to do her duties, but she reassures her that everything will be okay, and all of her questions will eventually be answered. Twilight reluctantly accepted it but took a look at her wings with some doubt. The last scene of Part 2 would be Twilight Sparkle being promoted to A Princess and having her coronation. In her speech, she thanked all of her friends for helping her grow into the pony she is today. After a group hug, The song "Life in Equestria" from the original episode happens here. In the end, Twilight asks Celestia if everything will be fine, and Celestia happily winked, and Twilight smiled hopefully. Part 2 would end from there, but without the scene of Twilight flying towards the screen, And the ending would set up Twilight's training to become A Better Princess for Season 4. So What do you think of my rewrite of Magical Mystery Cure?
  8. My OC's Name: Comet Star Cutie Mark description: A Golden Star with A Silver Heart In The Center with A Gold Ribbon underneath It Personality traits: Serious (When Required To Be), Brave, Kind, Protective, Short-Tempered, Threatening If You Screw With Him And/Or his Friends. Comet's Fatal Flaw: He Isn't as smart and into studying as Other Ponies are. He's smarter than others think, but he just doesn't put it in full use without encouragement. His Core Element of Harmony: Faith Backstory: Comet Star started off as a bit of an arrogant Pony and kind of cared about himself at first, but not to the point where he pushes everyone away solely because he's a bit famous. He wasn't as at the top of his class as the other Ponies, but He started to rise to the top in Various sports and Junior athletics, which became one of his favorite subjects in school. Comet Star's Father was one of the Top Royal Guards, and Comet never knew his mother, but his father ended up getting killed at one point during his time protecting Canterlot. After his father's funeral, Comet was stricken with grief and sadness, but Princess Celestia adopted him and took him in because she saw potential in him and felt bad for Comet. Princess Celestia knew Comet's father very well since he was one of the Top Royal Guards and helped him overcome his grief of losing him. Despite the fact Comet Star was excelling in his class, he still felt lonely, and he felt like he should find make some friends. One of the students Comet Star had a crush on was none other than Twilight Sparkle. Comet knew Twilight ever since he was younger, and Him and Twilight became Princess Celestia's personal students, Along with Spike the dragon. Comet Star and Twilight Sparkle started off as friends, and later on closer friends. In Twilight and Comet's classes, They worked together to Study, research, and complete projects with the help of Spike. Comet Star wanted Twilight to play some sports with him to be more active, but Twilight was more into books than sports, which he respected, so he played Sports with Spike and treated him like his best friend despite him being A Dragon. Twilight being a bookworm wasn't that much of an issue to Comet Star at first, but it did when he befriended Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Heart, Lyra, and Moon Dancer, who were more supporting to him than Twilight was. Comet Star's other friends helped him gain self-confidence, which succeeded, and even encouraged him to do continue in Physical Training in his Gym Class. As A result, he became more Agile and Flexible than most Ponies, but the biggest accomplishment was his speed. Due to Comet Star's accomplishment with being A Fast Runner, he earned A Place on the school's Track Team, which was recommended by Spike The Dragon, which he accepted. He even earns his spot of the team after The Coach sees his performance with his speed during his tryout. Comet started to excel with Being A Track Racer, but one of his big rivals he encounters is An arrogant Bully named Firefall. When He sees Firefall bully the other Track Racers and Other foals like Twilight, he steps up to him and this has Comet Star to start caring about other ponies than just himself. When Firefall bullies him, Comet Star starts to doubt himself that he can beat him but Twilight and his friends and A Few acquaintances he knows would stand with him & encourage him to beat Firefall. It would be Twilight and the support of his Track Racer Fans that leads him to beat his Rival Firefall and caring about other than just himself. Before their big race, Comet Star warns Firefall that when he loses he's gonna wind up alone and have nopony to blame but himself. Firefall, being the arrogant Bully he is, acts stubborn and doesn't listen to him. The day of the race arrives and Comet Star and Firefall have a heated rivalry since it's their final race against each other. Firefall looks like he's gonna beat Comet Star but Firefall crashes and breaks both his legs, which makes Comet Star's statement about him proven true and the attendance watch in complete shock of Firefall's crashing. Comet Star wins the race and The coach along with his other friends and family congratulate him and the coach says to him: "I can't believe it...You just proved you're not just A racer, you are THE Racer. I'm really glad that you weren't those other cheating Unicorns." Comet Star responds with "I couldn't have done it without my friends and family on my side. They helped me keep My Faith in winning the biggest race of my life." Comet confronts Firefall after the day of the race and Firefall apologizes to him and says that he's sorry for the way he acted and he should've listened to Him. Comet feels A Little bad for him, but he also responds to Firefall with "Don't say I didn't warn you Firefall, some track racer you are" and Firefall decides to be a better pony going forward. Comet Star would still make great accomplishments being on the school track team, and continues his friendship with Twilight, but Mario eventually decides to take a long break from being A track racer to focus on his studies and being there for Twilight. Comet Star even Joins Twilight Sparkle on A path of Study Abroad, and during his studies with Twilight, the two Ponies would connect A lot overtime. Despite The fact Comet Star retired from being A track racer, he's still recognized by other ponies for his successful track racing career and even has a lot of respect from most ponies including The Mane 6. As For his relationship with Twilight Sparkle, I was thinking they would start off as close friends at first but then start developing feelings for each other as years of them being together gone by. Comet Star would even Join The Mane 6 with protecting Equestria and solving friendship lesson, and when he does, he would be known as The Element of Faith.Twilight makes Comet Star The 2nd Leader In command of the Mane 7 alongside her and He would be The Element that keeps the trust and confidence In the group and Himself against the odds they face.
