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Everything posted by GatebreakerGT

  1. Personally, I would REALLY love to see Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis return. They've been stuck in stone for YEAAARRS by now and I kind of want to see how they would react to the new generation. Maybe get the Mane 5 to reform them somehow since we're clearly lacking Alicorns in this generation to turn them back to stone, it would also be funny to watch the Mean 3 adjust to the current times.
  2. I watched the movie trailer and I got to say that I loved it! I can't wait for the actual movie to come out next month. So far (and still) Hitch Trailblazer remains as my favorite character in G5.
  3. I'm extremely excited for the new movie trailer! I'm hoping they deliver and make the wait for this movie/trailer worth it
  4. It would mainly be a tie between Big Mac, Discord, Spike and surprisingly Thorax. But if I had to choose between those 4 then I would have to go with Big Mac. Out of all the male characters that gained development, Big Mac without doubt had the most consistent development with Thorax being in the 2nd place. Discord and Spike seem to backtrack on their character development here and there for the sake branding it seems (At least that's how I see it).
  5. It took 3 months but I finally finished this dumb little project of mine! 14 funny shorts involving two series that I love very much. I could have done more jokes but I didn't want it to be too long (12 minutes is long enough already). In the end, if any of you are watching this. I hope you'll get a good laugh out of this whether you're a fan of My Little Pony or Dragon Ball or just in general. Hope you guys enjoy it! (As always, I am 100% open to criticism. If this video somehow does well, I wouldn't mind making another one and trying to improve from this one)
  6. I could probably sit here and say the same common complaints that everyone usually has about G5 so far, you know the ones like Covering Modern Problems, Forced Diversity, Politics, Gender Roles, the "Toy Story" artstyle, and other controversial topics. Me personally, stuff like that I'm honestly used to being in shows now a days as long as it's done right. Be it that this is a show targeted towards little girls, i'm sure they're not going to hammer it down our throats to degree like other shows which have a different target audience. If anything my ONLY concerns for MLP G5 is if the writing can stay good or if the animation can stay consistent, because lord knows they're not going to get away with accidentally making a pony an Alicorn as an animation error this time around (Since it's in CGI and such). As for the writing, as long as the writing has a similar feel to G4 and feels improved upon. I'm game for anything to be honest (I'm really open minded lol). I guess for any small concerns that I have, the only small concern I have is how the show will handle G4's Legacy. You know continuity and such, I hope don't retcon anything or change anything too significant to pander to G5. Lastly, something I find funny would be if the animation team behind G5 purposely tries to make an animation error for a random background Pony to try and make a "G5 Derpy" or something, that would be hilarious but at the same time really desperate in my eyes. Hopefully this doesn't happen.
  7. I personally think that Sunny and Hitch are siblings due to how similar they look, but i'm willing to be proven wrong either way.
  8. I always thought that Celestia's mane changed to a Rainbow/Aurora color scheme when she gained her power to control the sun. In the first episode of MLP, once they defeated Nightmare Moon. Princess Luna's mane was completely different from the one we know now, it didn't have the flowing night star color scheme and such. But once she came back during the 1st Nightmare Night episode, her hair was changed to the flowing mane that we're used to now. So I would assume that the Celestia and Luna's manes are more than likely connected to their powers to rise and lower the sun/moon? Who knows the real reason? But that's pretty much just a silly head canon of mine, but I think it would be a very good explanation as for why their manes are different.
  9. I saw a lot of people talking about why they did not like the fact that G5 was introducing Cell Phones into the world of MLP, I for one really didn't understand why they think that Cell Phones in MLP are bad for the series and don't make any sense. Well in this video, I try my best to explain why Cell Phones in MLP G5 makes sense in the best way that I can. (Granted this is my first time making a discussion or analysis video like this, so I may have tried to elaborate on a couple things that I may or may not have too much knowledge on. But I tried my best and I'm 100% open to criticism )
  10. Zipp Storm seems to be the new Rainbow Dash of G5? Well at least to me. I immediately got that sort of vibe off from her the moment she popped up on screen. Maybe if the Elements Of Harmony are still around, she'll be the Element Of Loyalty? She seems like the Loyal type of character. Guess we'll have to wait and see
  11. I can't really say because we haven't seen too much of G5's animation, but if I were to choose regardless. I would more than likely say that G4 style I would prefer due to my 2D bias. Hoping that G5 delivers and ends up being great with their CGI!
  12. First time using the Status Update feature on this site~ 

    So I've been working on a giant collection of shorts/memes that I made with MLP Greenscreens and DBFZ mods (I like making video edits of stuff I like as a hobby). It's sorta like a My Little Pony and Dragon Ball Crossover collection (Sorta like an Anthology collection) filled with a bunch of stuff I think is funny (Most of the jokes make no sense and are pretty crazy), a good example would be these two videos I made a while back on my YouTube Channel.

