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Flurry Heart of love

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Everything posted by Flurry Heart of love

  1. 1. I Pinkie pie! I know she is not my blood-related aunt, but I treat her as one and she is a blast to play with! (just don't tell my auntie Twilight about that, please? she's gonna kill me) 2. no. absolutely not. I love questions, just tell her that I don't like her attitude, and if she were nicer, I'd love her. that's all for today? ok, byee
  2. you guys have been quiet for a while, no more questions?
  3. cozy glow, very cute, very evil. I hate her. Anyways, thanks for asking, byee!
  4. The villains, of course! They nearly destroyed the world!
  5. I believe that Luna is more powerful than Celestia. Princess Luna is the princess of the night. so she might be able to control the stars. which are just distant suns. meaning, she might be able to raise and lower the sun if she wanted to, along with the moon and stars.
  6. why do you guys think Gallus is the element of magic? he doesn't have any magical components except for the fact he is a mixed mythical creature, but that is what most of the young 6 are. And before you say he flies, no. That's science. So type your theories in this discussion, and we will work through the logic. Thank you!
  7. Absolutely, it just feels like an exaggeration to be called "Crystal Princess Flurry Heart, daughter of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza"
  8. 1. whenever I cast a spell I feel a bit weaker, but that strength is regained in a few seconds. 2. The stained glass window shows when I took over the duty of ruling the Crystal Empire, I had a coronation that required me to hold a get-together to renew the hope and love of the crystal empire aka. the crystal fair. Thank you both for asking! Have a good day
  9. Hi! A lot of people call me those names, but I like being called Flurry! It just feels more comfortable
  10. It is very hard, every day I end up having frizzled hair and I walk with my eyes closed, and sometimes I have to work overnight as well so I need to get used to it.
  11. sorry I was gone for so long, family vacation. I'm good, thanks, Also, my favorite magic is making a pony an alicorn! thankyou, I hope you are all doing well
  12. no, sorry, if u have any ships, I sadly can't approve of any of them.
  13. I don't know... do you know I am DEATHLY afraid of the color black? Considering black creatures like Queen Chrysalis or king Sombra tried to KILL me AND my family?
  14. I actually don't have any pets, if you have any recommendations, pls tell me
  15. I am honestly intrested in fluttershy, I love animals, and I wish I had a connection with them too Thanks for asking! and yes, they are amazing
  16. actually, not so often, I usually just get compliments that I'm a princess. And now, they are still big but big enough for my body. Thank you both for asking
  17. Hi! I like ur profile picture, where did u get it?

    1. TheRockARooster


      Hi there, Flurry.

      Thank you, I found it on Google images.

    2. Flurry Heart of love

      Flurry Heart of love

      oh ok, thanks for replying!

    3. TheRockARooster


      You’re welcome, my friend.

      Welcome to the forums.

  18. Princess Luna turned into NIGHTMARE moon meaning she can't give ponies good dreams. Keep in mind that Celestia only took over her duty of raising the MOON if she still had her dream realm powers, then she would still be able to give ponies nightmares, tormenting them not in their daily lives, but in their DREAMS. do you believe this theory? if not, please tell me why
  19. As you can understand, I was an ALICORN baby, meaning I had a lot of power as an infant. all the usual stuff babies do, is just powered up. thank you for asking, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask now to answer the question of what I am the princess of. I am the princess of love and happiness, just like my mom! I am her replacement for when she retires. Thank you for asking! Oh by the way, my favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry with vanilla, it's delicious. Thank you!
  20. My name's Princess Flurry Heart, but you can call me Flurry! you can ask me or my mom and dad questions, and I will answer them in 1-2 days. Thank you!
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