  9. You have a few spelling errors in your Reply to me, but You do have great points with how my rewritten version of "A Royal Problem" can work. BTW, One thing people tell me is they accuse me of being apart of the toxic fandom for hating The Fame and Misfortune episode, but I'm not honestly. I know some fans take it as A Way of laughing at themselves, but I personally don't find myself drawn to the episode. As for as Laughing at myself goes, I'm not one of the toxic fans, but I didn't find anything in the episode to be laughable. Seeing the lives of The Mane 6 getting ruined In a Single way wasn't funny to me, it was infuriating to watch, In fact. It's infuriating to watch Applejack’s home getting invaded, Pinkie Pie getting laughed at whenever she talks, Rainbow Dash never getting two seconds of peace, Rarity’s business being boycotted, and Fluttershy gets harassed in the streets. That's not funny to me at all, the more I watch it, the more it pisses me off. I respect their opinions and it's reasonable why the people that like the episode would think this, but I still couldn't find myself all that drawn to it, especially with the town's ponies being strangely unappreciative and overly nit-picky of these same ponies who SAVED Them from Evil numerous times in the past...Seeing the Mane 6 lives get ruined in a single day was just terrible and hard to watch. Any criticisms against the mane six made from the book are automatically bullshit to me because the journal only documents the lessons made at the end of each episode. The journal does not set out to make characters and tell stories. It's autobiographical and is made to share lessons. The TV show on the other hand is fiction. It does set out to tell stories and create characters. A fair comparison for the journal would be if the TV show was just the friendship lessons from seasons 4-5. Not the rest of the episodes. Just the lessons. If that was true, this episode shouldn't have been made because there'd be no fan criticism to base it on. You can't criticize something like that unless it gives a rancid moral. But that's not one of the criticisms that the episode goes for. Only the stuff that makes no sense in-universe. So yeah. As a commentary on the fanbase, it came across as insulting and just terrible. When Ponyville argued that the mane six aren't real characters, It doesn't work when complaining about the criticisms of this show. It brings up arguments that make no sense in the show's universe and expects the audience to take the episode seriously when it takes the arguments down. By the end, the episode gives such little of a shit about justifying these arguments in-universe that they are literally using words like "character". Just to be clear, I'm not apart of the Bad side of the MLP Fandom, but I don't like the episode, personally. I've once consider Not Asking for Trouble to be the worst episode of Season 7, and then Secrets and Pies but it wasn't as bad, but Larson's attempt to return to the staff of writers was just unacceptable. the description for the episode sounded A little terrible just by its description before it even aired for the rest of us to watch it on TV. And I was completely confused as to how Larson would think of us bronies faithfully when he wrote Slice of Life, and yet he attacks us with this crap saying "it's only for little girls, NOT for any of you older grown men!" I mean I've already heard Jim Miller making mean tweets about this in a similar manner, but Larson doing it through an actual episode, whether or not he MEANT it, is a completely different story. So how the heck could the townsponies not take ANY of those lessons the Mane Six learned in their friendship journals into account? And why the heck do they supposedly try to portray themselves as us bronies what with their thoughts on the friendship journal itself similar to OUR OWN situation on the show and its variety of episodes themselves?! And it is also beyond me as to why Larson would try portray the fandom what with the townsponies doing our parts, thinking that we're all mean-spirited towards like the crew (if the Mane Six were actually portrayed as the crew in this episode), not to mention any little fillies feel like the little children (besides little girls) who are into the show. Whether or not that's the case, it is undeniable that it should stand as more controversial than The Last Roundup when Derpy's original portrayal was offensive to the disabled. The Fame and Misfortune to me Is A broken mess in every possible way, even if there was nothing wrong with the Mane Six, Starlight, or the Crusaders (or two other fillies that seem like throwbacks to previous generations of MLP). And the worst part about it to me is the song Flawles. It could've made a good song for another episode if written correctly, But It shoves that terrible moral Down our throats in the wrong way. It's almost like the episode was trying to make The MLP fandom, and other fandoms like like ours, look retarded and uncool, when it's not like that Entirely. A Lot of MLP Fans tell me to take this episode as A way of laughing at myself, but I honestly didn't like it because of the reasons I stated. Do you agree or disagree with me?
  10. One of the essential things to the FNAF Lore that I hope gets mentioned in the movie Is one of the places that opened before Freddy Fazbear's Pizza which is none other than Fredbear's Family Diner. The Diner was the first, original location that Fazbear Entertainment set up, and Fredbear and Spring Bonnie were one of the first Popular animatronics to exist. It's also the place where The Bite of 83 was caused by some asshole friends and a terrible brother, which caused William Afton to descend into madness and start murdering children out of anger and insanity at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, which started the events of the FNAF Storyline. Here's My take on the history of Fredbear's Family Diner & The Bite of 83 In The FNAF Movie Continuity. I hope you all will like my take on it: Fredbear's Family Diner had its grand opening in 1973 & the owners were none other than William Afton & Henry Coope. The Diner was very popular during the time it was opened, but the building wasn't as Huge as Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria before it opened. The Diner had 6 rooms: the entrance, the dining room, the Arcade section, the hall, the bathrooms, backstage, and the kitchen. The entrance, bathrooms, and kitchen are basically what you'd expect. The Animatronic cast consisted of Fredbear & Spring Bonnie, who was the Diner's most famous Duo, Along with The Puppet, Balloon Boy, & Funtime Foxy/Mangle as additional characters. The dining room had some video games, some of which were classic arcade games like Pac-Man, Galaga, and some of the arcade games were even original Fredbear-themed games. The room had A total of 10-11 tables to sit at for the customers. The diner started to grow so popular, A Kids TV show was made to promote it. The show was called Fredbear and Friends which introduced Fredbear, Spring Bonnie Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. Before the events of the FNAF Movie where Mike took the Night Shift Job at Freddy's, Awhile back during the 1980's, Mike Majored in Computer programming in High School & near the end of his Final School Year, Mike Schmidt's Parents wanted him and his cousin Jeremy to find Jobs so both of them can take care of themselves & their newborn sibling Markus. Mike Schmidt and His stepbrother Jeremy Fitzgerald found A Now Hiring Poster/Job notice on A bulletin board at his school saying that Fredbear's Family diner is hiring. Mike Schmidt & Jeremy Fitzgerald are teenagers around the Time Fredbear's Family Diner was still opened, which is around 18-19. Mike was studying millwright in High school & eventually did in college as well, So his talents lead to Him Earning his First Job An industrial mechanic for Fredbear's Family Diner and For Fazbear Entertainment. As for Jeremy Fitzgerald's Job In the Diner, he took the Job of being A Performer/Entertainer In The Diner which would involve Him earning crowd-pleasing value from the customers by wearing the Fredbear Spring-Lock suit to entertain the children which he grew better at overtime. Mike Schmidt and the other employees of the Diner would make sure to keep an eye on Jeremy for his safety just in case if the spring locks of the suit could loosen when he wears them. Mike Schmidt would also be the manufacturer that provides Jeremy the Hand Crank to wear the Spring-Lock suits, Along with helping His cousin Jeremy of Climbing into & out of the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie suits. Phone Guy would be one of the Diner's Top employees that would help Mike and Jeremy with their Jobs before the events of FNAF 1. Pre-Phone Guy also created training tapes on how to work the SpringLock suits in the Diner, which is similar to the training tapes in the FNAF 3 Game.Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald had decent Pay Grades & the two got along well with Most of The Diner's staff, and the two were very surprised to see A few members of the Diner's security team were around their age. Some of the kids in the Diner annoyed them by sometimes bothering them, but It didn't bother him that much since they did great with their Jobs in Fredbear's Family Diner. The Diner's owners who were William Afton & Henry Coope were impressed with Mike & Jeremy's performance with their Jobs. William Afton was impressed with Mike's work as an industrial mechanic, and Henry Coope was very impressed with how Good of an Entertainer Jeremy Fitzgerald was when he cosplayed as Fredbear or Spring Bonnie for the customers. Mike and Jeremy could also get free Pizza during their Jobs, and everything was going fine for The Diner and their Jobs, Until one terrible incident in 1983. During Mike's Dayshift Job, He ends up witnessing A couple of teenagers bullying a younger child & recognized him as William Afton's older son, and Mike didn't like how the Child was suffering on his Birthday one little bit, especially since the way he was being treated was awful, so Mike gets Jeremy's help to put a stop to it and help the kid. Mike & Jeremy gave Terrance & his friends A very threatening kind of Warning to stop bullying the kid on his birthday or they'll call security to force them out & Report this to his father William & Henry Coope for bullying his brother on his birthday. Mike tries to call security, but A few of the bullies attack him & his cousin Jeremy & they hold them back from reaching their walkie talkies to call the rest of the security team. Terrance and his other asshole friends then proceed to take Joseph to stuff him into Fredbear's mouth to scare him, which is what the bullies would later Regret & that Mike & Jeremy warned him about. Mike and Jeremy manage to throw some punches at the bullies for attacking them and fight them off, and Then they attempt To stop Afton's older son Terrance Afton and the rest of his terrible friends from stuffing his little brother into the mouth of Fredbear. Mike gets the help of Jeremy to try and pull Joseph out of Fredbear's mouth, but unfortunately, they don't pull him out in time and Joseph's frontal lobe ends up getting bitten off, causing the Bite of 83. The closing of the Diner leads Mike and Jeremy to find temporary New Jobs and they're told by William to throw Fredbear & Spring Bonnie into the Parts & Service room & dismantle them and leave them behind. Due to The Bite of 83, Fredbear's Family Diner was closed down at the beginning of the year 1984. It's still remembered by the Diner's customers as A great family place, but when Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria opens up a few months later in 1984, the Pizzeria becomes just as Popular as The Diner was. Sometime after Mike witnessed the Bite of 83 and The Diner closed down, Fazbear Entertainment announces that they would be rebranded from the ground up, which has Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy be created as new characters, with The Puppet, Funtime Foxy/Mangle, and Maybe Balloon Boy as additional characters to the new Animatronic Cast. Mike Schmidt finds out about this news when he watches A PSA Video from the Company on A VHS Tape that explains Fazbear Entertainment creating A new restaurant with new characters called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The restaurant would open in 1984, and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza would be the most popular food chain from 1984-85 because the disappearances of the 5 Children would take place sometime during the year of 1985. Mike Schmidt was around the age of 18-19 around the time he worked at Fredbear's Family Diner, so around the time The events of the Movie take place, he's at the age of 24-25, which makes Him and Jeremy Young Adults. Markus Schmidt would be Mike's little brother who's at the age of 9-10, & he would be linked to the disappearances of the 5 Children, and Mike would continue to work as The Pizzeria's Industrial Mechanic who helped built the new animatronics for Freddy's & As A Dayshift employee on occasions.Mike & his parents decide to take Little Markus to Freddy's for his birthday for the 1st time, and Markus would have a great time on his birthday. Markus would interact with the Animatronics, Makes A few friends by meeting some of the other kids, His brother Mike & his parents giving some Good support, & everything is going well on Markus's special day, but Markus ends up going missing when he follows A guy dressed In a Spring Bonnie suit & follows him without Mike or his parent's permission. As for Mike's motive of him continuing to work at the Night Shift Job while surviving from the Animatronics, He would want to find out where The other missing children and his Little Brother Markus are somehow. Another reason is he would want Some extra money since the Job would pay him A Huge amount of Cash that's bigger than his paygrade as A Industrial Mechanic, which is around 100 or 200 Dollars. During Mike's 1st Night of his Night Shift, He would think that The animatronics are moving around at Night because of buggy programming in the animatronics & have An error in facial recognition which is explained by Phone Guy, but then He would eventually find out that The Pizzeria has become haunted by the 5 missing children & they've possessed the Animatronics, which he has a hard time believing at first. What do you guys think of my take on The History of Fredbear's Family Diner for The Continuity of The FNAF Movie?
  11. How I would portray the Puppet for the FNAF Movie is that The Puppet is possessed by the spirit of William Afton's Wife Clara Afton who he killed. How I would have this Idea work is That one day when Clara went to see his Husband William, he ended up finding a body of a child in William's trunk of his car outside the pizzeria, or something like that. Clara Afton would find out that William's A murderer & decides to confront him about it & questions him of why he's doing this to children. It would give William no choice but to silence/Kill his wife Clara in order to cover his tracks. When William kills her, I would say that her body was next to the Puppet when she got killed, which makes her Possess the Puppet without William knowing it, and it makes Clara an angry & restless spirit. When Clara Afton/The Puppet finds the 5 dead children William killed, she decides to give life to them so they can one day get revenge against Willaim Afton for what he did to them & Clara, which would basically make Clara Afton A mother figure to the spirits of the animatronics. And I would say that The murder took place around the time Fredbear's Family Diner was still open before the Bite of 83, and William had no choice but to hide her wife's death from her children Elizabeth, Joseph, and The older brother Terrance. In case if you're wondering, The Puppet was apart of Fredbear's Family Diner's animatronic Cast, & when the Bite of 83 happened, The Puppet was added to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria as A additional character, but no one knew that The Puppet had the spirit of William's dead wife. I thought maybe for the movie Mike Schmidt & The Puppet could be rivals at first due to there opposing views on how to solve the murders & sins present in The Pizzeria, which would make The Puppet one of the movie's central Antagonist, but Not exactly a full-on villain. Mike Schmidt would see the danger that people are placed in and view the conflict of the children when he works as The night guard While Clara Afton/The Puppet seems to believe that the ends justify the means, as long as the forgotten are avenged who cares about those who get in their way. As for the Reason of how the Music Box keeps the Puppet from coming out, The tune of the Music Box reminded her of her 2 young children Joseph & Elizabeth, which acts as a lullaby in a way, & reminded her of her peaceful time in her life before her husband killed her. Another idea I have for the movie is that Maybe Mike Schmidt would be required to complete tasks that would force him to free-roam out of his Office while trying to outsmart the Animatronics. The type of methods Mike would use to survive from The Animatronics while Free-Roaming is using different types of stealth skills to hide from them, Melee combat using a crowbar against the Animatronics, resource management, stuff like that then Just hiding in his security Office. A few ideas I have is that there can be a scene where Mike Schmidt is running from Foxy & Trying to Get Back to his Office, and as the audience think Foxy's about to get Mike, Mike finds A fire extinguisher near him & uses it as Another weapon. Mike uses the fire extinguisher to extinguish Foxy to slow him down & Block his view of him and when Foxy's about to strike Mike with his Hook, he uses it to block Foxy's attack which creates smoke around Foxy & makes it difficult to spot Mike. Mike then strikes Foxy with his Crowbar which knocks him down, and then gets back into His office safely, which makes Mike feel very Lucky. I would have A Few dayshift Scenes occur in the Movie, And My idea for One Dayshift scene is during Mike's lunch break, He witnesses a Parent being angry at William Afton because of the fact he couldn't find her child, which has mike escort the parent out of the Pizzeria. Mike would question the parent of why she would act so ferocious towards William Afton, and the parent says that she thinks that Afton got her child lost in some way, which would sort of set the stages of Mike eventually finding out that William Afton was responsible for the 4 missing children & his Little Brother Markus going missing in 1985. Another idea I have for the Movie is Mike's brother Markus Schmidt is revealed to be the Spirit of Golden Freddy. When Markus becomes the spirit of Golden Freddy, He acts aggressive & A huge threat towards Mike at first but eventually becomes remorseful towards his brother after realizing he was the security guard & was trying to help him & his friends who were the missing children. What do you guys think of my Take on The Marionette & Mike Schmidt's additional methods of Surviving his Night Shifts?
