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Everything posted by BlackFaithStar

  1. Hello there, @celestialvelvet! Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay here
  2. Ah, this reminds me, I encountered one interesting theory on this while browsing TV Tropes the other day, I came across the trope page for "Fingerless Hands" MLP:FIM can be found under the Western Animation folder, and here's what the first bullet point says: The hyperlink in "Granular Jamming" leads to this image (which I can't shrink for some reason so it's under a spoiler): There's also an Equestria Daily post which contains a vid explaining how the "jamming phase transition" of granular material is utilised in robotics. This is the first take I ever saw on this theory and I found it intriguing, which is why I'm inclined to it for the most part. But another theory such as ponies of all kinds being in touch with some sort of magic so it wouldn't be a stretch that they can generate a short-range telekinetic field with their hooves (rephrased from a comment on that Derpibooru post) sounds viable to me as well, which, then again, could be the Force all over again. Just adds to the fun of speculation, so considering other theories is also cool. While brainstorming is fun and all, ultimately the answer to a lot of these in fiction is probably just cartoon logic. No need to allow speculations on some inconsistencies to suck the fun out of a show , but maybe theorising regardless adds to the enjoyment of the show for some if it floats their boat. Sometimes it does, and then sometimes you need a break .
  3. Hey there! What do you do for a living?
  4. Mornin' everypone. Or in my case there's only half an hour of morning left :P


  5. Wow I haven't changed my wallpaper since I was hyping for this movie back in 2019. Desktop's a mess so you're just getting the screenshot I used (I compare the villain in this movie to the Storm King a bit, except Retak'ka was way more ambitious about having the powers of the elements than just storms) Also I intend to draw a ponified version of this image someday
  6. "I've got makeup on my butt dude! And you don't even wanna know about the cork!"
  7. Was gonna post a WIP sketch but realised I left out something important so I'm saving that for later :sealed:

    On a different note, my younger cousin wore a Rainbow Dash shirt - except she was pink in color and had red, purple, white and Celestia knows what hair.

    When I asked her why Rainbow Dash was pink, she took a minute and responded that it was a Pinkie Pie Dash / PinkieDash instead -



    And signing off, good night everypony! :fluttershy:

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Goodnight, Faith. See you tomorrow!

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Interesting combination. :ooh::ph3ar:

      Goodnight, Windikins!

  8. Now that's what I call a teapot. XDIMG_20210525_080948.thumb.jpg.3425216931336c8966e9e2fffe92dd68.jpg

    Good morning everypony! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlackFaithStar


      @Windy BreezeNah it's actually tea made in a pot :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Why is it brown.... chocolate

    4. BlackFaithStar


      @KujamihIt's milk tea- :sealed: it's tea with milk.

  9. *yawn* Mornin' Luna. Nice fanart btw
  10. Making this a goodnight post but man, every time I listen to Princewhateverer's Destabilize, I'm overwhelmed with so many emotions that it's no wonder I haven't downloaded it yet - it's borderline dangerous for me :lie:

    Besides the fact that internal conflict is a big Author Appeal of mine, I'm just feeling SweetieBot's pain every time I hear the song and I don't know why - :sealed:

    I was introduced to Friendship is Witchcraft through his songs about SweetieBot but never watched that abridged series until some months ago. Although that's when she became a favourite character of mine, Prince's songs were definitely contributors of my likeness towards her.

    Anywho, good night everypony! /)e22.gif

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Goodnight! :eager:

    2. Astralshy


      Goodnight! :LunaMCM1:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Goodnight, Faith

  11. Thank you very much @TheRockARooster!
  12. If: I gunned you down right here Then: Would you start to feel fear If: I watched you as you die Then: Maybe I'd feel alive
  13. I don't see why not no problem! And it's totally fine, just work on it when you feel like it
  14. If: you found me here at last Then: would you do what they asked If: you trust the words they said Then: put your gun to my head
  15. Whoa, this looks really sick already! : Looking forward to the end product, this looks astoundingly well done so far!
  16. Realistically speaking, if I was given an option to decline from doing so, I'd take that. Going out of one's way to make another feel bad sucks. If I had to pick, I was inclined to say Flim and Flam since they weren't all too far from turning Equestria into an industrial wasteland according to their Bad Future in the Season 5 finale, plus they were kind of jerks to begin with. But since I read (got spoiled minorly lol) that they helped the good guys at the very end, I'm less certain now. Back when they were jerks, perhaps I would have, theoretically. But since even they had redeeming-ish qualities (plus this being something I'd never intentionally do), I guess not.
  17. I was just looking at your Lego Rarity not 10 minutes ago They both look awesomely done, I can see you put a lot of effort into these 👍👍
  18. Rather late, but good morning everypony :)

