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Maurice AKA Phan. Sonic

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Everything posted by Maurice AKA Phan. Sonic

  1. Bowser: Yes I do in fact. When I got my own dream world I became supersized. TWICE! but those pesky plumbers got the best of me. Mario: We took him down by Dreamy Luigi supersizing once. And when he supersized again, we just supersized our finishing attack to counter that! Luigi: It still feels real though... Heres the battle footage!
  2. MAAAAAAAMMMAAAAAAA! Ugh, Luigi! This isnt new! To answer, yes we could beat you in an RPG style battle, but we would try to calm you down- Bowser's joined the Party! Whats UP STACHES?!? Toad and some creator said I could join in, but Im not here for "fun". Im here for the BEST TIME OF MY LIFE! BWAHAHAHA! Ugh, whatever. Thanks for "Scariest Question of the year."
  3. Of course! Even in non-canon series, Like a Nintendo High on youtube, he started to a Blush! How a did you know!?! Anyways. Thanks for the question. Now that I think about for development-Luigi! I think if we a get one more question, we should a get someone to join!
  4. My favorite? Possibly the Giga Cat Bell, from Bowser's Fury. Makes a me feel like I can TAKE ON A ANYTHING! My favorite would a depend if you are a talking RPG titles, or platformers. RPG: In the a Dream Team title, when Mario visitsa the dream world, I can make a clones of myself for my a big bro to attack with. OH YEAH.. I a almost forgot about THAT! Platformers would a be the Fire Flower! Here's all the Attacks we can a use in Dream team. Thanks a so much for the first a question!
  5. "It's okay. My Tornado's been through worse." Tails said. "So, what exactly were you doing Tails?" Mason asked. Tails put on a surprised face. "Well, I was upgrading the Tornado's engine to have it going at the Speed of Sound." "Thats practically Impossible! How would you do that?" Mason said. "Weeeell..." he opened the engine and Mason saw the Emeralds inside the plane's harnesser. "SONIC, THE CHAOS EMERALDS!!!" Mason yelled."oops" Tails stated, "I was wanting to race the three fastest things currently here. But Mason's busy with Pinkie, Sonic likes to do his own thing, and who knows where Rainbow Dash is currently at."
  6. How exactly would everyone, including Omachao, compare themselves to the Mario universe?
  7. Hello! Its-a Me, Mario! And a me, Luigi! And starting today, we will be starting an Ask a Pony- Ask A PONY?!? We are a humans, brother. They- Just stay with a the topic. Anyway, feel free to ask us anything, and we may add a many more people to the Ask-a The Mario Bros section! Just remember this, a fans...
  8. Mason asked, "Does the term,'human', sound familiar to you? If not, well, that's what I am. My name is Mason, and I'm sorry about Tails landing his plane here. Pinkie Pie thought it would be nice to meet you guys, since..." Mason started to hesitate. Tails added, "He is currently dating your daughter. I am sorry, too, I'm Miles Prower, but everyone calls me 'Tails'." Mason nodded when Tails mentioned the scenario.
  9. !!!"Tails!" Mason said as he heard the plane getting damaged.WIthout thinking he jumped right in the headbutt, which made him drop his teleporting rings. Tails got traumatized, back to the day when the kids at his village broke his tech."STOP IT! STOP IT!! SONIC HELP!!!!" The Chaos Emeralds started to glow and teleported the plane out of the way, and fixed the Plane in no time. Mason hugged Tails, trying to calm him down."Its okay bud. Next time park the plane at least 500 ft away from here. And I take you're Limestone, Pinkie's former relative?" Mason said, looking at her."Sonic, take Tails for a second."
  10. "Honestly, I prefer walking anyway." Mason said as he started to walk. "I wonder why Tails brought his plane?" Meanwhile at the farm area, Tails was inserting the gems in the harnessing area of the plane."If I can beat Sonic, or even Mason, with my plane adjustments, I can even beat Equestria's Rainbow Dash!" He whispered to himself, then noticed a lot of animals around him. "Dont tell Fluttershy I said that."He nervously said, then continued working.
  11. Mason nodded. To his surprise, Tails came through a giant ring in the sky on his biplane, the Tornado, and it seemed to head toward Pinkie's family rock farm. "Now that I think of it, Tails did say something about an alternate future that he somehow remembers, and it was the side reason of how he followed you." He then got distracted by a beautiful rainbow in the sky. "Nature is great. Ready to go, or we can stay a bit longer, if you want." (OOC: the alternate timeline has nothing to do with...You know what.)
