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About Lonstecation

  • Birthday 2006-04-17

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    Treat people the way you want them to treat you.
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    I like science, programming, video games, music, cartoons, and My Little Pony.

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nitobit



      That won't work. The shapeshifter bubble always has the color of the shapeshifter. For exemple, if I am purple, then my bubble will always be purple when I shapeshift.

      But they won't see the bubble if you don't shapeshift at all. I got caught once running away from the body, and I said I was on the other side of the map. And I won that game! :umad:


      Holy cow, what a brilliant idea! I can't wait to do that to trick my friends!

      Let me know when you do! I want to know if it works! :kirin:

    3. Lonstecation



      But they won't see the bubble if you don't shapeshift at all. I got caught once running away from the body, and I said I was on the other side of the map. And I won that game! :umad:

      Yeah, but when that happens, you can only get away if all the crewmates believe you. And it's more likely for them to not believe you.



      Let me know when you do! I want to know if it works! :kirin:

      I live stream Among Us with my friends every Saturday, and classic mode once every two weeks.

      Also, according to my logical thinking, it will definitely work. But still, Imma let you know if it really did work for me. Or you can just watch my live stream, lol!

    4. Nitobit



      Yeah, but when that happens, you can only get away if all the crewmates believe you. And it's more likely for them to not believe you.

      Not really. You only need to convince half of them. And killing and then walking away as someone else is the most obvious strategy a shapeshifter can use, so they would be expecting that. If there are still lots of crewmates left, most would probably skip.


      I live stream Among Us with my friends every Saturday, and classic mode once every two weeks.

      Also, according to my logical thinking, it will definitely work. But still, Imma let you know if it really did work for me. Or you can just watch my live stream, lol!

      I'll try to watch if I have time. :mlp_icwudt:

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