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Everything posted by GreyScholar

  1. Welcome newpony to the site and forums. Glad to see people have still been joining.
  2. Welcome! Long time member, haven't been very active, glad to see new faces on the site.
  3. Welcome to the site! Glad to see new faces.
  4. Welcome! Glad to see people are still joining the site.
  5. Thank you all! I appreciate your welcomes and replies.
  6. Greetings! Many of you may well already know me, but I am no longer quite as I once was. A lot has changed during the last year. Found out I am transgender, and I have even redesigned my main OC already. I will be working on updating my OC applications. I will be working to start becoming more active, even catch up on the episodes I haven't seen, and hopefully start RPing again.
  7. Whoops, forgot that I already replied to this thread.
  8. In my view, cannabis needs to be fully legalized for both medical and recreational use with similar laws to smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Including that, unless it is for medical use and approved by a doctor, one isn't allowed to smoke cannabis until one is 18 or 21, with similar punishment or penalties as driving while drunk or going to work drunk. So driving under the influence of cannabis would get you in trouble similar to being pulled over while drunk. Especially since research has failed to show that cannabis is worse then tobacco use or alcohol consumption, with evidence that it has far more medical benefit then either. So if smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is legal, so should the use of cannabis. Plus, the states can then tax the use of cannabis, which generates tax revenue. Finally, the release of all imprisoned for minor drug offenses related to the use of cannabis, taking such off their criminal record.
  9. Thank you, and it is good to see you again! Maybe we will have a chance of roleplaying together.
  10. Yes! I do remember you, hello old friend. How is Memebase Bronies going? How is Fawlkes doing? Also, thank you I will see about getting my characters submitted.
  11. I might be, hello David! (This is the author and creator of Ponyfinder!)
  12. I am 32, and have been a fan since before the start of Season 2 of MLP: FiM.
  13. Adventure in the world of Everglow, nestled in delicate balance between the elemental planes. It is a world of magic and mystery, where the fey are in control and the humanoid races are secondary. Foremost of the fey are Ponykind, who rallied behind their Queen to form the greatest empire Everglow had ever seen. Where you can play as ponies, griffons, felines, and other strange creatures in a world all of their own, where they are the primary PCs. Which can also easily be adapted to work in a campaign set in Equestria, if many here might prefer. I can also provide the rules and resources need to play, and ideas can be discussed for a roleplay.
  14. So do I need to do anything else for my Mythos? Not seeing a section to submit characters for approval.
  15. It has been a while, yet again. Much of my time here being in the roleplay section of the MLP Forums. Where I had a few characters approved and even played Princess Celestia in Equestian Empire for a while.
  16. I find it amusing I am getting roleplay requests instead of critiques like I asked. Haha Hmm... Cali could be an interesting prospect. Though very much for a more long term roleplay, especially since she does look like she'd fill more of an antagonistic role in such. Though I can see a couple of way she and Mythos could find themselves interaction. One being that they are both seeking the same magical artifact, where the sly and charming unicorn uses his wits and cunning to possibly outsmart the mare at times, or annoy her to the point of losing her cool, even distract her with his tricks and illusions, though power-wise it does look like she would win in a straight up fight. Especially with what you have for her background... Another idea being that she basically hires Mythos, perhaps learning of his skills and considering how the unicorn might be useful to her. Where the stallion agrees, in part because he'd be interested in learning more about the mysterious mare. Curious of what her story was.
  17. Well it could very much be a possibility! I was hoping to start roleplaying with Mythos again on here.
  18. I feel that cannabis should be recreationally legal, though with similar laws to cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol, such as with age and driving under the influence. Especially since it does have so many beneficial effects, even medical use, and is not harmful. With the requirement of being an adult being for the fact the brains of teenagers are still developing, and the change in chemical balance cannabis can cause could mess that up a bit if you're not an adult. Otherwise yeah, it is complete nonsense that it's illegal. Since it is far less harmful then cigarette and alcohol, yet those are very much legal even if there can be fairly strict laws for them.
  19. Beside Nightmare Before Christmas, there is also Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown movies, Beetlejuice, Coraline, Addams Family, Casper, the original Ghostbusters, Edward Scissorhands, Young Frankestein, ParaNorman, The Corpse Bride, Monster House, The Witches, and the The Sixth Sense... And yes, a fair few rated R horror movies.