  12. I heard a few years ago that we were gonna get an FNAF Movie Which I think sounds cool. Now I'm not sure If that could work, but I think it would be a great idea for a Horror Movie if done correctly. My intention with this portrayal of Mike Schmidt is to make the character have A Deeper connection with the Pizzeria & Fazbear Entertainment itself. I hope this Idea doesn't sound too bad: My Take On Mike Schmidt's Bio: Hair: Short, Chestnut Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 5'9" or 175 cm Age: 25 Race/Nationality: White Backstory: Before Mike worked at Freddy's, He was Majoring in Computer programming in High School & near the end of his Final School Year, Mike Schmidt's Parents wanted him to find a job so he could take care of himself & his Younger brother Markus. Mike found A Now Hiring Poster/Job notice on A bulletin board at his school saying that Fredbear's Family diner is now hiring. Mike also studied millwright in High school & probably did in college as well, Which lead to Him Earning his First Job as An industrial mechanic for Fazbear Entertainment & Fredbear's Family Diner. Mike had A decent pay grade & he got along well with Most of The Pizzeria's stuff, Some of the kids in the Pizzeria annoyed him, but It didn't bother him that much since he got along well with most of The staff. Mike was very surprised to see some members of the Pizzeria's security team were around Mike's age. The owners William Afton & Henry Coope were impressed with his work as An industrial mechanic, Mike could get free Pizza on occasions, but unfortunately, Fredbear's Family Diner closed down due to the Bite of 83. How the incident happened is during Mike's Dayshift Job, He ends up witnessing A couple of teenagers bullying a younger child & recognized him as William Afton's older son, and Mike did not like how the Child was suffering on his Birthday, so he decided to put a stop to it. Mike gave Terrance and his friends A simple but threatening kind of Warning to stop bullying the kid on his birthday or he'll call security to force them out and Report this to his father Willaim and Henry Coope for bullying his brother on his birthday. Before Mike can call security, A few of the bullies attack Mike and hold him back from reaching his walkie talkie to call the rest of the security team. Terrance and his other asshole friends then proceed to take Joseph to stuff him into Fredbear's mouth to scare him, which is something the bullies would later Regret. Mike manages to throw some punches at Terrance's friends from attacking him, and Then he attempts To stop Afton's older son Terrance Afton and the rest of his terrible friends from stuffing his little brother into the mouth of Fredbear. Mike gets the help of Jeremy to pull Joseph out of Fredbear's mouth, but unfortunately, they don't pull him out in time and Joseph's frontal lobe ends up getting crushed. Due to The Bite of 83, Fredbear's Family Diner was closed down, which would either lead Mike and Jeremy finding temporary New Jobs and they're told by William to throw Fredbear & Spring Bonnie into the Parts & Service room & dismantle them and leave them behind. In case if you're wondering, My version of this is having Terrance being the name of William's older son who's the bully from FNAF 4, and Joseph is the name of William Afton's younger son, who was the FNAF 4 Protagonist. 2 Weeks Later after Mike witnessed the Bite of 83, Fazbear Entertainment announces that they would be rebranded from the ground up, which has Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy be created as new characters, with The Puppet, Funtime Foxy/Mangle, and Maybe Balloon Boy as additional characters to the new Animatronic Cast. Mike Schmidt finds out about this news when he watches A PSA Video from the Company on A VHS Tape that explains Fazbear Entertainment creating A new restaurant with new characters called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The restaurant would open in 1984, and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza would be the most popular food chain from 1984-85 because the disappearances of the 5 Children would take place sometime during the year of 1985. Mike Schmidt is around the age of 18-19 around the time he worked for Fredbear's Family Diner, so around the time The events of the Movie take place, he's at the age of 21-22, somewhere around that age I would have Markus Schmidt be Mike's little brother who's at the age of 9-10, & he would be linked to the disappearances of the 5 Children, and Mike would continue to work as The Pizzeria's Industrial Mechanic who helped built the new animatronics for Freddy's & As A Dayshift employee on occasions. Mike & his parents decide to take Little Markus to Freddy's for his birthday for the 1st time, and Markus would have a great time on his birthday. Markus would interact with the Animatronics, Makes A few friends by meeting some of the other kids, His brother Mike & his parents giving some Good support, & everything is going well on Markus's special day, but Markus ends up going missing when he follows A guy dressed In a Spring Bonnie suit & follows him without Mike or his parent's permission. As for Mike's motive of him continuing to work at the Night Shift Job while surviving from the Animatronics, He would want to find out where The other missing children and his Little Brother Markus are somehow. Another reason is he would want Some extra money since the Job would pay him A Huge amount of Cash that's bigger than his paygrade as A Industrial Mechanic, which is around 100 or 200 Dollars. During Mike's 1st Night of his Night Shift, He would think that The animatronics are moving around at Night because of buggy programming in the animatronics & have An error in facial recognition which is explained by Phone Guy, but then He would eventually find out that The Pizzeria has become haunted by the 5 missing children & they've possessed the Animatronics, which he has a hard time believing at first. What do you guys think of my Take on Mike Schmidt's backstory?
