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Light Speed

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Everything posted by Light Speed

  1. See, I'm wondering if Celestia and Luna were talking about Twilight being ready to use dark magic in order to protect the kingdom, and so the look Luna gives to Twilight is simply because she is not sure she'll be able to handle that kind of magic. This interpretation would also help to explain the black book, since it could contain content relating the dark magic, this interpretation would also help to explain the next level of her training since it may be something along the lines of forbidden magic which she is not to use under any circumstance, and a whole episode could revolve around her using dark magic to protect a kingdom.. Also a further thought I had was If the test was to see of she was willing to break the rules for the greater good and a episode based around her using dark magic to protect something could be what Celestia and Luna were preparing her for.
  2. Does anyone know of anyway to watch season 3 live on my iPod, since sites like bronystate won't work, I was wondering if Luna.tv would but it says "Error loading YouTube API player"
  3. The show has really changed my life, I no longer hang out with the 'cool' people at my school and just stick with the nerds and bronies I should have been hanging with all my life. It's also helped me to accept who I am and who others are, and thanks to twilight I've learnt some pretty important lessons.
  4. I asked this when I first joined the forum, its just because they can have more episodes of her trying to get in to it.
  5. Hey, s'up Cloud Swirl.

    1. Cloud Swirl

      Cloud Swirl

      Not much Superfly /)

    2. Light Speed
  6. Welcome to herd, my friend brohoof!
  7. Rarity,Rainbowdash,Twilight,Pinkie pie, and Fluttershy (And if a 6th Applejack!)
  8. Note to self: After 24 days change my display name.

  9. "Oh hello Rainbow, here for a dress I assume?" she said beaming.
  10. "Of course, I want the groom to be happy on HIS WEDDING!" she said with a wide smile and began work on his suit.
  11. "Well storm spark.." Rarity said, "It's going to be elegant yet very aerodynamic so you could easily perform a sonic rainboom and it uses my most expensive black and White materials aswell as having, a white diamond lining, and believe me it will look AMAZING!." she said.
  12. "I'm glad you think so." Rarity said dashing about making Rainbow's dress.
  13. "Oh, Twilight please." Rarity said with a smile on her face, she then turned and saw Splinter with his bow tie on, "My, Splinter that looks perfect!" she smiled, "How did I forget such a major piece of any tuxedo" she then turned and went slowly over to her design table and began work on Rainbow's dress. While working she said "So Twilight wouldn't it be spendid if we all travelled together, just like we normally do, plus it would give me time to relax from all this work." she said
  14. "Of course, I want the groom to look absolutely fabulous for his own wedding." she said smiling, "Oh, and Rainbow dash" she hummed happily, What do you think of this." she said lifting up a design from her table with her magic. "And thank you everypony for giving me honour to make your tuxedos and dresses, and I promise you'll all look amazing." She said with wide eyes, smiling.
  15. "Yes..." Rarity said forcefully, lifting herself up, "and what's one more dress, Rainbow dash, it would be my pleasure. And gentlecolts you tuxedos are here." she said looking behind her. She then turned to Rainbow dash and began thinking about a brand new design. "Haha!" she squeled and dashed off to design Rainbow a cool, dashing yet elegant dress.
  16. Rarity who had silently exited the room during the conversation returned with an elegant dress in all kinds of deep purple, in front of her, and 2 black tuxedos, "Well..." Rarity said exhausted. "What do you think?" Before collapsing on the floor of her boutique.
  17. "Oh, hello Twilight, what kind of dress are you after?" Rarity answered.
  18. Rarity then emerged from her bedroom with a bunch of blue sapphires suspended by her magic, she then turned into her design room to find it empty. "Oh, where is everypony?" she questioned with a confused expression, she decided to go find her good friend Twilight Sparkle for an update on what was happening.
  19. "Don't tell me, the Canterlot wedding, come on in, the Groom and his friend are upstairs." Rarity turned around and led the ponies to the groom upstairs.
  20. "A checkered shirt with a black suit, got it and believe me you'll look fabulous." she said while biting her lip. "Ok, Storm Spark Is just through here". She said opening the door with her right hoof.
  21. "He's upstairs browsing my designs, I'll show you to him, just follow me" she smiled and turned around leading him upstairs, "So what you looking for?"
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