Oh, I would change a lot. But also a lot of things would stay the same. The broad strokes – the core structure of the story – would probably stay mostly the same.
Starting with the first episode, Nightmare Moon would be explicitly recognized by the ponies from legends – they'd simply be in disbelief that she was actually real, standing before them in the flesh. It really seemed off to me that absolutely no one knew who she was, even though the legend would surely be known by others, as was established in the later episodes.
Second, more creatures. Sheep, cows, etc. should've gotten some more love, depicted as fully sapient, independent beings and drawn in the same cute style as ponies.
(Art by TwistedHiccy)
And I have to say, I'd probably have been quite a bit harsher on Discord. It annoys me how everyone just puts up with him even though he keeps deliberately causing trouble for everyone.