  13. Sunset Shimmer faced having consequences for her villainous actions (which are far lesser compared to Starlight's crimes) and rightfully receives scorn from everyone around her, all of them not being so willing to forgive her that easily, to the point where even the Humane Five still isn't that comfortable with her, along with them not even inviting her to join the Rainbooms, thus pushing her to work hard to try and earn everyone's trust and forgiveness. Starlight receives no consequences whatsoever for indoctrinating ponies and messing with the very fabric of time out of petty revenge and because of a pathetically childish motivation of her friend moving away when she was little (compared to Apple Bloom who actually handled losing her friend Twist like an adult and sought out new ones), instead of having forgiveness handed to her on a silver platter by the same ponies she wronged without doing anything to earn it. Sunset is wracked with guilt and regret during her redemption arc because literally everyone around her scrutinizes her, constantly giving her shit, talking about her behind her back, and reminding her of the bad things she did as a villain. Starlight is wracked with guilt and regret for pretty much no reason because literally nobody gives her shit for her villainous ways or bares even the slightest grudge against her, resulting in her only personality trait being having a guilt complex and always saying "I'm sorry for what I did". Sunset's redemption comes full circle during the Rainboom's final battle with the sirens when they actually lose and need Sunset to help them try again which leads to them defeating the Dazzlings, thanks to Sunset being forced to get off her ass and deal with the problem bugging her, giving her one of three standout moments where she truly shows how far her redemption has come (the second time when she literally turned into seraphim to bring Sci-Twi down to Earth the same way the Humane Six did for her, and the third time when she sacrificed her own memories to save her friends). Starlight has nothing like that, the writers instead contriving conflicts to make her look good by artificially inflating her magical power/making all the usually competent main characters either completely useless so that Starlight can be the only one who can save the day (To Where and Back Again and Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic) or hold the idiot ball so she can be the most competent character in the room (Shadow Play and Marks for Effort) as if the writers are screaming at the viewers "LIKE HER! SHE'S THE MOST SPECIALIST OF PONIES! YOU HAVE TO LIKE HER!". Sunset is almost always onscreen with the Humane Six either together or individually and thus constantly works off their different personalities in various entertaining ways. Starlight's episodes are few and far between and she's so bland in comparison to the Mane Six' personalities, she gets stapled to much more entertaining and developed characters who steal the spotlight in her own episodes (Trixie, Discord, Thorax, Maud, etc), to the point where she could be swapped out with literally any of the Mane Six. Sunset has her moments of getting frustrated from putting pressure on herself, snapping at others as a result of it, fearing she'll let everyone down, has one or two minor selfish moments and even has a hot competitive streak but she never outright takes a step backward into her villainous ways, overall just having general personality issues that literally any human being can have. Starlight does absolutely nothing to change for the better, is completely incapable of facing a problem in a level-headed way, has a total lack of impulse control and still struggles with the most basic concepts of right and wrong, constantly: Another problem I had with Starlight Glimmer's terrible redemption is that she never actually bothers to be better and face the actual consequences of her actions. The Mane 6 and everyone else was so weirdly chill around her despite the terrible brainwashing and slavery she committed to them, which I find to be very alarming, especially when compared to how in The Equestria Girls movie everyone was ready to beat the living hell out of Sunset after she turned into a tyrannical she-demon. Sometimes Starlight does admit that she made a mistake, but that just doesn’t seem enough to me because everyone around her is in such a hurry to forgive her and tell her “It’s okay Starly, you’re trying your best.” and that’s what annoys me the most about her. Starlight received no consequences whatsoever for indoctrinating ponies and messing with the very fabric of time out of petty revenge and because of a pathetically childish motivation of her friend moving away when she was little (compared to Apple Bloom who actually handled losing her friend Twist like an adult and sought out new ones), instead of having forgiveness handed to her on a silver platter by the same ponies she wronged without doing anything to earn it. Not to mention, After she was reformed, she still Relapsed into her villainous ways. For example: Mind-controlling the Mane Six in Every Little Thing She Does and seeing nothing wrong with what she did until Twilight told her otherwise. Throwing the kingdom into chaos by forcibly swapping Celestia and Luna's cutie marks and powers and joking about how they had no choice in the matter in A Royal Problem. Encouraging Twilight to reopen her School of Friendship which Neighsay shut down for completely valid reasons such as poor management, unqualified teachers, and the students being endangered. (Ironic, ain't it? Starlight of all ponies telling someone to enforce their will, regardless of what anyone says.) Disturbingly studying a hypnosis book in her spare time and deciding that using it to hypnotize her own mentor was the best way to make her overcome a childhood fear in Starlight The Hypnotist. Formulating horrible plans that only work out of sheer dumb luck. Putting the changeling hive in danger by luring a monster to it into Change A Changeling. Again, throwing the kingdom into chaos by forcibly swapping Celestia and Luna's cutie marks and powers in the episode A Royal Problem. Overreacting to situations which leads to her making incredibly shitty and callous decisions Age-regressing Sunburst in Uncommon Bond. (Twilight even acknowledges the fact that Starlight overreacts to everything: "Starlight does have a tendency to overdo.") She trades away Trixie's wagon without her consent in Road To Friendship even though it didn't belong to her and thus wasn't hers to trade, seeing nothing wrong with what she did, not giving a shit about how much the trade clearly hurt Trixie, getting angry at her for rightfully being upset about it (which is flat-out emotional abuse) and only deciding to get Trixie's wagon back because she realized she couldn't pull the new wagon by herself. And she gets off scot-free or gets rewarded every single time either because "she meant well", she gave a feeble apology, there was conveniently a way to undo the damage she did or it only worked out in the end out of pure luck. And in spite of all these terrible and reckless decisions, she got given a massive amount of status and privilege, became allowed to stay in a member of royalty's home as their student and even become a guidance counselor at their school, along with the writers passing off these awful actions as cute personality quirks. To Me, Starlight DESERVED to face the consequences for her actions and she NEEDED to be punished more because she didn’t face anything for what she has done as a villain, aka changing the damn history of Equestria! Do you agree or disagree with my reasons?
  14. I agree, I consider the Song To be The ONLY Good thing about the episode, the rest of its aspects to me were terrible and insulting. While I liked the song, I also think of it as An entertaining but patronizing song, So it's not my most favorite song from MLP.
  15. I see, but I decided to add new reasons for it, because I felt like my first Post wasn't...I guess as well explained as this. Do you agree or disagree with my Points on why the episode was Terrible?
