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    Gaming, TV, and other crap.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Pinkie Pie
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
    Pinkie Pie
  • Best CMC
    Apple Bloom
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    Too Many Pinkie Pies
  • Best Song
    Make your mark
  • Best Season

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  1. Hey can someone tell me a plot summary of the Legends of Magic series? I wanna know what happens but I don't like those characters in the slightest so any comments telling me what happens would be appreciated.
  2. lmao take a look at front view Manny, Quagmire, Mordecai, and the worst offender of all: Phineas
  3. yeah front view ponies are usually always ugly but the royal sisters, discord, the changalings, and all the other races minus dragons don't look horeneous from the front. Although it's only ugly and not creepy like front viewing Manny Heffley
  4. Too Many Pinkie Pies is my favorite episode because of how interesting the premise is and Pinkie learns of the consequences but my one problem would be the ending because I would have wanted the real Pinke to be determined to prove that she was the real Pinkie and not just get depressed and win that way having no real motivation and expecting to die.
  5. What are your favorite episodes of FiM? It doesn't have to be a top 10 or top 20 list or anything but just which episodes do you like the most? Let me know in the comment section. For me, mine are on the top of my head: -Tanks for the Memories -Party of One -Make new friends but keep Discord -Gauntlet of Fire -Too Many Pinkie Pies -Keep Calm and Flutter On -PPOV (Pony Point of View)
  6. whiile I respect your opinion, Shadow Play feels like filler to me and you could take Starswirl and the other 5 of those characters out of the Ending of the End and no value would be lost. my problems with it is that the villain is bland and he should have just talked to starswirl about his problem instead of turning evil and even then it feels underwhelming
  7. shadow play number 1? you on something my friend but in all seriousness how come Shadow Play is at number 1?
  8. yeah the highs were pretty good but the lows sucked
  9. well season 6 was an abortion so i can understand that
  10. Hello everybody I want you to rank the 2 parters in FiM from worst to best Worst A Canterlot Wedding (Honestly it made 5 of the Mane 6 dumb just to progress the plot forward but it introduced the Changalings so it's not the worst thing ever) The Crystaling (This one sucks because of how dumb Flurry Heart is as a concept is and how contribed the ending is) Shadow Play (It's kinda neat how the Mane 6 meeting the 'Legend 6' as I like to call them because idk what else to call them, but it's just kinda bland) School Raze (Cozy Glow is a worse twist villain than professor Calahan from Big Hero 6) The Crystal Empire (It's just kinda meh and bland like Shadow Play, but it's a lot more colorful and since I don't like Spike, the ending kinda sucked for me personally) Princess Twilight (Ok now we gettin into gud territory and It's alright, but I feel like it was 1 episode padded out to 2 episodes) School Daze (Big world building introduced here. We get the Student 6, we get the Mane 6 starting a focken school. We get Neigh Say being an a hole but Twilight says 'fak you I'm doing this my way') Ending of the End (A decent way to end the series with a prison break, and a final battle of epic proportions but things like Twilight thinking all of what she did was for nothing is cliche and sucks) Friendship is Magic (A decent way to begin the series by showing us the Mane 6 and their dynamic that I oh so fkin love and watch the show for) Beginning of the End (Not really noteworthy but it shows Discord motivating Twilight and Sombra frickin dies which is the only death in mlp on screen) Twilight's Kingdom (Pretty good it shows us some smart decisions from the characters like the 3 other princesses transfering their power to Twilight and Tirek is alright but the ending is contribed) The Cutie Map (Introduces us to Starlight who is my 2nd favorite side character and 4th favorite character behind Derpy and it has FOCKEN COMMUNISM IN A KIDS SHOW) To Where and Back Again (It ends the changaling threat once and for all and it shows us a teamup between 4 side characters going on an epic adventure of epic proportions) Return of Harmony (It introduces us to Discord, the best character in the series and shows what the Mane 6 would be like if they were opposite of what they were and evil Applejack cracks me up) The Cutie Remark (Time travel plots can be a mess, but this episode is fun because it shows us some neat alternate timelines and has Starlight reform and become the one we all know and love)
  11. Most of the time it's great but when artists like Fosgit are the ones working it doesn't look great. Artists like Price do an excellent job.
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