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Posts posted by twilightlicious69

  1. 13 hours ago, They call me Loyalty said:

    These people need help... Eh, what's your favourite color?

    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.png Well, let me tell you, WE BOTH LOVE THE SAME COLOUR! BLUE! COOL, RIGHT?! I love blue because It's RAinbow Dash's colour, and I LOVE Rainbow Dash! I like to call that colour, THE RAINBOW DASH BLUE! Too bad they don't have that exact color in Among us though. I have to use cyan! But it's ok though, they're kinda similar so it doesn't matter!

    image.png.a9365db817a6afaa27f2f108849e9da0.pngshe's right about me liking blue. i like shades like turquoise or aqua. i don't know why, but those colours give me sense of comfort. maybe because they remind me of my late- nevermind. i like turquoise.

  2. image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngKEVIN! LOOK HERE! THESE FOLKS AT MLPFORUMS WANT TO ASK US QUESTIONS!

    image.png.a9365db817a6afaa27f2f108849e9da0.pnggo take of 'em, you're good at this stuff.

    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngOh, come on Kevin, they wanna ask both of us! Come on, INTRODUCE YOURSELF!


    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngOk fine. Then I'l JUST INTRODUCE MYSELF! I'm Sherry, and I'm an ASSASSIN! That's, you know, a person who KILLS PEOPLE! Only thing, I don't kill PEOPLE! I kill ATAXIS! No, no, not a-taxi-s, ATAXIS. They're like, superhumans, only, they're not humans! There's a parasite in their head that turns them EEEEVILL, and people at the ASS (don't get me wrong, it's just an acronym) find them, spy on them, and kill them if needed! And that's what I do! KILL THEM! BECAUSE I"M AN ASSASSIN!


    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngI'm sure these people are kind enough to keep our little secret. Aren't you guys kind? Now, INTRODUCE YOURSELF!

    image.png.a9365db817a6afaa27f2f108849e9da0.pngalright fine. if you say so. i'm kevin, i am a spy working for the ASS.  go ahead and ask us stuff.

    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngNOW THAT'S THE SPIRIT! NOW LET ME FINISH! SOOOOOOO, where was I? Oh yeah. Though i may look like an enemy of the Ataxis, I'M ACTUALLY ONE OF THEM! YEAH! I am half human and half Ataxis! Well that means-

    image.png.a9365db817a6afaa27f2f108849e9da0.pngsherry, you can stop. if you tell people everything, what is left to ask?

    image.png.a72810281d9f2184d865cd444b680807.pngOh yeaah! NOW, YOU FOLKS, GO AHEAD AND ASK US ANYTHING!As long it' safe for work, okay? I'd love to talk about bananas and peaches, but we don't do that here, right? NOW, ASK AWAY!



    That's us!


    • Brohoof 1
  3. i think they're trying to just have a, you know, slice of life episodic adventure series. every gen is going to do something different, and we have no choice but to accept that. but one thing is for sure, they NEED to provide answers to what happened after g4

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