  16. A few new ideas I have for MLP Today is Flash Sentry's character development & his role In Canterlot High, I hope you all like the ideas I have for the character: Flash Sentry could be portrayed as the class president of Canterlot High, and A mentor for current and New CHS students who struggle to pass. This way, Flash can maybe help Twilight fit In the Human World and the High School more. Flash Sentry can even maybe Introduce Twilight to the Human versions of the Mane 6 at some points in the movie as the Best Students that can help her. This next idea I have is for Twilight & Flash's first time meeting each, and It takes place During The first MLP EG Movie.: Flash Sentry: "Oh, Are You okay?" Twilight Sparkle: "I-I am. Thank you." Flash Sentry: "Don't think I've seen you here before. You're new here at this school?" Twilight Sparkle: "Uh, Yes. It's hard finding help around this place, and I'm a little nervous" Flash Sentry: "Hey, it's okay. The first time is always scary at first. I'm Flash by the way. Flash Sentry." Twilight Sparkle: "Nice to meet you Flash, My name's Twilight Sparkle. So this Is Canterlot High?" Flash Sentry: "Yes, it's one of the best schools. Are you lost?" Twilight Sparkle: "Yes, I sort of am." Flash Sentry: "If you like I could show you around. You know, like a tour." Twilight Sparkle: "You'd do that? That sounds great, but I don't want to take up your time." Flash Sentry: "Hey, it's okay. My class doesn't start quite yet. Enough time for you to get to know the school while we go to the Principal's Office. If you're new, I'm sure that's where you were going." Twilight Sparkle: "Sure. By all means, lead the way Flash." I also decided to write my own ideas for Flash Sentry having some scenes/development in the MLP; FIM Show itself, I'm not sure what episodes the scenes would take place in, but they're just ideas. I hope you like them: Scene 1 (Flash Sentry & His little brother Felix Sentry) Felix Sentry: "Can You Fly Faster, Flash?!" Flash Sentry: "Sure, but Hold on tight!" Felix Sentry: "Woo-hoo!!! So are we gonna get to Ponyville Soon?" Flash Sentry: "Don't worry, we'll get to Ponyville in time. What do you have going on there, Felix?" Felix Sentry: "My friends from school said it's Twilight Sparkle's birthday. There's going to be a huge celebration, I can't wait." Flash Sentry: "That Sounds like fun." Felix Sentry: "It's kind of a shame you have to go to work. I wish you could be there." Flash Sentry: "I do too, but You know, work comes first." Scene 2 (Shining Armor promotes Flash Sentry) Shining Armor: "Your promotion comes with new responsibilities, Flash." Flash Sentry: "Yes sir." Shining Armor: "For some reason my wife has taken a liking to you. She has requested you for her personal guard." Flash Sentry: "Really?! Wow, I'm honored" Shining Armor: "Yes, I am too, and I have faith in your abilities & I trust you to do your duty. Right now we have need of some other skills you possess. As you know you're one of the few Pegasus ponies in the whole Crystal Empire, you're certainly the only one we trust to deliver important documents to Very Important Ponies in Equestria." Flash Sentry: "I am indeed, & I guarantee that I won't let you down." Shining Armor: "Good, You Better not..." Princess Cadence: "You don't need to pick on Flash Sentry, Shining. Here Flash, I want these delivered for me. They're the first two invitations to the Equestria Games our country is hosting soon. Please deliver them personally to Princess Celestia & Luna." Flash Sentry: "I'm on it, your Highness, you can count on me. Is Princess Twilight receiving an invitation too?" Princess Cadence: *Giggle* "You don't need to worry about that Flash. I appreciate concern, but I'm hoping to give Twilight her invitation in person next time I see her." Shining Armor: "Well? What are you waiting for? You have your first mission. GO!" Flash Sentry: "Yes, your Highness." Scene 3 (Flash Sentry Meets Cheese Pie) Cheese Sandwich: "Hi there! I'm Cheese Sandwich! What's your name?" Flash Sentry: "Um, Flash Sentry. It's nice to meet you, but how and why are you flying up here with me?!" Cheese Sandwich: "I'm using some Balloons Pinkie let me borrow. I'm on my way to Ponyville, are you" Flash Sentry: "Yeah, I am. I'm heading there to Visit A Mare I like, In fact." Cheese Sandwich: "Really? Me too! Say, you wanna hang out more often, Flash?" Flash Sentry: "Sure, I don't see why not. Anyway, Let's head over to Ponyville." Scene 4 (Flash Sentry meets with Princess Celestia) Flash Sentry: "I'm here to see the Princess. Let me pass." Unicorn Guard: "Well, if it isn't Flash Sentry. I remember during your academy days you were constantly getting in trouble. You must have screwed up big time to be transferred to someplace like the Crystal Empire, Flash." Flash Sentry: "That's Lieutenant to you, PRIVATE." Unicorn Guard: "Ah...Uh-oh. I didn't realize that. Sorry, sir. The Princess will see you now, sir." Flash Sentry: "Greetings Your Highness, I'm Flash Sentry from the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance & Shining Armor are going to start sending out invitations for the Equestria Games. They wanted me to make sure Your Highness and Princess Luna received yours first." Princess Celestia: "Thank you for bringing me this, but I'm afraid my sister Luna isn't here right now. She went to the Festival of the Full Moon." Flash Sentry: "Oh. Well my orders are to deliver these head-on. I guess I'm going to the Festival of the Full Moon." Princess Celestia: "Please send my regards to Cadance and Shining Armor. Oh, and Flash…" Flash Sentry: "Yes, Your Highness?" Princess Celestia: "Congratulations on your promotion." Scene 5 (Flash Sentry Meets Princess Luna) Flash Sentry: "Here is where the Festival of the Full Moon is being held. Now I need to find the Princess." *Flash approached a group of ponies and spotted Princess Luna in the crowd. Before he could reach her she took flight and sped away with her guardspony. Immediately Flash took to the air and raced after her…* Flash Sentry: "Princess Luna! Princess Luna! I have a delivery for you!" Princess Luna: "Look, it's Flash Sentry of the Crystal Empire! You best keep up then!" Flash Sentry: "I have an invite for you to the Equestria Games. If you'd just take it…" Princess Luna: "No time for that now! Hurry! Hurry!" Flash Sentry: "But Your Highness…!" Princess Luna: "No time! Keep up!" *Princess Luna continued to fly through through the night sky, Flash Sentry was barely able to keep pace with her. But Flash had his orders and he would do his duty by making this delivery. It seemed like forever and Flash's wings began to tire but finally Princess Luna come to an abrupt landing.* Princess Luna: "Here we are!" Flash Sentry: "Phew! You sure fly fast, Your Highness. As I was saying…" Loudspeaker: "And the winner of the Midnight Marathon…Princess Luna! In second place…Why, it's Flash Sentry! Royal Guard of the Crystal Empire." Flash Sentry: "Huh? What marathon?" Princess Luna: "Huzzah! What fun a challenge can bring!" Flash Sentry: "Princess Cadance wanted me to bring this to you, it's your invitation to the Equestria Games." Princess Luna: "The Equestria Games will offer plenty of challenges, I'm sure a great time will be had by all. Thank you for bringing me this Flash Sentry." Flash Sentry: "You're welcome, Your Highness. We're working hard to make this the best games ever." Princess Luna: "Now it's time to celebrate! Let's head down to Ponyville and party through the night." Flash Sentry: "To Ponyville…?" *To his left Flash Sentry could see Ponyville in the far distance. On his right he could just make out the mountains that marked the borders of the Crystal Empire.* Flash Sentry: "I'm sorry Your Highness, I have to report to my Captain." *Flash flies towards the Crystal Empire and home.*
  17. The episode "Every Little Thing She Does" Is A good example of why I consider Starlight to be the worst character for these reasons: When Starlight becomes overwhelmed with so many Friendship tasks to fulfill, she resorts to using a brainwashing spell over the other Mane 5 to get the job done quicker. It was a terrible episode and I can't agree with You on Starlight being a good character. While I get that it'd be a bit hard for a reformed villain to get completely used to the life of good, so few slip-ups now and then are to be expected, the way that Starlight was literally brainwashing Twilight's own friends just to sneak out of some bonding activities made her look both hella lazy and super sketchy for someone who's supposed to be "redeemed". Not to mention the way Twilight just didn't seem to give a crap that her own friends got mentally hurt like this and let Starlight go Scott-free just pissed me off too much. It was especially damning when you consider what happened back in "What About Discord?" where Twilight was SO quick to think Discord was up to some dire brainwashing plot after he and the other Mane 5 simply had a good time hanging out together without her yet when Starlight here actually DID commit literal brainwashing against Twilight's friends she just brushes it off like it was no big deal and even laughs at the thought of her friends getting hangovers from the incident...and It was terrible characterization for Twilight to just brush it off. In my opinion, Starlight Glimmer could've been a good counterpoint to Twilight in terms of ideals As A Villain. I did love the idea Of Two mares with opposing views on leadership and friendship would've been an interesting concept for the series but her terrible redemption ruined it. Wouldn’t You Agree?