  12. Twilight, does this boss battle inspire your ideas for a new research?
  13. Mason saw the squirrel and stopped to look at it. "I kinda blame Sonic for being in the fast lane." He knew he was about to cry, and hugged Pinkie tight."But...Its hard to stay slow. It was my life for ten or so years." A giant ring popped out of nowhere."HMM?" Mason heard it and stood in front of Pinkie. "Relax, kiddo." Sonic said as he hopped out, but it was a bit too late. Mason hit the Blue Blur then gasped "SONIC?!? DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" He yelled. "Tails and Knuckles took a break. I thought Id check on you." "Sonic...what caused you to live the fast lane?" Mason asked
  14. Sorry, not used to roleplaying. I can be someone not taken, if preffered
  15. "Sorry. Are we there yet? Cause I really need to run." Mason said. He noticed a rock like farm up ahead."Or am I seeing things? If not, I need a race!"
  16. Hello everyone. Im UI Tails, and for the Character, I'm going to be Phantom Sonic, https://mlpforums.com/character/96-phantom-sonic/
  17. (Oh no) Mason started sweating. "What are you talking about?" He changed the music to play a joke. "Oh this? here listen." Mason tried to keep a straight face but couldnt contain it. He then calmed down."The truth? I was listening to sad music. I dont know how, but it keeps me calm"
  18. Mason nodded. "Sorry for that Pinkie Pie." he said. Tails and Knuckles started towards a giant ring."Me and Knux here need to get the Emeralds. We'll join ya in a bit." Mason was wondering what it would've been like to see Eq versions of everyone, but ignored it and started walking to the rock farm. He put on music in his hidden earbuds to past the walking time. To him it was peaceful enough to pass the clock.
  19. I will use the unlimited power of dead memes! get triggered and KERMIT SEWERCIDE!! not literally
  20. Mason felt a warm embrace, and got up." I got some research to do. Any one care to join?" Tails nodded."Whats it on?" "Lately, I have been hearin' rumors that might show what...or WHO is Metal Sonic." Knuckles scoffed." Just rumors." Tails tried to hold back a roast. Mason changed the subject. "Alright, so whats our next course of action?"
  21. Mason then at that moment remembered how he was really born, and realized that being born in the afterlife was a fake memory given. "My real origin," he said out loud, "My genes were altered the day I was born in a lab. I was abandoned by my real parents, and I was nothing but a test subject. I was found by...Someone." Tails pointed out, "I do remember Sonic saying he found you at a research lab. He just thought you would rage later on if you knew the real reason." "I was like Shadow, many artificial powers were given. But...I was nothing to anyone." Mason sat down and looked at the sky. "Not at least, til Sonic and friends found me. Even Shadow cared, due to the real reason." He then began to cry Knuckles said," at least Pinkie Pie cares about you."
  22. Amy dropped him. "Youre lucky I dont have my hammer handy." Then she left. "Pinkie..." Mason hugged her tight. "I dont want to...go dark." "Shoot, that was close." Tails sighed. "Close? More like, almost done for! Im going." Sonic said, before running off.
  23. Mason then questioned Tails's result."Yeah, are you sure?" "Well...there is ONE catch." Tails said. "If Mason's emotion isnt controlled, say Pinkie gets hurt, then Mason's overflow will turn him to his Dark form." "Tails..." Sonic said, "What the actual heck?!?!? Thats pretty much 45% of the time!" Mason threw a ring just to get away from the conversation, but... "Still forgetting whos here and who isnt, huh Mason?" Amy grabbed him by the collar. "Honestly, you need to grow up. Oh wait. YOU WONT GROW UP! 2 years ago. Dont you remember? Mobian traditions prevent growth." "Amy let him go." Knuckles growled. "Amy." Mason started to emit a dark aura. " Im trying to stay calm. Let. me. go." "Or what, TRAITOR?" Amy yelled.
  24. Mason thought it was the space time continuum creating these problems. But his power was balanced. Sonic was shocked that Chaos was no more for the time being."Mason, why dont you take Pinkie home? Its getting late." Noticing the sun setting, Mason nodded. "Hold up!" Tails yelled. "WHAT?!?" Mason and Co. yelled. "Mason, can I measure your power for a second?" He asked kindly. "Like Sonic says,'Sure, but make it quick.'" Mason Said. After a bit, Tails confirmed the result. "Mason...he wont have any overflow from now on! Chaos took the source of overflow with itself." "Phew..."Mason said." Now, shall we get home?" he asked Pinkie.
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