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Gun Metal Zebra

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Status Updates posted by Gun Metal Zebra

  1. Everybody in Uganda knows Kung-Fu! :P

  2. Random fact: I have been called a big baby before. :P

  3. The cold weather is right around the corner, and I don’t want to give up my shorts and sandals.

  4. What am I doing on this US holiday? Relaxing at home and being a zebra furry weirdo. :P

  5. Boop.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRockARooster
    3. ZiggWheelsManning


      I must ask @TheRockARooster, how did yesterday go for you?  

    4. TheRockARooster


      Yesterday went well for me, Zigg.

      Hope you feel well soon.

  6. Personally, I have found the recoil from 10mm Auto to be quite manageable. :D

  7. *Lots of zebra boops and hugs.* :hug_day:

    1. Trot Shuffle

      Trot Shuffle

      *let's you lick a tea flavored snowball*

  8. I am hugging you again, as I am in a hugging mood today. :hug_day:

  9. Do you get hugs in that igloo?

    1. Trot Shuffle

      Trot Shuffle

      Yes! there are many hugs here :fluttershy:

    2. Gun Metal Zebra

      Gun Metal Zebra

      Good. I am giving you hugs. 


  10. *Zebra hugs.* :hug_day:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gun Metal Zebra

      Gun Metal Zebra

      Striped hugs are wonderful. :) 

    3. Rethajni


      They are indees, two colors for the price of one!

    4. Gun Metal Zebra

      Gun Metal Zebra

      Two colors and free hugs. Unbeatable deal! :D 

  11. *Zebra hugs.* :hug_day:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Astralshy


      Indeed :>

      so with a friendship we are now in permanent hug :>

    3. Gun Metal Zebra

      Gun Metal Zebra

      A permanent hug? Like a big pony cuddle? :hug_day:

    4. Astralshy


      or a tackle attack :>

      pony tackle attack :catface:

      sry for my late response

  12. I have been having a lot of fun in the furry fandom lately, and I am definitely looking forward to hanging out again with the new friends I made in it recently (our work schedules sometimes differ, but hopefully we can work something out soon). :BrightMacContent:

  13. Perhaps I should go out and shoot that odd M1895 Nagant revolver that largely just sits in my storage cabinet.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You just have one of those lying around? :P 

    2. Gun Metal Zebra

      Gun Metal Zebra

      I do have one lying around in a locked gun cabinet. :P

  14. I am somewhat intrigued by 10mm Auto, given that I have seen some mention of it. I don’t really need it, but still…:ooh:

  15. Being a furry is so awesome! :ninjadash:

  16. You will give me TP! Bungholio! 

  17. They told me I could become anything, so I became a fabulous zebra!

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