  18. I agree with the points you have, and I'll bring up of what I would fix about the movie with A Few major points rather than focus on individual little details: 1.) The entire initial attack & finale takes place in town on the southern Equestrian border rather than Canterlot. I think this fix would resolve A lot of the Movie's Plot holes and lazy writing because The Storm King's fleet is only just arriving, not having traversed half of Equestria unnoticed. The other Princesses aren't present just yet so do not get worried. Similarly, the far south regions like Klugetown are closer than any of Equestria's other allies. Instead, the Alicorns and Royal Guard turn up for an appearance at the final battle. 2.) Mount Aris/the Seaponies would not exist as a plot point. Instead, Captain Celaeno and her crew become the Hippogriffs who are unwanted by pony or griffon society. Due to them being Exiled & judged, they have turned to piracy for survival. Bonus, the deletion of a plot point now allows time for more meaningful character development for the existing cast. 3.) Make Tempest Shadow A Much Better Villain without her forced Redemption I would introduce Tempest Shadow as A sort of bounty hunter for The Storm King, who promises her the restoration of her horn as her prize for taking down The Princesses. The Storm King hires her to hunt down the one princess that escaped during his attack, delegating this task because he doesn't trust his minion Grubber to handle it on his own and because he's still busy consolidating his control over Equestria (as we get some cool scenes of the ponies of Cloudsdale putting up more of a fight after Canterlots falls) I would have had the Storm Kong’s minions storm the palace courtyard, terrorizing the civilians. The Princesses would attempt to dispatch/route them while Princess Cadence evacuates the ponies. In the midst of the fighting Tempest finds an opening and traps Cadence. She orders her troops to double their efforts, and they move with more ferocity. Once again while Princess Celestia is distracted, Tempest gets in a cheap shot and traps her as well. Luna, enraged at her family being subdued, blasts aside the soldiers and goes against Tempest. Tempest manages to show she’s competent enough in fighting styles to keep up with Luna’s magic. But she’s slowly being driven to her limit, so she activates a spell that leaves Luna stunned for a moment, long enough for Tempest to trap her as well. 4.) The Movie's ultimate moral conflict is Friendship can't redeem everyone. Rather than have Twilight panicking unreasonably throughout the movie, the middle act becomes her struggle to accept the roughness of the outside world. Why don't they care? How can they be so callous and cruel? In return, the pirates lambast Twilight for trying to make friends with everyone and not accepting some harsh realities. In the movie's finale, Twilight accepts that friendship alone cannot save everyone - her duty as a princess is to Equestria first. She allows Tempest Shadow to suffer a final fate from magical overuse after the latter betrays the Storm King, recapturing the Staff of Sarcanas and saving the day but at the cost of her innocence. So Those are the Main 4 things I would fix about the Movie, and Here's some additional aspects I would fix about the movie: We get a nice montage of the Mane Six traveling through southern Equestria, which is where we get the second song in the movie (we got this) which is based more around the girls confidence they can save Equestria instead of throwing a party. The scenery get steadily more and more ominous before the song ends, with the girls falling silent once they reach the Bone Dry Desert. The girls actually pass out in the Bone Dry Desert, unprepared for the trip through the desert and are 'saved' by Capper who leads them to Klugetown. It's obvious from the start that he plans on selling them in the slave town, but they start to win him over despite their naivete through simple acts of kindness and watching his back when some of the Klugetown thugs try to shake him down. When he asks why they would help him the simple response is 'that's what friends are for' which rocks Cappers entire worldview. More of the movie takes place in Klugetown as it turns out many of the Hippogriff citizens, including Princess Skystar, did not escape Mount Aris before the Storm King invaded their territory. Princess Skystar promises to lead the ponies to the Queen of the Hippogriffs if they can rescue her and her people, but this is where it's revealed Capper was planning to sell the ponies. Capper pretends to sell the girls, but makes it clear it's part of a plan to rescue Princess Skystar. The plan almost goes off without a hitch, Capper arranging to have the girls and Hippogriffs loaded onto a sky-barge owned by a Captain he happens to be acquainted with (he owes her money too). Unfortunately this is when Tempest shows up and starts tearing through Klugetown thugs and Hippogriff warriors alike trying to get to Twilight Sparkle. The escape still happens roughly the way it does in the movie, but with Tempest capturing Capper he's not there to smooth things over with Captain Celaeno, who immediately threatens to turn them all over to the Storm King for the bounty on Twilight's head. Rainbow Dash notices that for sky pirates they aren't very 'piratey' which is where Celaeno reveals their sorry fates as servants of the Storm King and then things eventually resolve as they did in the movie with her helping them to 'be awesome' again and agree to deliver them to Mount Aris. An entire Storm King Armada catches up with them, however, with Tempest Shadow leaping from the rigging of one of the airships to land on the deck and personally take out most of the crew and lock herself in battle with Captain Celaeno. The girls and Princess Skystar abandon ship like in the movie. Things more or less pan out the same way with the Sea Ponies with Skystar taking the girls to Seaquestria and Queen Novo refusing to help them. Instead of Twilight trying to steal the magic pearl, however, the Storm Kings troops follow them to Seaquestria and begin to capture it's citizens, with Queen Novo blaming the girls for leading the storm Kings forces to their refuge. EVERYONE is captured and loaded on various ships in the armada to be taken back to Equestria to face the Storm King's wrath. This is still where the big confrontation between Tempest Shadow and Twilight occurs, but Tempest's backstory is a little different. She was once an ambassador of Equestria who was sent to Mount Aris on a mission of goodwill. Before she could reach the distant kingdom, however, she fell pray to the desert just as the girls had and was taken in by someone she thought was a friend. Unlike the girls, she was sold into slavery in Klugtown, and to prevent her from escaping her horn was broken off. Losing her horn was a terrible and traumatic experience, made all the worse by the person who she thought was her friend counting the bits he had gotten for her while it was happening. She vowed never to trust anyone or anything but money from then on, and so after finding a way to pick the locks on her cage with a fragment of her broken horn she escaped and started a life as a mercenary. Her philosophy is that friends will always let you down, even when they don't directly betray you, and that Twilight's friends failing her is a good example of that. 'The only pony you can rely on is yourself'. The big climax with the fight against the Storm King has Twilight taking Tempest's advise, and using her horn to pick the lock on her magic-proof cage. Twilight tries to face the storm King alone but is quickly overwhelmed. Realizing even as a Princess of Equestria , alone she cannot defeat him, that is when Twilight's friends arrive to fight for her and all of Equestria.
