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Everything posted by Starstream

  1. @ Suppose I could get my stuff ready for recording about an hour earlier (11:00 pm for you), would that be a feasible time? Do you maybe have somewhere you have to be the next morning, or do you generally just don't want to stay up that late? I can understand in either case.
  2. @ Interesting... what's your timezone? I might be able to get my stuff done a little earlier if that would help any, because my ability to record after 10:00 pm depends fully on whether or not my family is awake and blasting on the background.
  3. Well, technically I could easily do that for you... the problem is that well... I wouldn't be able to do anything fancy. If this doesn't bother you however then I'm all game.
  4. @ I use various programmes depending on what I'm recording. - FRAPS - XSplit broadcaster - Camtasia recorder - *Some other recorder of which I do not know the name off the top of my head. - Audacity (audio only) On another note, I have been granted certain partner privileges by Youtube on my main account. Not sure if I'll actually use that for anything though... . I was planning on recording commentary to a Pokemon LP I have recorded and edited and I was wondering if any of you guys would be up for joining me. I plan on recording somewhere between 2:00 pm GMT and 5:00 pm GMT. (10:00 am CST and noon CST) Alternatively there's a very small chance that I might be able to reschedule to somewhere after 10:00 pm GMT. (5:00 pm CST)
  5. Hai-hai, I was busy writing earlier when a sudden question hit me, when does adding extra fan concepts to a story go too far? And for the sake of staying on the same page, let's define "too far" as "the point at which it would become impossible to imagine a particular situation in the canon show". I.e.: If I were to write a story about the apocalypse of Equestria, would I be going too far if I made Fluttershy or Rarity the intentional, conscious cause of said apocalypse? Would I be going too far if I wrote a story in which Rainbow Dash and Applejack are having constant catfights because Dash has fallen in love with Big McIntosh and AJ wants none of that tomfoolery? Suppose the answer in both those cases is yes then how about a little more tame idea? How about a situation in which a new pony comes to town and meets Pinkie Pie, she proceeds to introduce him/her to the other members of the mane-six and they all but instantly become friends? Many people would loathe the idea, but in the context described before is it truly going too far? Where lies the line? Where do you draw the line? What is the breaking point where you can objectively say "this does not belong anywhere near the imaginable MLP canon!"?
  6. I do let's play videos and playthroughs, I have considered doing fanfiction readings, but my very few subscribers are mostly non-bronies. I would love to join up with some group or so to engage in a more commutative type of video making. I'm going to suggest Skype, because that also automatically provides the means for recording with each other.
  7. I would ask them why they hate the show, then Id ask then to support hose statements with arguments, then I'd ask them to elaborate on those arguments, then I'd ask them if they could look at stuff in a different way, and I continue asking questions until I feel satisfied with their answers.
  8. Starstream

    request Need an artist

    I can't promise anything spectacular, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. I have one question though, what is the story going to be about? That information is pretty handy when designing a story cover.
  9. Thank you, I appreciate that. It makes me feel a little bit less... "out of place". Truth be told, the question of this topic has been burning at the back of my mind for a while, I'm glad someone asked the question for me, giving me an opportunity to evaluate some stuff.
  10. I could possibly provide a little insight into this from my own viewpoint. I myself find a lot of enjoyment in viewing the fandom's creations and engaging in roleplays, but when it comes to actually watching the episodes it costed me way too much energy to push myself through watching the entirety of the show. Now, don't get me wrong, I by no means "hate" MLP, but I've found that only a select amount of episodes hit that sweet spot for me where I believe it truly rewards my time investment (and that number of episodes is lower than most other shows I watch). Yes, I do enjoy the episodes I like probably most of any show I've seen, but the consistency is something I just don't feel is there, and recently even more so than before I feel a distinct disconnect MLP the show as season three for me personally fell flat before what I've seen from seasons one and two. I should also say that I like the art style, characters, and locations of the show, it's just that the situations portrayed generally leave me saying... "meh...". The fanon stuff tends to spice that part up a bit, hence why I really love to hang around and invest my spare time on brony websites. For the sake of finishing what I've started, staying up to date and knowing what the fandom is talking about, and picking out those occasional personal treasures of episodes, I will continue to follow this show until its end, but I can easily relate to anyone who would choose not to do so. I guess you are right when you say that someone with a similar mindset is not technically a "brony", but that word as a title is something that not everyone engaged in the MLP fandom accepts anyway. I couldn't care less about whether or not I'm technically a brony, so long as I can create, read, listen to, and watch content and I can say that I can enjoy what I see, I have no regrets sticking around. In short, The show does not make me feel rewarded for my time investment as much as I believe it needs to while the fandom does just that, that's why I personally don't spend an incredible lot of time on the episodes, but rather on fan created content.
