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Everything posted by Ixrec
mega thread Song Stuck in your Head Right Now
Ixrec replied to Blue Moon's topic in Media Discussion
This week in "catching up on a decade of brony music", Giggles and Gumdrops is my latest earworm. -
Financial software development. Will probably be doing this forever, since everything else I like doing I like much more as a hobby than a job.
I'm probably about even as far as non-physical stereotypically masculine/feminine traits go. Whether something is seen as masculine just doesn't enter into my decision-making process, and thinking about it on purpose like I'm doing for this thread just leads to me being deeply confused about what the concepts even mean (I suspect nothing). I do wear masculine clothes without any makeup or other beauty products, and on the other hand I've had my hair in a long ponytail for years.
Big nope here too. Any specific task with a concrete goal just keeps me awake. Doing almost anything for the purpose of sleeping tends to be a losing game unless I'm actually tired. But once I am tired, it usually helps if I let myself daydream in bed instead of any constructive thinking (like making plans for tomorrow) or seeking external entertainment. Although it quickly becomes impossible to distinguish these "intentional daydreams" from actual dreams, which I guess isn't a bad thing.
How many boyfriend/girlfriends have you had?
Ixrec replied to Reecejackox's topic in General Discussion
Hm, sounds like I'm an outlier here. There's probably no way to say this with zero melodrama, but let's see how little we can manage... Just the one ex. We met online during college, we visited each other in person a few times, I moved to the UK so we could live together, and in total the whole thing lasted ~8 years. FWIW, the intended tone here is not "sad" but somewhere between "bittersweet" and "hopeful". There's nothing wrong with having ex's. -
It really depends on what "similar to MLP" is. For any specific aspect of MLP, I'm sure we could find a ton of shows, but it's gonna be different ones for each. "Non-anthro animals" confuses me since MLP ponies are certainly somewhat anthropomorphized, but I suppose I should mention Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts since that's a great show with lots of talking animal characters (albeit higher on the anthro scale than MLP ponies), a similar idealistic tone and the power of friendship is in effect (although no rainbow lasers). If what you're after is an animated show with a similarly idealistic tone and younger target audience where the heroes often try to befriend even their villains (which is what I'd say made MLP:FiM appeal to me), then She-Ra and Steven Universe are also excellent.
general Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
Ixrec replied to Muffinnz's topic in General Discussion
Nope, unless you count my parents. For me elementary school, middle school, high school, college and post-college all had completely different friend groups; nobody ever stayed in touch beyond any of those transitions. -
I have been in a relationship with someone I originally met online, yes, and that's the only serious multi-year romantic relationship I've ever had. I have not yet tried an online dating service, but I certainly will eventually, if only because there don't seem to be any "offline dating" options these days.
Of all the pony fancomics I've tried so far, my favorite is dsana's "A Storm's Lullaby" But according to search, it's never been mentioned once in this entire forum, much less this fanclub. So let's fix that! Whole comic: https://www.deviantart.com/dsana/gallery/69364076/a-storm-s-lullaby Spoiler-free but representative example page: This is also a good time to binge it, since the latest strips are at a lull in the action after a few of the bigger conflicts got satisfyingly resolved.
Checking out https://rodstevenmusic.bandcamp.com/ earlier today put me back in the mood to shuffle nothing but Eurobeat, so stuff like this:
funny Admit something weird about yourself (APPROPRIATE!)
Ixrec replied to Jade The Pegasister's topic in Forum Games
Most of the answers I could give here are already in other threads, but... For the most part fictional violence and gore doesn't bother me in the slightest, unless it involves eyes. Something about eye injuries or surgeries freak me the hell out and I generally cover the screen or skip ahead when they go there. This is also why I will never, ever play Dead Space 2 a second time. -
What unproductive task do you waste your time on the most
Ixrec replied to Best Username Ever's topic in General Discussion
"Productivity" outside work hours is a self-defeating concept stemming from the dehumanizing ideology of capitalism trying to trick us into brainwashing ourselves into being ideal wage slaves! But seriously, in the conventional sense, I'm simply not doing any "productive" tasks outside of work these days. I certainly feel satisfied and productive when I spend a lot of time talking to friends, reading comics or ponyfics, watching shows, and so on. -
Yes, all the time. I have a waist-length blond ponytail, so it's pretty hard not to. Especially in bed when too much tossing and turning inevitably leads to me rolling my face into some of my hair, and then I need to rearrange it or else suffer incessant self-face tickling. Although when I play with it too much, that's a strong sign I should've washed it by now and I'm doing the hair equivalent of scratching an itch because it just feels unwashed. (other people have also played with it after asking permission, which is maybe the only time I feel more like Rarity than Twilight )
Lived in US and England. Visited Japan and Wales. Technically set foot in Ireland, Canada and Germany for flight connections. That's it so far.
food What's your favorite kind of ice cream?
Ixrec replied to DivineDefender1000's topic in General Discussion
Here in the UK we call that "neapolitan" ice cream, and it is up there for me. But for #1 I'm gonna have to say mint chocolate chip. If I'm reading the thread right... vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip and cookies 'n' cream have all been mentioned multiple times, with no clear winner. -
Is making the characters flawed the only option?
