"Well.. maybe not eating them, but i do love collecting them! You wouldn't believe how many neat stickers there are! I'm starting to run out in my sticker book!"
Does your bow clip or tie onto your mane, and if the latter, how do you do it?
"My ribbon is usually tied! I try my best to tie it with my wings but my wings.. aren't the greatest."
Are string lights the future?
"I'd say so! String lights are so pretty! they're like tiny fireflies. I have a bunch in my bedroom!"
Say your favorite food is in front of you, but it's not a conventional time to eat it. There are other food options available without the same constraints. Do you still go for your favorite?
"I say it depends! If possible, yes I'll go for my favorite food(one of them is pizza!) But in some cases if i can't then i'll just go with whatever and have it another time!"
If you could go on a one day expense free trip in Equestria, where would you go?
"Oh! That's a hard one! There's so many places. I lived in Ponyville most of my life and i go to Canterlot every now and then to see family or help my mom out with her bakery when she's there. I always thought Rainbow Falls was beautiful! And the Crystal Empire seems so fun too! I can't pick just one place"
Would you still go if you could only see in shades of green for the duration of the trip?
"Of course i would, sure it'd be an interesting experience, but i'm sure it wouldn't stop me from having a good time!"