  11. Don't worry about it, it's just in my nature to nitpick stuff, though it can get tiring at times. But I definitely wasn't annoyed.
  12. @@Zygen (Oh, here I go anyway... . Celestia help me.) It would have made much more sense for Rarity's interest to change into a need for speed as opposed to the whole weather thing because in universe it was established that pegasi handle the weather. Anyone who would've watched Rarity trying to maneuver clouds (including Rarity herself) should have been tipped off that something here was not right here. Now, athletic abilities on the other hand is something that could conceivably apply to any type of pony, so that would be a much more desirable trait of Dash to channel into another pony. (There, out of my system, now I'm going to waterboard myself so I won't do that again.)
  13. There's a similar issue with Dashie's talent, which isn't weather management... but at this point I've spent so much energy harping and nitpicking on that episode's inconsistencies that I just don't care anymore. I'd say "just bring on the next season and let me see where the series goes at this point".
  14. If your only available drawing tool is a mouse I'd suggest learning how to draw using vectors, you can get pretty darn excellent results with that once you get the hang of it.
  15. Well, considering that Chryssalis, and The lord and saviour of all that is equine, Faust, are not options... I have to go with the third best option, the princess of the night. (Purely for the awesome design and cool powers.)
  16. You are completely in the right my friend, I cannot read the minds of the writers and Hasbro, nor can I predict the future. I can not truly "regret" Princess Twilight yet because... well... you said it, there's not enough to really "regret". That having been said, the entirety of season 3 left a bitter taste in my mouth and I will be the first to admit that my entire statement before caries a tone of bias to it. I just can't see them making a change to the formula like the one I described. As much as I want to believe it, I just. can't. see. it. Well, I by no means think it's "fine as is", so assuming I would be put into charge of re-writing the episode right at this moment, having seen all the fan responses, positive and negative, I would make... let's say... three changes. Firstly, I'd split it into 2 episodes, give some more time to flesh out the real focus of the episode, because I think most people can generally agree that it felt rushed. Secondly, I'd give less time for the coronation, because for a good amount of time we were looking at a story without conflict, considering that the one conflict in the episode had already been resolved. And to me it kinda seemed like the show was stroking its... uhm... "alicorn horn" for the latter part of the episode. Finally, I guess I'd add in more relevance to certain pre-established stuff. For one, Discord. They needed him for something in the future, this seems like an opportunity to me. I doubt he'd want to see his new friend Fluttershy affected by magic that resulted in her being so unhappy. Or how about the evil corrupt black Sombra magic? I honestly thought they were going somewhere with that and I can't be the only one with that thought. Or the crystal empire... I don't know, I guess I'm kind of grasping at straws for that one, but my point still stands that I don't think those few additions would ruin the episode and could in fact add something to it in the form of binding the season together. Oh yeah, with the extra time, maybe another song or two. I didn't care much for them, but there are a lot of people who do, so in my mind, why not give them more of what they liked?
  17. My friend, you have just perfectly echoed my main opinion on shooters, there's just too many and they're just too similar for me to care. (Though if the companies actually have the balls to team up and make a game named "Call of Battlefield 18: Modern Warfighter" I would laugh my ass off and applaud them. Who knows, I might even buy it just for the heck of it.) I don't think it would hurt much for there to be a drop in the number of different FPSes, or even just have the same amount, but take more risky design philosophies when making it. Also, to the companies, please stop the full game sequels if you're creating what could basically be a game patch plus some DLC (and the same applies to you New super Mario bros. series! Don't think I can't see you in that corner). Again, I think game developers need to create more new IPs, but come to think of it, I'd say this applies to more than just shooters.
