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Northern Star

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Everything posted by Northern Star


    A small song to go with today. Happy Independence Day!


    (It is where I got last year's little poem, it is a decent little song, give it a listen.)



    On another note, I will also be declaring independence from this site today. Or basically, there is some house cleaning to do and then that will be it. As to why: 1. I created this account as a result of the *gasp!* January 6th thing, as why not if that was going on, there's worse things to do, probably, and 2. You know that feeling you get that says "get out" or "you shouldn't be here" but you don't know why, but you follow it anyways? Well that is what I have been getting. So:


    @CheeryFox I'm not exactly sure who you are or why you followed, but good luck in life. 


    @Deae Rising Shine~ Have a good life in Holstein or wherever you go. If it ever makes it to 1,000,000, please message me, I'd like to see that.


    @DreambiscuitGood luck with you and your family, if you keep the last job I recall you writing about, we may run into each other. We'd probably never know though.


    @Kujamih I wish you good luck in finding your next path in life. The U.S.A. isn't a bad place if you chose to come here. The oilfields pay very well and don't care who you are as long as you do good work, which I'm sure you do.


    @Lucky BellsI hope your schooling goes well and I guess I have the same advice as above, if you can't find work, welders are something that are always fought over in the oilfields. You'll never not have a job as a welder, so I encourage you to keep on it.  They're quite literally what keeps the world held together. 

    @Oleks Good luck with the war. Stay safe and alive. That goes to everyone over there. 


    @Patty Thundersnow Your weather trivia was fun and interesting. Good luck in life.

    @Props Valroa It was fun and interesting reading what you posted in the debate section. Good luck with the site and life.


    @raykv423 I guess I'm not entirely sure why you followed me either and I didn't really get to know who you were. Good luck in life regardless. 


    @Silky the smol I guess its the same as above, perhaps I was just a misplaced thumb or click when "friends" were first implemented. Regardless, good luck with the site and life.

    @splashee you're banned? Well....that's a strange turn of events...and...well I doubt you will see this then, but thank you for the interesting conversations, telling me my musical question had no answer, and I hope one day you get to try Root Beer aka sasparilla, or however that is spelt. Good luck in life. If he isn't banned, someone please tag him, but I swore he was a mod and it won't let me tag him which usually means that user is banned. I believe you were my first follower and the first interaction on the site too...


    @SpongeBobsLittlePonydon't have a clue who you are, but have a good life.


    @The Spitfire SimpAgain I don't really know who you are but have a good life.


    @TheRockARooster I probably had the most interaction with you or DRS, but it was good while it lasted. Your PM isn't showing up for whatever reason, so I don't know what you said. Anyways, good luck and have a good life 'under those Southern Stars'. P.S. there's an Australian version of that Chevrolet USA song if you are feeling patriotic, along with a few other interesting jingles, such as one like "underneath those southern stars, we like meat pies, football(or was it rugby?), sunny skies, and Holden Cars". Holden was General Motors Australian division, but usually they kept pretty close to Chevrolet or GM itself.


    @Tom Gallagherit was fun and interesting reading your posts, I believe it was you and TRAR who posted about daily. Good luck across the pond...if that saying is applicable on that part of the island chain, but anyways Good luck and have a good life.


    @Twilight Sparkle  last but not least, thanks for the site and the year or so of exploring what I missed or didn't miss. Along with proving I wasn't insane for having the site watched by someone. Good luck in life and with your ventures. I didn't know you ran a few other forums either.


    No offense intended to anyone, nor am I leaving due to anyone. I simply have that odd feeling I shouldn't be here and should go. My views align with a few of you, and I'm surprised you're here at all, but anyways, my parting note will be take a look at the .gif in my profile description of Schultz.

    Also take a watch of the show too, that ain't bad.


    P.S. kyoshi or whatever your name is now, we're not evil bad people. Take a shot at trying to get to know us. Please try to understand that people see the world differently and that's just the way it is. No need to be angry. Good luck in Illinois or wherever in the world you find a place to be happy.


    Also whoever you were who liked debating from the U.K.: the world has different countries for a reason, we all see it differently and some things work better in some places with some people than work in other places with other people. It's just the way it is, and good luck in life too.


    God Bless you all and help you. We'll all eventually meet again one day, whether we will know or recognize each other from here or not I don't know. 


    Signing off for now, Northern Star, with the profile picture of the 1976 Bicentennial star and the profile background of The Declaration of Independence. 

    P.P.S. I'm signing off the site, not life. I'm not in that kind of "leaving" mindset. Too stubborn anyways to do that. Just want to make that clear.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Hope whatever comes next too you will be positive and were all here, if you ever come back


      but i doubt i even am alive if we ever get a million:laugh:

    3. abronymouse



      Also whoever you were who liked debating from the U.K.: the world has different countries for a reason, we all see it differently and some things work better in some places with some people than work in other places with other people. It's just the way it is, and good luck in life too.

      That's me! (I think) Now I have a similar name to you, and @Silky the smol aka Silly Wings is all confused :P

      anyway, thanks for remembering me. I enjoyed our debatiness - forthrightness is a thing I value too, and you could take a bit of spice. Sad to see you go, though :( but the stable door will always be open for you, should you return, I imagine. As for your message, different countries/cultures have a lot to learn from one another - that's why it's good to have spaces like this where we can all debate while sporting silly pastel ponies :D (sadly I got kicked out the DP though, and have since safe-spaced this place, which lets me get on with my stories and get along better with the friendly ponies here, of which @Silky the smol is among the friendliest - I have moved my more debatey self to reddit, where I continue to tweak the tales of folks from all sides of the political spectrum while still sporting a pony avatar...)


      ooh, I like this song :3

    4. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      Reposting here for the sake of offering a proper reply. Sorry to tag you twice North Star but you know we love you 

      **reposted here**

      ohhh goodness! How a simple mention in this status update has caused me to question North Star's addressing me as a rather... distant.. acquaintance. I was quite confused... but now it all makes sense.

      It's quite sad to see you go, honestly. I apologize for never having interacted as much as I would have liked but with so many major life events going on my activity alone has plummeted. I do appreciate your well wishes, however, and I hope the same for yourself! Please do know that you are always welcomed back.

      @North Star Awww I'm sorry you got kicked out of the debate section, hopefully the new and improved one coming up shall be better to you. Both of you are more than welcomed to join once it is established. This platform has helped to unite so many people and friendships from all over the world! Whether or not you feel you've done something or a major difference, please know, you've made an impact here to someone somewhere @Northern Star.... and I don't mean @North Star (this time.. even though, yes, it does mean you too.)

      Even if you can be rather spicy, which is probably where your "DP removal" came from. :laugh: You're still loved and appreciated or remembered fondly among us. 

      Alright, at the chance of this becoming any more long-winded than it has... please be safe! Enjoy life, and most importantly, don't forget the good times you had with people here. I'm sure they definitely remember and shall miss you. 

      All the best /) 
      Silky teh smol

  2. 512761 Come back here once in 6 months and be ninja'ed.
  3. 512281 When did post numbers disappear?
  4. 512,246, and bacon. @Splasheeand only 1525 notifications and a few slightly irritated P.M.s to go through, oh joy!... Also, what'd I miss?
  5. 512243 Who are all you people again? I swear no one has the same name aside from a few mods and D.R.S.
  6. I think its more on "Invision Forums Inc"...
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