    -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmJYJQKvOQY&t=42s


    I'm hoping to get the collection done sooner or later. Maybe around next month since I was aiming to upload it on April 1st but I might not reach that due date. But yeah i'm hoping to get this video out soon!  :pinkie:

    (I still got to think of a title lol)

  13. So 4 days ago was Starlight Glimmer Day on Equestria Daily, I didn't know what to whip up since i'm not very good at drawing Ponies (Never drew them before tbh) but then an idea came to mind. I just drew Starlight Cosplaying as Trunks from DBZ since they both had time travel shenanigans. Also drawing a Pony standing up was very difficult but I think I did alright for my first Pony drawing. P.S. Yes i'm fully aware that I forgot her tail (my bad)
  14. So I've made some adjustments to the roster (I completely forgot to add Rarity which was my bad LMAO), this is everyone who I personally think would work in a MLP 3v3 Fighting game (I was originally going to add a few more characters like Autumn Blaze, Shining Armor, Bulk Biceps, and Thorax. But I couldn't figure out a moveset for most of them and I didn't want Thorax ending up as a Queen Chrysalis clone...then again I do have Lightning Dust in the game so I don't think having a clone character would be too bad )
  15. Alright, so i've been playing a lot Dragon Ball FighterZ lately. It's a very fun fighting game but after re-watching some MLP episodes and watching some matches of "Them's Fightin' Herds" and the mugen fan game "MLP: Fighting Is Magic", I sorta wondered what would happened if Arc System Works made a 3v3 MLP G4 Fighting Game in a similar 2.5D style like Dragon Ball FighterZ (Sorta like a "My Little Pony FighterZ")? Granted this would probably never happen but it was a fun thought that popped up in my head. The idea was stuck in my head for about a week and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I came up with a bunch of ideas about how the game would work, what each characters playstyle would be, what alternate colors they would have, I even went as far as to make a mock up character select screen as for who would be in the base roster (Took me all night to make this, also all vectors were not made by me). (Heroes on the left side and Villians (Including characters before they were reformed) on the right side just like FighterZ) All the blank spots with question marks would be DLC characters, but I would have to think real hard as for who would be "DLC Worthy". Other than that, I think this would be a fun starting roster and all of these characters would have their own unique playstyles (I could 100% see Tirek having a meter absorption mechanic), they would be very well animated knowing Arc Sys is in charge, and would it more than likely be very easy to get into and play knowing MLP's target audience. I would also love to see maybe Dramatic/Special Finishes (Ex. if Twilight were to beat Tirek on a certain stage, they would basically re-enact their fight from Season 4 Episode 25 "Twilight's Kingdom" but re-animated in 3D by Arc-Sys ). So what would you guys think of a MLP Fighting Game like this and who would you guys want to be in the base game or DLC? I'll be adding more to this mock up roster I made on Photoshop and might change around some character spots.
  16. Hitch without a doubt has to be my favorite design so far, I can't say 100% why but he has Orange and Blue in his color scheme so he has already won me over with that. There is also something about his personality that just gives off a cocky/confident vibe which I also love. In other words, this character was practically made for me to love!
  17. Yo everybody (or everypony? I got to get used to saying that), I'm GatebreakerGT but you can just call me Gate. I'm just some lucky guy who ended up being a fan of MLP and Dragon Ball at the same (This is also my first time using a forum like ever so yeah). I usually enjoy doing things such as video editing, making memes on photoshop, drawing (I draw whatever really comes to mind but i'm trying to practice drawing ponies, I mainly just draw Dragon Ball or Video Game characters), playing video games (I mainly play fighting games but I like other genres too), watching TV shows/cartoons/anime, talking about Dragon Ball, and a tiny bit of animation but I'm still learning. I'm pretty passionate about all the things I create or do and I really want to start creating more MLP related things, so I'm hoping to make some friends here and meet new people in this fandom with similar interest as me. I also hope to get my YouTube channel officially going someday where I can frequently upload my video edits for a living or maybe make analysis video and such, I guess it depends on what the future holds. Anyway, I can't wait to make some new friends and see what this place has to offer!
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