Link to RP thread
Plot Equestria is in a state of cosmic disarray. The natural, as well as the magical ecosystems are out of whack and it seems that the population of the country has mysteriously increased. Famine is rampant, the rulers of the land have disappeared, and as a result anarchy is steadily spreading. A small number of ponies has taken it to themselves to find out what's going on and solve the problem, the catch being that elsewhere, identically named ponies who look exactly like these first ponies have chosen to do the same. Concept Huzzah for gimmicky roleplays~ The idea here is that every applied character will be in the RP twice, once played by their creator (well, duh~ ), and once played by a random other roleplayer. This also means that everybody will have to pull double duty, roleplaying as two different characters. It's more for the fun of finding out how someone else will roleplay your character with just the information on your character page, and roleplaying how your characters would react to "themselves" than anything else. If you know anything to make this idea more interesting, please tell me so~ General rules
Keep the Language as clean as possible, swearing is allowed but only at a bare minimum.
No killing player characters.
No godmodding.
No weapons.
Be respectful of your fellow roleplayers.
Proper grammar and spelling are required.
OOC discussion either in this thread or in PM form, no exceptions.
RP specific rules
Be especially respectful towards the character you're roleplaying that isn't your own. That is to say, if you're doing anything extreme with someone else's character you'd better have a damn good explanation as to why you'd think they would act in such a manner that the creator can agree to.
Try to balance out usage of both characters so you don't use one way more than the other.
The two characters you play are not allowed to interact with each other unless absolutely necessary.
Colour code both characters so it's easy to tell which one you're roleplaying at the time.
Character application format
Name: [name]
Link: [link to the character page]
Time: [the time you'll roughly be available, preferably in 24h GMT (so you can find a roleplaying partner who will be active at roughly the same time)]
[anything else]
Cast by character
Blaze Finder - ( Ampharos | Fluttering High )
Kingfisher - ( Cinderscribe | Starstream )
Nuclear Neurotic - ( Nuclear Neur?tic | Cinderscribe )
Regal - ( Snowy Storm | SkyeRibbonPwny )
Skye Ribbon - ( SkyeRibbonPwny | Ampharos )
Soulfire - ( Fluttering High | Nuclear Neur?tic )
Starstream Heartlocke - ( Starstream | Snowy Storm )
Cast by player
@Ampharos - ( Blaze Finder | Skye Ribbon )
- ( Kingfisher | Nuclear Neurotic )
@Fluttering High - ( Soulfire | Blaze Finder )
- ( Nuclear Neurotic | Soulfire )
@SkyeRibbonPwny - ( Skye Ribbon | Regal )
@Snowy Storm - ( Regal | Starstream Heartlocke )
@Starstream - ( Starstream Heartlocke | Kingfisher )