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Posts posted by Pyramidhead45

  1. I like spike as a character and i think he is charming, funny, likable. But his episodes are 50/50. In most episodes i found him quite loyal to twlight including the ending. 

    Spike eps i like

    Gaulet of fire, times they are a changling, molt down, equestria games, sercut of my excuses,dungons and discords and inspiration manifestation.

    Spike eps im ok/meh on

    Power ponies, just for side kicks, spike at your service,

    Spike eps i hate

    Dragon quest, princess spike, owl ends well

  2. My favorite episodes would be

    1 The Perfect Pear

    2. Twlights Kingdom

    3. Hurricane Fluttershy

    4. Pinkie Pride

    5. Stranger Then Fan Fiction

    6. Amending fences

    7. Lesson Zero

    8. Sisterhoove Social

    9.Party of One

    10. Sleepless in ponyvile

    Honorable mentions, read it and weep, pinkie apple pie, magical mystery cure, last round up, flight to the finish, slice of life


  3. On 5/8/2020 at 10:36 PM, Super Splashee said:

    Hi there! Yea, I have watched this episode many many MANY times. I can agree.

    What I like about it the much is how cool Rainbow Dash is through it all. She is just so "real" in the episode, because it feels real with the convention. I am not the biggest fan of Rainbow Dash, but when she becomes one in the crowd, she really shines!

    Yeah i agree with all of this and it's the moral i love about it the most , about how people can have different opinions on certain topics and still be friends. Which i think is a lesson every fandom needs to know

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