Making my Arts look like 2000's Visual novels / And The Arts of Multimedia in General / The Mysteries of the Spirit, World and the Universe ~☆
My Little Pony
Best Pony
Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
Best Princess
Luna (but Celestia is my favorite)
Best Mane Character
Twilight Sparkle
Best CMC
Sweetie Belle
Best Secondary/Recurring Character
Chrysalis, Tirek, Flurry Heart, Opaline, Trixie, Maud & Limestone Pie
Best Episode
Episodes: (The Return of Harmony / Sisterhooves Social / A Canterlot Weeding / Princess Twilight Sparkle / Twilight's Kingdom) EQG Movie: (Movie 1) Movie in General: (MLP The Movie 2017)
Best Song
Winter Wrap Up, EQG Movies 1-3 songs, Open Up Your Eyes, William Anderson's background score for FiM & EQG, Daniel Ingram's background score for MLP Movie 2017
Best Season
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