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Posts posted by justyouraveragebrony

  1. I love video game music but I'm never really sure how to classify it.


    As a matter of fact, it is called video game music ^_^


    I know Vinyl is my avatar, but I'm not actually a dubstep person. Sure I listen to it occasionally, but music with guitars, basses, and drums is what I like the most.

  2. I have a 4-string Silvertone Revolver P-bass. And I play Baritone for the school band. i guess I can sing too :P

    I also have an electric guitar from that Power Gig video game. It's missing two strings though and its 3/4 scale. Not the best so I gave up on it.

  3. Welcome to the herd! I hope you enjoy this forum! I am an artist who enjoys drawing MLP. What do you like to do?


    I actually play video games and play bass. trying to practice a lot. music takes up a lot of my time too so yeah :)
    • Brohoof 1
  4. the first time i actually saw anything from MLP was in the summer of 2011. I saw some captioned photos and I found them funny. when school started, i sat with my friends from 7th and 8th grade. Turns out they were bronies. I kept on hearing what they were talking about. I wanted to find out what, but I kept on procrastinating on that. Finally in February, I actually watched the first episode and continued on from there.

  5. I'd love to have an episode focusing on Dash developing a more sisterly-like relationship with Scoot ^^ Maybe even helping her try to learn how to fly.


    I wouldn't mind it for an episode or two, evenly spaced throughout the season, but I wouldn't want it to be a big thing all of the sudden. Background ponies are background ponies to me, and the majority of the time should be spent accordingly to the main and side characters, imo.


    The way I meant was for some of them to be more included, not totally focused on one pony.

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