Ixrec replied to Sepul-Coloratura's topic in Sugarcube Corner
The question is framed as if part of writing is making an explicit choice between "having flawed characters" and "having flawless characters", but that's not really how people work, and IMO not how the best stories work either. Most "character flaws" are also the flip side of a positive quality, and since no one is omniscient, characters cannot know every time they're about to do too much of a good thing. When does Twilight being "organized" and "prepared" turn into "paranoid" and "overprepared"? It depends on the situation she finds herself in. This is precisely why gaining years of practical experience is so indispensable in most fields, and one of the reasons why having a diverse group of friends with different personalities is so valuable. Usually when people complain about a character being flawless or a Mary Sue, what they really mean is that the fictional universe seems to conspire in her favor such that she is never wrong about anything, despite her lack of omniscience/omnipotence. If the writers only ever put Twilight (for example) in situations where she is exactly the right amount of prepared, no more and no less, then she might be a Mary Sue, but obviously MLP:FiM never came close to that. Semi-unrelated: This is actually becoming a bit of a trend in western animation lately. Off the top of my head, Steven Universe, She-Ra and Kipo all consistently spend quite a lot of effort trying to befriend and reform their villains. Personally, I like this trend. -
What do you prefer on chips/fries? Ketchup or Mayonnaise?
Ixrec replied to Spikey-Wikey's topic in General Discussion
I've never liked mayo, so ketchup wins by default. Although BBQ sauce is almost always better than ketchup... -
It's a neat idea, and makes a lot more sense than I thought it would, but it doesn't seem likely. Cozy Glow is easy to explain away as her having a controlling personality, so chaos magic is just a bad fit for her (Discord nearly fading out of existence just by acting "normal" lends some credibility to this). IMO the actual problems that prevent me from believing this theory are: Cheese Sandwich and Maud Pie have a little too much in common with Pinkie Pie, and this theory is specific to Pinkie. For those who don't remember: Maud has explicitly claimed to have a "Maud Sense" in one episode allowing her to track down Pinkie's party cannon, and Cheese's very first scene shows him suffering a Pinkie Sense-like spasm which somehow tells him he needs to go to Ponyville. if Discord can sense Tirek absorbing pony magic anywhere in Equestria, he can probably sense his own time-displaced chaos magic being used day-in day-out by another pony right in front of him, and it seems like he would've mentioned it or exploited it for a gag at some point in the 7+ seasons he was reformed. The boring point: The video also talks about many of Pinkie's other quirky physics-defying behaviors, but a lot of them aren't actually unique to her, she just does them the most often. For example, nearly everyone seems to pull stuff out of thin air once in a while: Rarity with her fainting couch, Applejack with her lasso, Spike with a quill and parchment, etc. Come to think of it, Applejack's lasso twirling is often done with her tail, so having a prehensile tail not Pinkie-specific either.
It's hard to tell since I usually spend at least a few hours lying semi-conscious in bed fiddling with my phone before or after proper sleeping, especially on the weekends. Now that I'm no longer a teenager, my body definitely has a quota of ~8 hours a night that simply will be met no matter what I do, but sometimes those semi-conscious hours count.
Sort of yes. I cannot remain still for very long. If I'm standing, I'm gonna walk around. If I'm lying in bed, I'm gonna toss and turn. If I'm sitting, I'm gonna cross and uncross my legs or change which way I'm leaning (unless I'm already toe-tapping and head-bobbing because I have music playing). It has nothing to do with my emotional state. But in practice, pacing is super rare for me because I almost never stand up without a destination in mind. Thus, when I do end up pacing, it's usually because I tried to do two things at once, one of them required standing up, then I forgot why I stood up, but I'm already in the middle of the second task and I don't want to interrupt it just to figure out what the first task was. So there I am standing for no reason, and the need for motion kicks in.
It is baffling to me that people are calling games like Okami, Spec Ops: The Line, Psychonauts and God Hand "underrated". Those are the kinds of names that pop up on "best of" lists so often you can't help but feel guilty if you haven't played them (and yes, I feel guilty that I never played God Hand). I can buy that they didn't sell as well as they should have, but that's a very different question. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is the game I came here to mention. But now I'm wondering if that's another game you've all heard of a million times and I just got weird tunnel vision somehow.
The TTG comparisons always make me It's an incredibly superficial knee-jerk reaction that's honestly just insulting to both shows at this point. I actually like both TTG and Pony Life. Yes, TTG's biggest flaw is leaning too hard into that kind of cringe humor sometimes. But when it's not doing that I usually find it pretty hilarious. And honestly, that exact assessment applies to a LOT of other popular animated comedies like South Park or Family Guy. Plus, the total absence of continuity (or more precisely, "Negative Continuity") has been standard in sitcoms for my whole lifetime, at least as far back as The Simpsons, so that seems like a weird thing to complain about, but it's fair to not like it. In contrast, Pony Life has a completely different setting, completely different characters, completely different art style, and takes itself significantly more seriously (not as much as FiM of course), by which I mean there clearly is continuity and it has much more consistent characterizations (both with itself and with FiM) which are also the sole driving force for most of its comedy. Watching PL just doesn't feel anything like watching TTG for me; what it actually feels like is watching MLP:FiM at 2x speed. </rant> Right, now I need more ponies to wash away those negative vibes.