  19. I'll bring up of what I would fix about the movie with A Few major points rather than focus on individual little details: 1.) The entire initial attack & finale takes place in town on the southern Equestrian border rather than Canterlot. I think this fix would resolve A lot of the Movie's Plot holes and lazy writing because The Storm King's fleet is only just arriving, not having traversed half of Equestria unnoticed. The other Princesses aren't present just yet so do not get worried. Similarly, the far south regions like Klugetown are closer than any of Equestria's other allies. Instead, the Alicorns and Royal Guard turn up for an appearance at the final battle. 2.) Mount Aris/the Seaponies would not exist as a plot point. Instead, Captain Celaeno and her crew become the Hippogriffs who are unwanted by pony or griffon society. Due to them being Exiled & judged, they have turned to piracy for survival. Bonus, the deletion of a plot point now allows time for more meaningful character development for the existing cast. 3.) Make Tempest Shadow A Much Better Villain without her forced Redemption I would introduce Tempest Shadow as A sort of bounty hunter for The Storm King, who promises her the restoration of her horn as her prize for taking down The Princesses. The Storm King hires her to hunt down the one princess that escaped during his attack, delegating this task because he doesn't trust his minion Grubber to handle it on his own and because he's still busy consolidating his control over Equestria (as we get some cool scenes of the ponies of Cloudsdale putting up more of a fight after Canterlots falls) I would have had the Storm Kong’s minions storm the palace courtyard, terrorizing the civilians. The Princesses would attempt to dispatch/route them while Princess Cadence evacuates the ponies. In the midst of the fighting Tempest finds an opening and traps Cadence. She orders her troops to double their efforts, and they move with more ferocity. Once again while Princess Celestia is distracted, Tempest gets in a cheap shot and traps her as well. Luna, enraged at her family being subdued, blasts aside the soldiers and goes against Tempest. Tempest manages to show she’s competent enough in fighting styles to keep up with Luna’s magic. But she’s slowly being driven to her limit, so she activates a spell that leaves Luna stunned for a moment, long enough for Tempest to trap her as well. 4.) The Movie's ultimate moral conflict is Friendship can't redeem everyone. Rather than have Twilight panicking unreasonably throughout the movie, the middle act becomes her struggle to accept the roughness of the outside world. Why don't they care? How can they be so callous and cruel? In return, the pirates lambast Twilight for trying to make friends with everyone and not accepting some harsh realities. In the movie's finale, Twilight accepts that friendship alone cannot save everyone - her duty as a princess is to Equestria first. She allows Tempest Shadow to suffer a final fate from magical overuse after the latter betrays the Storm King, recapturing the Staff of Sarcanas and saving the day but at the cost of her innocence. So Those are the Main 4 things I would fix about the Movie, Here are some additional aspects I would fix about the movie: We get a nice montage of the Mane Six traveling through southern Equestria, which is where we get the second song in the movie (we got this) which is based more around the girls confidence they can save Equestria instead of throwing a party. The scenery get steadily more and more ominous before the song ends, with the girls falling silent once they reach the Bone Dry Desert. The girls actually pass out in the Bone Dry Desert, unprepared for the trip through the desert and are 'saved' by Capper who leads them to Klugetown. It's obvious from the start that he plans on selling them in the slave town, but they start to win him over despite their naivete through simple acts of kindness and watching his back when some of the Klugetown thugs try to shake him down. When he asks why they would help him the simple response is 'that's what friends are for' which rocks Cappers entire worldview. More of the movie takes place in Klugetown as it turns out many of the Hippogriff citizens, including Princess Skystar, did not escape Mount Aris before the Storm King invaded their territory. Princess Skystar promises to lead the ponies to the Queen of the Hippogriffs if they can rescue her and her people, but this is where it's revealed Capper was planning to sell the ponies. Capper pretends to sell the girls, but makes it clear it's part of a plan to rescue Princess Skystar. The plan almost goes off without a hitch, Capper arranging to have the girls and Hippogriffs loaded onto a sky-barge owned by a Captain he happens to be acquainted with (he owes her money too). Unfortunately this is when Tempest shows up and starts tearing through Klugetown thugs and Hippogriff warriors alike trying to get to Twilight Sparkle. The escape still happens roughly the way it does in the movie, but with Tempest capturing Capper he's not there to smooth things over with Captain Celaeno, who immediately threatens to turn them all over to the Storm King for the bounty on Twilight's head. Rainbow Dash notices that for sky pirates they aren't very 'piratey' which is where Celaeno reveals their sorry fates as servants of the Storm King and then things eventually resolve as they did in the movie with her helping them to 'be awesome' again and agree to deliver them to Mount Aris. An entire Storm King Armada catches up with them, however, with Tempest Shadow leaping from the rigging of one of the airships to land on the deck and personally take out most of the crew and lock herself in battle with Captain Celaeno. The girls and Princess Skystar abandon ship like in the movie. Things more or less pan out the same way with the Sea Ponies with Skystar taking the girls to Seaquestria and Queen Novo refusing to help them. Instead of Twilight trying to steal the magic pearl, however, the Storm Kings troops follow them to Seaquestria and begin to capture it's citizens, with Queen Novo blaming the girls for leading the storm Kings forces to their refuge. EVERYONE is captured and loaded on various ships in the armada to be taken back to Equestria to face the Storm King's wrath. This is still where the big confrontation between Tempest Shadow and Twilight occurs, but Tempest's backstory is a little different. She was once an ambassador of Equestria who was sent to Mount Aris on a mission of goodwill. Before she could reach the distant kingdom, however, she fell pray to the desert just as the girls had and was taken in by someone she thought was a friend. Unlike the girls, she was sold into slavery in Klugtown, and to prevent her from escaping her horn was broken off. Losing her horn was a terrible and traumatic experience, made all the worse by the person who she thought was her friend counting the bits he had gotten for her while it was happening. She vowed never to trust anyone or anything but money from then on, and so after finding a way to pick the locks on her cage with a fragment of her broken horn she escaped and started a life as a mercenary. Her philosophy is that friends will always let you down, even when they don't directly betray you, and that Twilight's friends failing her is a good example of that. 'The only pony you can rely on is yourself'. The big climax with the fight against the Storm King has Twilight taking Tempest's advise, and using her horn to pick the lock on her magic-proof cage. Twilight tries to face the storm King alone but is quickly overwhelmed. Realizing even as a Princess of Equestria , alone she cannot defeat him, that is when Twilight's friends arrive to fight for her and all of Equestria.
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