  18. I think Princess Twilight would be a great thing... if it actually affects anything in Equestria. Oh yeah! And if they cut out all the boring paperwork-esque stuff that would come with the responsibilities, though at the moment I think only the latter is true. I just can't see them changing up the status quo all that much for season four, maybe the first and last episodes (at best 4 out of 26 from what I've heard) would be affected, but the entire rest would just be more slice-of-life stuff with Twilight relegating herself to the stuff she usually does with near complete disregard of her princesshood. Don't get me wrong, I would appreciate that effort of sticking to the old formula and I think it would be an admirable thing to do, but I have two major issues with that if it would be the case: Firstly, it would make the entire coronation thing entirely pointless in the long run. If Twilight gets promoted to the most respected rank in Equestria and has no responsibilities, then why did she need to transform at all? Secondly, I just can't realistically imagine the majority of Equestria treating her normally after such a change. Ponyville is excused, because it could be argued that over the time she has spent there she got to know everypony there to the point of them not being intimidated by her anymore, but places like Canterlot, where social status means everything? They should go buck-wild if they even hear an announcement that a princess will be mingling among them, even if just for a day. Just look at how they treat poor Celestia, everyone is always so honoured to be in her presence that she barely gets any freedom to go through a regular day in ponyville without everybody orbiting around her like she has honey pasted on her flank, just imagine how this would apply to the upperclass nuts in Canterlot. Not to mention that it would be a huge waste of potential. With the change the whole symbolic symmetry in the group has pretty much been broken already, so why not take advantage of that and use Twilight as an excuse to show us more of Equestria? Change her and the mane six into diplomats and every so often take the opportunity to send them on a train ride to some foreign place that has a problem that needs an outside hand to solve. We have yet to see the zebra, changeling, or gryphon societies, and I'm sure there are many other places that could be interesting to see in the show. Heck, I'd even go for seapony Atlantis if it means that alicorn Twilight actually affects anything. This way Hasbro can simultaneously use their own change to market their ware in the show, and we could get an extra occasional non-slice-of-life episode. I think this sounds reasonable, do I sound crazy when I propose this? Edit: I'm very sorry for the long run-on sentences, I need to learn to remedy that.
  19. As amazingly, braincrunchingly, interesting as your entire theory is, it kind of falls apart right... about... here... You see, I can just point at Cadenza's horn when she was a babysitter and say that it's probably an age thing and it will grow with time.
  20. It's true that the multiplayer monsters have increased health, but when I said solo-ing the whole game I meant solo-ing the whole game?. When I said multiplayer wasn't necessary I meant multiple players aren't necessary. Congrats~! Also, mate, the lance is awesome! While the hardest to master it is arguably the best weapon in the game for solo-ing. Just give it some time and you'll be poking through lagiacrusses like it's nothing. I myself am more of a greatsword guy, and I can get pretty decent times with longswords, but I always find myself outclassed by my lancer friend.
  21. @, Can't really help ya in the quest, seeing as I have the 3DS version, I can however give you some tips as to what you can take with you to make solo-ing as easy as possible. Never forget, it's always possible to solo a monster hunter game, multiplayer is awesome, but never necessary. I still wish they had made it so he flees the area by doing his spinning helicopter attack, that would be amazing.
  22. Ice skating would definitely be where I'd be found, I consider it the most fun of the tasks. Alternatively there would be clearing out snow, I wouldn't mind doing that all that much either.
  23. I watched Powerpuff girls as a kid, I watched Wynx club as a kid, I watched Sailor moon as a kid, I've even seen and enjoyed some episodes of a Barbie show/mini-series... ... So of course I wouldn't have watched MLP if it had come out back then! Are you kidding!? That shit is way too prissy for a real boy like myself, I mean, seriously? Candy coloured ponies? Ha! Cool joke bro. In reality back then I would have been more receptive than I am even today. Back then I would've loved seasons 2 and 3 unconditionally just as much as I do for season 1 today. Heck, back then I would've watched gen 1 or 2 if we had it on TV over here because back then I was optimistic and could find "something awesome" in every single series I was presented with. Maybe I wouldn't have watched every episode, because I never particularly cared for "following" a show before I got into anime, but I wouldn't have had to be drawn into it by a third party as much as ended up being the case.
  24. I'll be getting the game for the 3DS with my MonHun group later this week, probably Wednesday. I really wish we had a WiiU to play online with though, but I'm one of those very few lucky 4-local-multiplayer people so I have no right to complain. Gonna bowgun the s*** out of the Rathian the first chance I get.
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