Hello all, I have just found this place and would like to test out some characters. Please feel free to correct me if I have erred on my requesting.
Mocking Blow: Title character of my setting the Mockingverse, is technically Fluttershy but is so mutated I think she counts as completely her own person now. Tall blue unicorn with hair and eyes reminiscent of the original style. Her hair is (very) black, even longer than canon, and somewhat wilder than smooth. Eye shape is the same but Mocking squints and otherwise keeps her expression very different from Fluttershy. Eyes are emerald.
Rarity: Rarity from the Mockingverse, also extremely different. Short (somewhat towards the darker side of gray) pegasus. She has brown (towards rich or light in hue) curls/ringlets that are often tied in a high ponytail/stacked up though she also sometimes lets her hair down. Magenta eyes in the same eye shape.
"Sod": draconequus, not currently tied to any setting. The head and neck of a flamingo leads to the body of a dolphin that ends in something between a monkey's and a cougar's tail. Dolphin body includes dorsal fin and large flippers. They have the green left eye of a nonqueen changeling and the blue-and-yellow right eye of a cuttlefish. Limbs go fore right poison dart frog (yellow-green), fore left is shaggy zebra in greys, hind left is capybara, hind right is sealion flipper. I have a reference, but all the parts are flipped. Colors are all natural unless specified otherwise.
Feel free to pick and choose, I'm really just curious on what people will do. Please tell me if I am being too exact.