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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Imperium

  1. Hey Everypony, I'm back!

    How're we all doing tonight?

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Great to see you again! :kindness:

  2. @Blitz Boom Ah, I’m so sorry. Work been a little hectic more than usual. I should be able to post by tomorrow to get back up to speed.
  3. Just watched G5.

    Safe to say, I think my Niece would've loved the movie.

  4. @Reality Check @Ocean Wavedream @Courageous Thunder Dash One strong sniff after another, Calamitous halted his current motion with wanting to pick up a flower. There was the smell of Ponies in the air close by, along with others... One of them in particular being different than the rest. This front and hind claws shifted, the forty feet at full spread wings opened and closed to adjust the dragons moments, the spikey, scale like fur and mane flowed in the wind and motioned from the movement before at last the Dragon had a full glimpse of the little party making their way to school. Calamitous lowered his neck, his amber eyes scanned at the group infront of him, he took one last sniff before emitting a low 'hum'. "Hmmm... What have we here? Ponies and... An unusual creature..." Calamitous commented, his voice low, strong yet curious. The eyes of the dragon spotted Sal, looking at the words on the chalkboard... His eyes continued to slowly glance and examine each pony before him, taking in what they looked like and how they behaved.
  5. Seeing the state of G5 MLP's world. It makes you wonder about the Season 9 of MLP.

    Twilight Sparkle and her friends may have won the Short game of their fight against Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis...

    But they won the long game, especially with Equestria being completely divided and segregated.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Sounds like the worst of both worlds:

      The most-controversial Season stays canon yet loses what positive impact it did have.

