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Everything posted by TotallyNotGrogar

  1. Happy 10th birthday MLP Forums! Here's to another 10 more years of pony related discussion
  2. Izzy is cool, she gives me early seasons Pinkie Pie vibes but with a bit more depth than being a hyperactive goofball so that's nice I guess.
  3. When thinking about a time span in the (possibly) thousands of years McFlurry Heart's age wasn't too different to Twilight's or Cadence's, so we'll have to see if any alicorn from the ancient Equestria days is still kicking. Or at least whatever the Crystal Empire became without the magical Crystal Heart.
  4. Something that always struck me as odd when watching the finale of FiM is just how easily Chrysalis seemed to turn everypony against each other. Maybe those underlying feelings existed for a long time, even during the Equestria that we knew, and some other catastrophic event overthrew Twilight's government and caused all sorts of chaos. I think it's a little harsh to say that everything in FiM was in vane. That said what was a bit sad to see is how low the unicorns fell during these times. Clearly the pegasi were doing the best, followed by the earth ponies, but the unicorns seemed to live in the middle of the forest in a very sad looking community. I guess we'll have to wait for the series to start and hopefully shed some light as to why this rupture occurred. for starters the movie greatly exceeded my expectations, I was expecting a crummier version of the (not so great imo) G4 movie, but instead we got a nice, fun movie to kick this generation off.
  5. How did the sun and moon work before Celestia and Luna? Perhaps those work just fine without magic and ponies manipulated day/night and weather for their own advantage in agriculture and such. Perhaps technology is so advanced that ponies can now do those things without needing magic. Although considering how the mane six were common kid's toys and no one seemed to know much about "ancient Equestria" it's very likely that everypony we knew from G4 is dead. Maybe even seemingly inmortal beings such as Discrod died when magic went away. After all he is a being made of pure magic and seemed to begin disappearing when he stopped being chaotic.
  6. Earth pony: Pinkie Pie Pegasus: Derpy Unicorn: Trixie Alicorn: Cozy Glow (if it even counts?)
  7. I actually watched the first three seasons when they came out. But I was like 10 years old at the time and didn't know about the large community surrounding the show. I just wish I had been older when the show came out so I could have experienced the good, bad and ugly parts of this fandom at it's peak. When I started re-watching the show last year it was apartment that, although not dead by any means, there are a lot less bronies nowadays.
  8. Favorite: The Grrreat and Powerful Trixie Twilight Rarity Pinkie Pie Starlight Tirek/Cozy Glow (she's the literal personification if evil, I love it) Applejack Chrysalis (If only she had been more mentally stable, maybe she could have accomplished more evil) Zecora Discord (As a villain) Least Favorite: There isn't a character that I hate so much to put it in first place Reformed Discord (after he was reformed he became at best a not so great friend, but what happened in season 9 makes him either completely irresponsible or plain stupid. He also shouldn't have been able to choose a punishment for the three villains he freed from Tartarus while facing absolutely no consequences for something he deliberately allowed to happen) Spoiled Rich (she raised Diamond Tiara in such a bad way that she nearly made the entirely of Ponyville hate her) Svengallop (had to look up the name for this one, Coloratura's whatever manager) Flurry Heart The student six (I don't hate those characters but I preferred MLP without the whole friendship school thing) Snips & Snails (just plain annoying) Chancellor Neighsay Scootaloo's parents Rainbow Dash (only in some episodes like Newbie Dash)
  9. Considering how much technology has advanced and the harmonic society as we knew it seemed to break down and rebuild itself separately probably at least a couple hundred years. Regarding to any characters that might be alive, aside from alicorns the ones that come to mind are dragons. Dragons seemed to have very long lifespans in G4 so maybe Spike, Smolder and company are still kicking. It would be funny (and a little sad) to see Spike as a grumpy old dragon reminiscing about old times. Also Discord because the essence of caos is eternal. And the villans from the finale trapped in stone might still be hoping to break free one day.
  10. I think it entirely depends on how good gen 5 is. It will have to be really damn good to gather comparable traction to what FiM did when it started. I think a vast majority of the hate has already simmered down. Although that said I doubt that it'll ever become as mainstream as liking anime because this is a way smaller community. New animes will continue to be made for the foreseeable future, while with the MLP fan base, unless G5 blows everyone away, it will at best grow very slowly if not slowly dwindle over time. Hopefully I'm wrong and we see a big resurgence of bronies, I would hate for this community to be a sinking ship.
  11. I guess someone got a sweet stack of bits that helped the school board decide. Or maybe she has a very important academic background and career, but I doubt it.
  12. She also has a fear of quesadillas so idk... Kind of an odd fear to have considering all the terrifying and life threatening things the mane 6 has been through.
  13. Depending on how much time has passed since G4 Twilight and Flurry Heart may still be alive. After all Celestia and Luna were thousands of years old when FiM happened. So if all alicorns live that long it could be possible. Unless some big war happened were one or more princessess met an untimely death.
  14. My little sister was watching The Return Of Harmony and Discord's caotic nature seemed cool to see in a kid's show about little talking ponies so I started watching the show regularly with her for a year or two. Then I resumed watching the series in 2020 due to boredom. I'm glad I did, I ended up liking it even more than what I did back in 2012.
  15. I woudn't consider myself socially akward, although I'm not the most outgoing person either. I think that if you deep dive into any hobby that's big enough, you'll find a subset of socially akward people. I don't think it's something that can be attributed to liking something in particular as it is just coincidence that given a large enough sample size, some people will have certain matching personality traits. Of course there are activities that tend to draw certain people more than others, but I would consider social akwardness to be something inherent to a person, regardless of their interests, something that has to be worked out individually.
  16. I think the point of Spoiled Rich is to be purely materialistic. The CMCs aren't rolling in dough, the most monetary valuable asset they have is most likely the tree house. Spoiled Rich doesn't have any interest in Diamond Tiara establishing relationships with them. Even the mane six, except Twilight and her castle maybe, didn't seem to experience many lifestyle changes in their lifestyles (money wise) even though their importance to Equestria was vital. I'm sure they could have lived like royalty in Canterlot if they wanted to do so. It's not in their personalities to care about that stuff, or try to abuse their status for personal gain. Contrary to what Spoiled Rich holds as important values. Being extra cynical one could think that she's willing to put Diamond Tiara's happiness in jeopardy if it means preserving her social exclusivity.
  17. It's kind of sad to see Equestria as we know it gone. I wonder how many magical airtifacts survived from the FiM times? That period being called ancient Equestria, and seeing the advancements in pony technology leads me to believe that unless efforts were made to preserve history, a lot of it could be gone for good. Especially because since the three main tribes are enemistated, probably not much effort was made to preserve historical airtifacts from the ridiculous times were everyone lived in harmony.
  18. I don't think the CMCs are very vindictive. That said the whole town deserved an apology from Twilight. That must have been pretty distressing for everypony.
  19. It's a good show to watch when feeling stressed out or sad. The cheerfulness of this show is intoxicating (in a good way ofc). It has a fun animation style, witty humor, good writing and great music. This is the kind of show that never fails to cheer you up.
  20. I really didn't know MLP existed before I started watching FiM it with my sister when I was 11 (she's 3 years younger than me). It was cool but nothing that I would watch on my own. Maybe watched the first two seasons and left it at that... Recently gave the show another chance now that it's over and I ended up liking it a lot. It's now one of my favorite cartoons.
  21. Probably not, it wouldn't feel like MLP if it were targeted towards adults. That said I wouldn't mind watching an adult parody of the show like Friendship is Witchcraft was to FiM. FiW was amazing, it really blew my expectations away. Especially with the songs.
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