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Everything posted by Ixrec

  1. Nope. I've done that with Oreo cream filling, but never with chip/crisp seasoning.
  2. I've never had a "full-scale" one where I got up and went to work and everything, but I've definitely had ones where I got out of bed and did a small chore or read a comic and then realized I actually didn't. Interestingly, I get more of those from daydreaming than actual dreaming. Especially when the chore I did is something I've been telling myself I need to get done today.
  3. Catching up on EQD and posting here. Before that, reading It Turns Out They're Windmills, since I loved I Am Awkward (Yellow) so much more than I expected to.
  4. Single and will definitely be looking, but there's a few things I want to work on before I try the whole "dating" thing (if that's even what people do these days?). "Better to have loved and lost" is also extremely true in my case: although my one serious relationship didn't work out, and I'm much happier single than in a failing relationship, it nonetheless made it extremely clear to me that a true best friend / life partner is the only thing missing from my life. So much this. Figuring out how to "get people into my life" in the first place is my "only" real problem, but there doesn't seem to be any good solution for it. I do work, but at least for me work-related stuff never leads to making non-work friends. Since everyone seems to be talking about polyamory in this thread , it's something I'm curious about but don't expect to be actively seeking. Finding one person that wants to spend the rest of their life with me is such a tall order to begin with that aiming for two or three from the start just sounds like setting myself up for failure.
  5. Raising kids doesn't interest me, so nope.
  6. Eric I've been using "Ixrec" (= Eric + X) as my online alias ever since a Kingdom Hearts forum I was on did a "What's your Org XIII name?" thread.
  7. One theory I've heard a lot is that they might upload Pony Life to the https://www.youtube.com/user/mlpequestriagirls channel, mostly because it has a Pony Life banner and until recently that banner included an "available on ..." message with no mention of a TV channel. At the very least, it's unlikely that the channel it's airing on now was their original plan for it, so I'm expecting it to appear somewhere else after it finishes its run there.
  8. Very good. Finished the thing I wanted to get done at work today, and then read all of The Joy Hive and I Am Awkward (Yellow) fanfics. EDIT: Oh come on! I was making progress!
  9. We also know for sure that some of Equestria's seemingly electromechanical devices are at least partially magic-powered and don't need to be plugged into to any kind of power distribution grid, so I've always assumed that most of what looks like 20th century tech to us is really "just" magic-mechanical. At least, that seems more humane than trapping electricity bugs in a tiny box for ponies' entertainment.
  10. "Not that I'm complaining, but... I thought you were a fictional character? Am I losing it? And if this is really happening, I have so many questions."
  11. Whenever I have a phase with some "nerdy" interest, I tend to get seriously obsessed with it. Going all the way down the proverbial rabbit hole and just living there for a while. For example, when I got into anime and manga, I taught myself Japanese and spent the next five years translating visual novels. Or when I got into western comics, I read so much Marvel, DC and Image in a year that people who'd been reading their whole lives said I sounded like I'd been at it for decades, and for some reason now I'm a moderator in a comic chat room. Makes you wonder where this whole pony thing is going...
  12. My Minecraft phase passed its peak a while ago, but I still keep up with one LP, so: Conveniently, this ep does a good job demonstrating how Etho's emphasis on technical contraptions makes his LP different from most others (and I'm a programmer, so big surprise that appeals to me).
  13. Looks to be mostly cats, dogs and ponies so far, but there's a lot more cuteness out there. There's a swan couple where I live that has a bunch of cygnets (baby swans) every year and loves to hang out wherever it's really easy for humans to see (and feed) them, so I end up with tons of pictures. Here's the 2020 cygnets the first time I saw them, on May 17th: And here are the same cygnets almost five weeks later on June 26th, in what I like to call their "scruffy gray duck" phase (the 6th one was out of frame, don't worry):
  14. Have you seen the fan animations that go with them? (even if you have, here they are for future readers:)
  15. I generally assume that people choose a picture they like... and that's about it. Sometimes that's useful information and sometimes it's not.
  16. I feel like this is now the standard opinion, but I'm also liking these newer episodes more and more, and although it still seems unlikely Pony Life will ever reach quite the same heights as FiM, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Ah, classic pony hoof magic. Still, it would be fun to speculate on how you'd design touch screen apps to accommodate hooves.
  17. Been a long time since I watched any anime, but so far every time Netflix shoves something in my face and half the internet seems to be raving about it the same week, I never regret trying it, so I'll probably look at BNA soon. Turns out I vastly underestimated how much content EQD links to. I've only been trying to keep up with the music, art, comics and fic links for a little over a week, yet I've still got half of the Ignite album, three Bandcamp pages and one fic to work through. And that's before I can start on anyone's "best ever" lists with stuff like Fallout: Equestria, not to mention join a single chat room (I've only managed two forums so far). So far it's a good problem to have.
  18. For the first several days after joining the herd, it was The Smile Song. But for the past few days it's been:
  19. I'm gray asexual, although I rarely bring that up since it's annoying to explain and has no impact on my daily life. For all intents and purposes I'm effectively an ally, since I'm a white male cishet and thus don't suffer from any of the prejudices, injustices or dysphorias that my LGBT friends have to deal with.
  20. I've always been a loner on top of being an introvert, so up through college loneliness was relaxing rather than a thing I needed to cope with. But ever since then I've had zero close non-internet friends (and not for lack of trying!), except my ex-girlfriend for a while, so it's definitely a thing now. Fortunately, finding things to do for fun has never been a challenge for me (at this point my real problem is I have too many todo lists...), so it only hits me in a bad way when I'm in one of those moods where I just want to lie down and "do nothing" at all for a while. For those times, by far the most helpful tactic for me is to always have music playing. But really, music always makes me happier no matter what I'm doing, so I have some playing 24/7 unless I want to watch a show or voice chat with someone. Including when posting on forums (♫Let it ra-a-a-ain♫).
  21. This is a pretty silly question because "furry" is used to mean so many wildly different things, and under any specific meaning the answer is trivial. If you mean "furry" in any remotely sexual way, then obviously the answer is no, because "brony" just means someone who enjoys the show. If you mean "furry" in the insanely broad sense of enjoying any fiction with anthropomorphic animals, then sure bronies are automatically furries, but then so is pretty much everyone who ever saw Bambi. By that definition, the term is pretty meaningless. If you mean "furry" as in someone involved in one of the internet communities that tend to focus on anthropomorphic animal art and/or fiction (which is what I usually assume the term should mean), then again obviously no, because being involved means doing more than just liking a thing and moving on to some other thing (which is totally fine of course).
  22. "after you've discovered the fandom"? Well, like everyone else with an internet connection, I was aware that "bronies" were a thing almost a decade ago, which for me was high school. Plus my sibling self-identified as a brony back then so it was pretty hard to miss (I need to ask if they still do); they did show me one episode back then but it didn't hook me. If you mean from when I seriously gave the show a chance and watched it from the top in order without distractions, maybe a day or two? As it turns out, I needed to see several episodes in a row to appreciate just how good all the characters were.
  23. Ixrec


    Lunchables were great for me. But I'm also that weirdo who doesn't automatically enjoy food more just because it's "homemade" or "properly cooked" or whatever.
  24. Ponies are liquid. Your argument is invalid.
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