  6. @Blitz Boom The air was filled with life and energy. The wind crisp and cold with the welcoming of fresh air, tree leaves danced amidst the flow of gust from the beating wings of a Dragon. Having left his humble Tower within the Forest, thusly dubbed; 'The Draconem Archium', Calamitous soared to the skies, with sharp, amber eyes having glimpsed the ruined Castle of the Alicorn Sisters that he just so happened to flew past. There was a moment in time to have made such a ruined castle his home, though such a historic site was better off to be kept safe from harm, rather to just barge in claim as a home... For now. his attention was merely to keep his eyes focused across the dense forest, the dragon kept at an altitude height between two-thousand and five-thousand feet in the air. The feeling of freedom upon one's wings was hardly ever boring, and even gave the unique dragon the opportunity to think of the state of where he is and what ingredience for the latest batch of Alchemist supplies he'll need for such line of work. From such a serious of thoughts and questions that encircled his mind, his eyes caught the glimpse of what appeared to be a Timber Wolf backing away and running off with it's bark tail between it's legs as it yelped away? That was certainly new. Such an event that it caught the Dragon's attention. With a slow descent, the beating of the wings gracefully as well as carefully helped to glide the dragon towards the surface below, all claws made contact with the soil, the landed causing a rather loud 'thud' which sounded the arrival of another, much more larger presence having just arrived onto the scene, and right outside the fellow dragons cave. The rumbling of the rocks, and short quake of the ground with a more harsh gust of wind was evident of the arrival. Calamitous eyes scanned the area before him, he sniffed the air three times before his pupils dilated, and his draconic fangs brought bear. There was another dragon that had made itself a home in the Everfree Forest. His wings extended outwards, a full 40 feet at a full spread, the neck lowered down with the dragon jaw slightly opened with a dim glow hue of a dark violet glow, never before seen in a dragon before, which was made evident with the overgrone mane like spikey scales across the dragons arms, legs, tail neck and back glowed from the tips. A natural instinct whether it was to be a fight for territory, or trespass that one can witness in the wilds with animals. "I smell you, fellow dragon... I feel your breath... I feel your air... Where are you..."
  7. Welp this plot has certainly caught my attention. I'd like to throw my character into the mix! Calamitous - Original Characters - MLP Forums
  8. Perhaps the magic having failed must've had something to do with the Tree of Harmony?
  9. Is no one going to question as to how Earth Ponies managed to take over Canterlot?
  10. @Blitz Boom Solo or Crossover, it's all sound good to me! I'm sure Calamitous and Nerzhei will get along swimmingly, this also goes with anypony or creature that can come to crossover and interact with. The fellow scholar dragon who also lives in the Everfree Forest could make quite a good character development, from visiting her cave, to traversing inside his Tower he constructed within the forest, it's all up in the air with how we can proceed with this idea. I have no other questions, so if you desire, you can start the first post whenever you're ready.
  11. @Blitz Boom First of all, allow me to say thank you very much for fully taking the time to look into my Character Sheet, along with your wonderful compliments. It truly means a lot to me that I have been awarded top grades for the Bio right off the bat. In regards to elemental aligned magic dragons, that I am in agree with and follow the same path and idea as you. I followed mainly the elements of Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth upon research and mainly based on the many different colours of the mentioned creatures during the series. Which is why I mentioned in my Dragons bio that he originally started out in a Red Dragon Egg, indicating that he was supposed to have been a Fire Aligned Dragon. However, due to the Magical Storm and the lightning stuck his egg before he hatched, which absorbed the magic, it completely altered the egg, as well as the dragon itself. So now my Dragon is not a Fire Aligned dragon, but instead a Pure Magic aligned dragon due to the circumstance from his history. From your two magical dragons, to your zebra, Elder fire dragon, Earth aligned dragon, or even Pony characters, I will be more than delighted to engage in jolly roleplay cooperation with you as well as anyone else who wish to interact with my character. The theme of my dragon revolves around the art of adapting personality wise; although showing the classic dragon behaviour, he can change in accordance to the situation and take on a more friendlier approach due to having learnt the pony way of life from his mentor. Plus with the spell of allowing him to change his size from big to small and vice versa, it can allow even more free room to mingle and talk to such characters from a one to one, or group basis. For spell limitations, I actually tend to follow the guidelines of D&D. I.e. Speaking Telepathy with a total radius range from 50-100 meters and can traverse through walls, but it can only works with characters he has met and cemented an official friendship with that character (seeing as how he is a Pure Magic Aligned Dragon, and "Friendship is Magic"), can only change sizes from big to small and in opposite format at least three time a day, etc, etc. You know, making sure that the spells are not overpowered and keeping relatively rare to unique feeling a Pure Magic Aligned Dragon. Which is why I am also in agreement to ensuring balance and limits to my character for the sake of fairness and goodwill. My thoughts thus far is simply thus; I am more than ready and looking forward to roleplay with everypony and creature in Equestria.
  12. Long was the journey from the Everfree Forest into Ponyville, having to aerially traverse across the vast, open forest terrain and into the wide, open landscape beneath him. A vague shadow figure in the shape of a dragon was currently headed towards the direction of the school, and judging by the small size of the silhouette, it could be estimated that the questionable being was flying at around two-thousand - five-thousand feet in the air. The outline slowly grew larger, and larger... From what was once the size of a single living bed, now became the equivilent to a truck, until at last, the very being landed safely and securely to the ground. The wings extended for a moment, showing a glorious colours of white, blue and violet, extended fully outwards of a total of 40 feet at a full spread before folding back inwards, his neck extended upwards to allow a more extended view of the surrounding area, not currently taking notice of any approaching ponies that may or may not be approaching the school. What was unique about this Dragon was, unlikes his fellow kin, this dragon looked as though it had... A mane? Also fur on his body? Though upon proper investigation one can assume it to be half true, as the mane and fur across the head, neck, body, arms and legs were actually extended spikes and scales. Talk about a bad scale day? With a deep inhale through the snout, and a slow exhale through his draconic muzzle, the dragon licked his lips and smiled. "Ponyville... Truly, this place has some of the most fresh and delightful air that I can truly enjoy."
  13. Dem russki's be at at again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyiEaSzpdMk OK, in all seriousness, was this even surprising? Honestly, I expected the full movie to have been leaked by last week at best.
  14. Not a problem at all! I hope you and the family are well and all is good. Total respect goes to @Kujamih For the newbie welcome.
  15. @Kujamih Ah, then in that case, you can find everything here: Calamitous - Original Characters - MLP Forums
  16. Hmm, why not. I can give it a try here. Name: Calamitous Age: 27 Personality: Reserved and Non-Judgemental of others due to his upbringing by his Unicorn mentor. Other then that, he is mostly a calm, cool, and collected dragon. Short Bio: From being sent away from The Dragon Lands after: 'The Molt', and had the years of learning the pony way of life by his Unicorn Teacher, Calamitous works as an alchemist, making his home in the Everfree Forest. Taking the time to mingle and get along with the ponies of Ponyville for some classic Slice of Life Roleplays. He can also go on adventures to gather items and ingredience for his Alchemist work for those brave adventurers.
  17. Calamitous - Original Characters - MLP Forums

    Welp! I can safely say that my Dragon OC is now complete. With that, I bid you all a goodnight!

  18. Currently working on the last bits and pieces of my Dragon OC.

  19. Looking at how Sombra conquered the land of the Crystal Empire, as well as taking a page at our own human history... By rights, Sombra does earn the title of King and perhaps even deserve to be king. But does he ACTUALLY deserve that title is another matter.
  20. Thank you Pandora for the lovely welcome. I hope so as well! I look forward to speaking to you all. The more the merrier Tails! Thank you Paleopony. Judging by the kind reception so far Lunaholic (To which I can clearly tell Celestia is your favourite Princess jk ) I can very much say that everyone here has simply been magnificent. Thank you for the kind words Daemon.
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