    Boboiboy says Hi too! :D 2135020293_Boboiboyponytown.png.e1e1a07f1084f9709b0b73f2e2b64978.png

    I ought to make more Pony Town versions of these characters to introduce them :o

    I forgot to mention, that cover photo up there? That's the teaser photo for the second movie for BoBoiBoy (released in 2019), as can be seen here.

    I was looking for pics I already had to use and figured, why not? xD

    There is this one screenshot from that film I really want to draw into pony form someday :squee: but that's a project for a later time. Don't want this status to trail on so, I hope y'all have a nice day! 

    Boboiboy pony town.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Me too @Windy Breeze!

      ...now I'm insane:laugh:

    3. BlackFaithStar


      👀 :o yoooo really?

      :squee::squee: Nice! :D 

    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Yes.... It made me BoBo ahahaha XD

  19. It's ironic isn't it? Here I was always under the impression that every other place on the planet gets info for new pony content first - and then I see this happen. Then again it could just be a ruse - either a temporary title or something completely unpredicted. I guess I'm just the type of person who prefers to wait and see .
  20. Finally, first status update! :D  Now what to say... :sealed:

    Alright, I don't have to share everything to say in one status, so this one is gonna be about my other favourite fandom/show besides MLP:FIM.

    Let me introduce you to BoBoiBoy, a Malaysian animated series which started airing on March 13th 2011, the same year which MLP:FIM also started if I'm not mistaken. Unlike MLP:FIM, however, I was watching BoBoiBoy since the beginning, and still have the DVDs of some earlier episodes.

    What's the premise? A kid named BoBoiBoy (it's actually his nickname, his real name remains unknown) spends the holiday with his grandfather at Rintis Island. The unforeseen part, however, occurs when a space robot tails BBB home after he snuck on a spaceship to take back a cocoa can another alien robot stole from his grandfather's cocoa store... it makes sense in context, but basically, to these aliens, cocoa is a valuable power source, although it's just food to us.

    Anyway, the robot that tailed him home is Ochobot, a "power sphera", that's the term for spherical robots which possess great power. In this case, Ochobot granted BoBoiBoy superpowers, and then later his friends as well. The premise of the show is them fighting evil aliens, though it expands to them taking the fight to space in later renditions.

    That's the introduction for it I suppose. I intend to spread the word around about Malaysian animated works, not just BoBoiBoy, by making ponified fanart of them if I can. It seems like a good idea so we'll see :) 

    Here's a BoBoiBoy gif I wanted to put in my signature, but unfortunately it's too big :( . Ah well. Too bad I don't remember the art credit either :/. I didn't even mention BoBoiBoy's superpowers yet :o I'll get to that in another status perhaps :squee:

    Anywho, good night everypony! /)


    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Goodnight, Faith. See you tomorrow!

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it. :rarity: The premise sounds very good though! :eager:
      Goodnight! :squee:

  21. Ay it's alright, none taken, but thank you for clarifying I'm indifferent about this current title, and wouldn't mind too much if it changes or not. I recall being more concerned about where the later seasons of MLP:FIM are on Netflix here, because as this reply to that tweet states as well, seasons 7 to 9 are still not available in Malaysia. Dangit Netflix, WHEN-
  22. Hello there! Welcome to the forums! Your artwork is pretty neat , do you mind sharing why you picked a cow(/pony) as the species for your character?
  23. Hiya! Welcome back to the forums! I'm more of a new member but regardless I hope you enjoy your time back here! /) Fluttershy is my favourite of the Mane 6 too, nice . It's been a while since I watched the show too, and I intend to watch what I missed casually I like reading and metal music as well Good luck on that music project!
  24. Huh, I just saw what you meant, that is an intriguing coincidence! And thanks! Well I'm fine with catching up what I missed casually, but I do suppose that G5 should be worth anticipating for Alright, got it enabled! Thank you very much for the help!
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