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  1. You all are under-estimating the All high lord Discord! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y-aOWiHb7uU Discord took a multiversal collision like it was a tickle, his dimension technically is above the laws of physics, planned to spread chaos in 616 with cosmos (a Marvel's universe ), able to rip the very fabric of reality (says in in the show), can create alternative dimensions as a joke, able to manipulate the Dreamscape ( princess luna had said discord had blocked the access to his dreams), said Sombra could never hurt him and actually Sombra is really strong at least as an Alicorn but not as 2 Alicorns so he literally said an Alicorn could never hurt him and Alicorns have at least infinite destructive Power and Sombra is superior to infinite destructive Power since he is stronger than an Alicorn and others feats, also, he is able to break the fourth wall, knows that he is in an episode, or manga, or comic, changed the very plot and narrative of a Manga as well... The comics share an cosmology with H.P Lovecraft, Transformers and Greek Mythology. Discord pulled out the entire script of the MLP comic once too, so it would mean that he has access to our world. Discord can also turn into Accord, who is completely immune to the Elements of Harmony. Also, Thanks to the fact that there is an endless hierarchy of dreams in MLP, Discord could potentially scale up to 1-b, he also gains more power by the chaos he creates. Discord I would scale him to high Outerversal due to him being able to change the very genre of the book he is in and is able to pull a whole script of the comic book he’s in so he is able to go past dimensionality so that would scale him to high Outerversal. Also this is more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bVvzoDfcu0 He is not just a god, he is the whole concept of Chaos, he is an Abstract being, the embodiment of Chaos, you can not destroy chaos, to destroy Discord, you will have to destroy they very concept of Chaos itself, which would not work because it would only cause more chaos. This is evidence all from comics too, Discord has survived forms of erasure, as well. The "Marks in Time" expansion card "Discord, Dubious Intent", which alludes to Bill Cipher by referring in this; "I kept hearing these epic stories of defeating the bugbear and banishing the changelings, so I thought, what the hay, I'm sure my Friends would absolutely ADORE the Chance to tussle with an evil interdimensional triangle wearing a tophat! Oops?" So hence, Discord knows that Bill Cipher exists, and even brought him to Equestria, also, the Cards are Canon to the Show. So, Discord is the best, and NOT Galaxy level, WAY HIGHER!!! HAIL DISCORD HAIL DISCORD. You all are in a way Right, Discord has his weaknesses, but his streangths are too much! Also the References to Bill Cipher are only there because I posted this on reddit, and was too lazy to edit it. Also, Chaos FUELS Discord, what is more Chaotic than Marvel? Yeah, so, he would be totally Buff in Marvel. Unless you all people come up with counter-attacks, I will keep my statement, because I am giving evidence from the Comics and Manga's of MLP:FIM... HAIL DISCORD THE GOD OF CHAOS OH MY GOD DISCORD COME TAKE ME AWAY I WANT TO BE YOURS DISCORD I LOVE YOU DISCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!!!!
  2. Well, That is the Problem, Discord is not FROM Equestria at all! He is an interdimensional being who knows Bill Cipher (Yeah, that is Canon...), his Dimension is not in Equestria, and ultimately, our world would be doomed. Once he enters, a flow of Magical Energy and Chaos would come from every corner of the Multiverse and rid us of all Physics, like Princess Celestia said, Magic does not vaporize in Thin Air, nor does it come from Thin Air, so Discord's would still have his Magic. Equestria's physics and laws would not allow Pinkie Pie to have that power, or Discord either, so who says that his magic would not work here? He has been to the 616 Marvel Universe, Wonderland, knows Bill Cipher, has created Alternate Dimensions, we would all be doomed if he gets mad at us, there is NOTHING that can stop Discord. Our Laws of Physics would be in no affect, we would all be doomed. Heck, in the comics, Discord pulled out the script of the comic, so hence, Lore-wise, he indeed CAN affect our Planet, and that being severely, he could crumble our universe up and shoot it through a basketball hoop, eat it by turning it into Cotton Candy, who knows what!
  3. He is the BEST Character in G5! Yeah, I agree, as cool and awesome, and as strong he is, I would have actually liked it if Discord turned Fluttershy into an Immortal Animal Goddess and the two evacuated to the Chaos Dimension, and then went on to other dimensions.
  4. No! The writers should have saved him for the END of the whole show, like the Disney Writers did for the Collector and Bill Cipher! I mean, Bill Cipher can literally do anything Discord can, same with the Collector, the Collector was even REFORMED, so the should have done that! Instead, they should make Discord EVEN MORE Powerful! Stronger and better, but keep him out of Ponyville, and give him his own Episodes and Dimensional Chaotic Quests, AWAY from Equestria! He does not even live in Equestria, he is not even from equestria! Heck, he regularly hangs out around and in the Horsehead Nebulae! Make Discord be capable of such strengths that he can possess the Authors of MLP:FIM and even control his own Animation! Though keep him out of Equestria most of the times, and give him his own Episodes! Now, that would be an Adventure! Although the show has ended now... Bummer... Go Discord! You are the best Character and are stronger than Bill Cipher!
  5. But those were the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY, I am pretty sure that he can can break through the stone of that orb thing... The Elements are probably WAY stronger, the only reason the Elements actually worked was because they are Harmonic, and he is Chaotic, if we get the IDW comics in, when Discord turned into Accord, the Elements could not affect him because he was the personification of Order. So yeah, I do not think that those Orb things would actually have an affect... Am I too late the conversation? ... I probably am...
  6. Discord can do this...And snapping his fingers would restore peace, but also Destruction, by killing someone and creating a rip through the dimension as the Magic the antagonist would have would be absent...Something like this...And, Discord does not like killing or murdering...I mean, he said it in the comics...
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