Hello, my name is Magdalena, but you can call me Mags! Right now I am 18 years old, and my birthday is March 24th. So, if anyone is looking to get me a gift... Make sure you order before then! Just kidding. Or am I? Okay, but seriously, I have been a fan of My Little Pony for a very long time. Officially, I want to say the number is closer to 7-8 years, but unofficially? Basically my entire life. For better or for worse, this show and fandom have embedded themselves in my psyche like a rainbow-colored brain-eating amoeba. I genuinely believe I'm going to be thinking of this series on my deathbed, and I'm not too upset about that fact! Now, I couldn't possibly give a comprehensive list of all my interests here or in any other scenario really, but I can highlight a couple I believe some of you might also be fond of!
Lately, I have really been into Dungeons and Dragons. Am I good at it? No. Not in the slightest. I have played through a few sessions, but I didn't have great experiences. Still, my love for the franchise remains strong despite the bad memories. I'm still really new to TTRPGs in general, so if you're a veteran of the genre who is willing to take a new fan under their wing (metaphorical or physical, looking at you pegasus enthusiasts)... Shoot me a message!
I also enjoy anime. My top 10 anime and manga are as follows:
Madoka Magica
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Haibane Renmei
Serial Experiments Lain
Chainsaw Man
Princess Jellyfish
Oyasumi Pun Pun
Attack on Titan
... I really need to branch out more, I know. I have also been attempting to get into the works of Riyoko Ikeda and CLAMP! If you would like to see a more in-depth catalog of all the animes I have watched, you can find it here at My Anime List.
Let's see... Oh! I also play games occasionally. I'm nowhere near gamer level, however. Truthfully, I almost exclusively play story-based RPGs with a lot of customization. I hold The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Fallout series' particularly close to my heart. Though my interest in those games has waned in recent years... I like to roleplay as well! I'm not very used to roleplaying in a forum setting, but I would definitely like to get more familiar.
I think I have covered all my bases. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message if you want to roleplay or chat about anything I have listed. Ta-ta for now!