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About MikaCondria726

  • Birthday 2001-07-26

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
  • Twitter
  • Fimfiction
  • YouTube
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Transgender - MTF
  • Location
  • Personal Motto
    Tomorrow will always be brighter
  • Interests
    Listening to music, reading, drawing, playing video games.

    Oh. And MLP, too! (Almost forgot)

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best CMC
    Apple Bloom
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Maud Pie
  • Best Song
    We're Not Flawless
  • Best Season

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: I hope your day is an awesome one! :twi:

  3. Merry Birthiversary!

  4. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: May your day be a wonderful one! :ticking:

  5. Good morning, everybody :catface:


    It's finally Friday, I'll be glad to have the next 2 days off after the week I've had :scoots:

    How's y'all doing today?

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Thank Celestia for the weekend! Hope you feel better! :ooh:

    2. Tacodidra


      Happy Friday, my friend! :) I hope your weekend is a good one. :kindness:

  6. Good morning everybody. :scoots:

    I forgot to make a good morning post yesterday (and tuesday?), let's say this week is really bad for me and dealing with the brats at work ain't helping a whole lot. :worry:

    Anyway, hope y'alls day go better than mine!

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Sorry to hear that. I hope your week improves! :kindness:

    2. EpicEnergy


      Good morning, I hope next week is better for you. :kindness:

  7. Good morning, everybody! :D

    Another day at work that begins "well", but at this point it's to be expected, sadly.

    Anyway, how's your day going? :confused:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      Morning buddy! :grin:

      My day is a bit umm... dangerous if i can say that, because the storm is coming. :worry:

      But in general, i am doing okay! :squee:

    3. EpicEnergy


      Good morning, my day's going well so far! I hope your day goes well too! :fluttershy:

    4. AppleButt


      Good morning.  :mlp_icwudt:  I’ve been doing okay

  8. Good morning everybody! :yay:

    How are y'all doin'?

    1. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      Morning buddy! :yay:

      I'm doing good, thank you for asking! :oh_golly:

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Good morning to youuuuuuu. :) I am...kinda mediocre I'll be honest. Mostly because of anxiety. Been a tad on edge for a few days now. I'm really trying to stay focused on positive things though.

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Morning! I’m good, thanks! :kindness:

  9. Thanks for the follow! :D

    (Sorry if I was a little late. :worry:)

  10. Good morning everybody, and good Friday as well! :love:

    The week was pretty tough for me, so I hope I can get time to relax on the weekend. How's your day going so far? Got any plans for the weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Glad you can enjoy your weekend! :kindness:

    3. AppleButt




      I gotta work this weekend :dry:

    4. EpicEnergy


      I hope you have a great weekend! I don't have any plans for this weekend, aside from finishing up the rest of my college work for this week.

  11. Good morning everybody!

    FINALLY got the time to make a good morning post at a reasonable hour! Feels good :P

    How's your day treatin' ya?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart

      It's gonna be another rough day for me. Counting my blessings while i have them. Hope you have a good day ♡

    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :) I'm doing fine, thanks! :fluttershy: I hope your day is a good one! :squee:

    4. EpicEnergy


      Good morning! :grin:

  12. Good day/lunch time everybody!

    Got swamped at work again, taking a mental break for a little bit.


    On the upside, seems like Best Pone got her shot at being the new banner. So that's good!:squee:

    Hope you have a good day/lunch!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      I'm glad you get to take a little break, I hope it helps you feel better. :fluttershy:

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Good evening to you as well. (and I'm loving the new banner too :pinkie:)

    4. Rikifive


      Oh yeah, work likes to be nice. :P

      Flower pone deserved to be there. :pout:

  13. Good day, y'all!


    I would've made a "Good morning" post if my call center didn't just receive a major wave of calls because half of our network decided to take a nap and cut off our communication tools. (Seriously, can't I get a single day without a major issue? :confused:)

    Hope your day is going better than mine! (Again...)

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I hope your days get better for you! :kindness:

    2. EpicEnergy


      Good day to you as well, I hope things get better for you soon today! :fluttershy:

  14. Well... today has been a day. I'm gonna go rest for the rest of the night. :maud:

    Goodnight everyone! 

    1. EpicEnergy


      Goodnight! I hope you have a better day tomorrow! :fluttershy:

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