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Everything posted by Moondrop

  1. here I am…

    I can’t believe it has been almost 3 years since I joined the forum. I know I haven’t been online very much since july of ‘21, but when going through my old phone, I found this. I found MLP forums. a place that I could go to whenever I felt like it. just wanted to check in to tell y’all i’m alive, not super well, but i’m trying. i miss y’all, and wish I could come back to this, but I haven’t watched mlp in years and I feel like their still is no reason to stay here if i’m not super interested in mlp. after this, i’ll be gone for a while, but I may pop in every few months (what i’ve been doing for the past few years). I’ll have this tab open for a day and i’ll answer any replies. 




    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sparkliersparks


      @Moondropdystopian novels huh?

      If they're mlp related, I might check them out

      Can you link me?

    3. Moondrop


      I’ll let you know once I find a good one!

    4. Sparkliersparks


      I wouldn't mind checking out one of yours, is what I meant

  2. HEY!! IM BACK!

    1. Astralshy


      Welcome back!

      How are you?

    2. Moondrop


      I’m great, how about you?

    3. Astralshy


      I'm good, just tired after a long day :>

  3. just revisited mlp forums…how are you Tom???

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I’m good, thanks. Great to see you again. Hope you’re well! :wub:

      I’m not really on here anymore but I occasionally drop in to check. :adorkable:

    2. Moondrop


      Aw, I’m sorry to hear that! Great to check in with you again!

  4. Visiting again…So many memories!!

    Im so sorry for leaving y’all…just know it wasn’t an easy decision!!  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moondrop


      You too, Tom!:mlp_icwudt:

    3. Moondrop


      You too, Tom!:mlp_icwudt:

    4. Astralshy


      No worries :> You will always be welcome here with us  :)

  5. BTW, You may be Wondering why my username changed, that was my sister :/

    but anyways, bad new, I’m leaving mlp forums. Im really sorry. I don’t like mlp that much anymore and yeah. Im so sorry. I will stay online for the next few days to reply to comments and stuff. But the. I’ll stop going on the forums. Farewell, Moondrop.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      @Harmony Gardens

      I'm happy to see you here.

    3. TheRockARooster
    4. Moondrop


      hey! Just checking in… I’ll do this every couple months or so. how is everyone doing :)

  6. I need help!

    My Profile says I am a “Muffin” but others say different things such as “Pegasus” or “evil changeling” how do I change it ??


    Changing things on my profile, go check it out!!

    xo, moondrop

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Welcome to MLP Forums! :D


      This post should answer your question: 



    2. Moondrop
  7. Bad News…

    If you've haven’t noticed, I’ve been VERY, VERY Inactive lately. Here’s why:

    1. Exams. School recently ended, but I was really stressed about upcoming tests I didn’t have time for much other things.

    2. Cheer. You may or may not now, but in my personal life I do A LOT OF competitive cheer which takes up a lot of time.

    3. Vacations.  I’m going on so many vacations! (Ex. tomorrow!)

    4. Liking. I have been steering away from MLP Lately, idk why. sad D:

    Thanks. So you’re probably wanting to know the bad news…

    well, Even though I love the forums, You will not see me often at all anymore. I’m not saying not AT ALL, just not very often. I’m sad, but I do feel this is a better decision for me 


    thanks for taking time to read this




    love moondrop 🌙 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Windy Breeze
    3. Moondrop



      I don’t have discord :( 

      like what

    4. Moondrop


      Aww Same <<<3333 ;)

      Idk where we can talk besides discord. What else do u have?

  8. goodbye spring, my favorite season! don’t tell me im not looking forward to summer, though!



  9. Tomorrow is my birthday yay! Sorry I have been inactive, I was very busy lately.

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      That's okay and congratulations!

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy birthday to you then! :blue_baloon:


    3. Moondrop


      aww thx!!!!!!!


  10. OCS! FEEL free to name them in the comments! Up for adoption -> put applications/ who you would like in comments









    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      The first one reminded me of the anarchy sister.... The socks blade

    2. Moondrop
    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Oh wait she actually looks like the asian glitch tech!

  11. Why does it say you joined the forums yesterday?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      @Astral Soul Every time I see them together fills me with so much joy. From Pinkie’s hilariousness to Rainbow Dash’s awesomeness, from Applejack’s great accent to Rarity’s fabulousness, from Fluttershy’s cuteness to Twilight’s geekiness, I love them all equally and I shall never pick a favourite. They are the single best things to ever happen to me and I love them all forever! :wub:


    3. Astralshy


      The force is mane six are strong with you!

    4. Moondrop


      Ya know, 2020 felt so long, I guess I thought we were still in it lol


  12. So, today I wanted to talk to you about Luna and Celestia’s Wings, sounds boring, I know. But I have a big question I want a answer for. If you search “filly Luna/Celestia” You’ll see pictures of them as filles . Though, they have the same size wings a normal Pegasus foal would-they are ALICORNS. Proven by Lauren Faust, they are born Alicorns, like flurry heart. And flurry heart was born with large Alicorn wings... shouldn’t they be?
  13. Enjoying the springtimeFE8AF90D-ED26-421F-94AB-EDD276D9D788.thumb.jpeg.64f9a96ac5227a543d09ea080c29d4d5.jpeg

  14. I changed my Name! The reason I did this is because I prefer Pegasi and I feel a connection with the moon/night! 




  15. MLP name my Oc!


  16. As seen in A Big Mac question, was that a Proposal ? I don’t exactly know about this We’re parents concerned?
  17. @sparklysparks

    sooooo amazing


    1. Sparkly sparks

      Sparkly sparks

      you said something about doing this with cadence

      am i supposed to edit fluttershy to look like cadence?

  18. Luna and Cadence Rule! :LunaMCM1::love:







    1. Splashee


      Yay you enabled your status updates :yay:

      They look like awesome friends!

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Glad you got your status update working! ;)

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