  20. I'm curious to see how well my main OC holds up, after all these years, as well see if there is anything to be improved. --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mythos Gray Sex: Male Species: Unicorn Age: Adult Coat/Body Colour: A soft gray color. Mane and Tail Colour and Style: Pure white. Eye Colour: Purple Physique: Fit yet lean, because of his travels and generally keeping an active lifestyle. Cutie Mark: An open book with a fire breathing dragon's head coming out from within, symbolizing Mythos' special talent for taking stories he finds and retells to 'come to life' as it were with his magic. Unique Traits: Illusion magic or magical illustrations as he sometimes calls it. Which he uses to “bring to life a story” or otherwise make some appear real when it is not. Creating visuals and even auditory effects, even to a certain extent the sensation of touch, yet with no solidarity or physicality to such illusions. Even create an illusionary disguise for himself or others. Residence: Canterlot, Equestria Occupation: An entertainer, musician, and storyteller publicly, yet secretly also a freelancer who offers his skills as something of an information gatherer and infiltrator. Personality: Mythos likes to enjoy himself, even if there is risk involved. Being friendly and charismatic, the unicorn has a gift for getting ponies to like him using his good manners and respectful speech, as well compliments. In some ways he can be manipulative, and is not above playing with the emotions of other ponies. Yet he is a stallion of his word, always keeping at least the letter of a promise, and will try to defend a mare or foal if able. He also has a great dislike for any that show rudeness towards or insults a mare, and will not allow a mare to be hit in his presence. Motivation: Always out for finding a good story and to have fun as well as to meet new ponies, as well an adventurous spirit who wants to explore every corner of Equestria and beyond. More then this though, he wishes to seek out the truth behind different Equestrian myths and legend, as well to learn that which history does not tell... Like for example the origins and past of Equestria beloved rulers, the Princesses Celestia and Luna. Where so little is known. Likes: Those with a pretty face. As well a love of reading, in good stories and books, meeting others, as well discovering and exploring old ruins or forgotten places. Dislikes: Those that are too serious, violence against fillies and mares or especially foals. As well those that show rudeness or disrespect, especially to fillies and mares, and those that speak without thought or sense. Any filly or mare shows disrespect to themselves or puts themselves down to harshly, especially when undeserved. With finally senseless cruelty and those willing to abuse others for their own pleasure, caring not for the harm they cause. Full Biography Mythos was born in a well to do Canterlot family who always seemed to be busy being involved in some social function or event. His father Brightstrings being an extremely skilled violinist and his mother Autumnheart a well respected private teacher of the history of Equestria. As a foal Mythos had plenty of time to himself, where he learned how to read as well as play music on the piano and violin. Yet while reading came easy to him, the musical arts were much harder. Yet Mythos was even at this young age a determinant lad and he actually did become fairly good at these instruments. As time went on Mythos expand his studies to not only the basics he needed to know but more, learning all he could on Equestrian history, myths, legends, and even tails from other lands. While leaving piano playing mostly behind he did continue practicing his violin, wanting his father to be proud of how well he could play. Yet he still hadn't discovered his Talent, which frustrated him and pushed him to try new things. Now like all self respecting unicorn he learned to use magic, and from youth he studied what he could on it. Yet that to seemed slowing going, but eventually he found he seemed to have an affinity to illusionist based magic and spells more then any other type. Surprisingly for some he started to become quite skilled at illusions or as he called it illustrations. When Mythos gained his cutie mark was interesting, as it was during a family party that his parents had prepared him for so that he would act the way he should. While looking around young Mythos noticed a young filly that seemed to not be enjoying herself and took it upon himself to cheer her up. Walking of to the filly Mythos smiles and introduced himself as he had been told to do by his father and asked what was wrong. Founding out she was his cousin as well as that her name Sundipple and explain that she hadn't wanted to go to the party in the first place. Calling her Sunny Mythos asked if she would like to hear a story he had read. Interested the filly nodded as Mythos started, concentrating his magic so that he could created the illustrations he had been practicing though they were like rough drawings. Smiling he told his story with all the emotion he could and started to catch the attention of others. By the end of the story there were ponies laughing and nodding at Mythos before he was hugged by Sunny as she thanked him. It was at this time that Sunny noticed Mythos cutie mark, which was an open book and a dragon that seemed to fly out of the pages and breath fire at the reader. With all the commotion Mythos parents walked over to see what was going on and grew excited when they saw his cutie mark. The rest of the party seemed to end even better then expected, and Mythos got to talk with a few of the adults because of what had happened as well as spend more time with Sundipple. As time went on Mythos grew into a young colt, and requested that he could go traveling around Equestria, wanting to see all the cities and town in Equestria. His parents were unsure, but agreed after a bit of discussion. Allowing Mythos to go off on his own as long as he promise to write weekly and tell his parents about his travels. Once he grew tire on traveling, though her greatly enjoyed doing so, he returned home to tell his parents what he had found and discovered as well as others that would listen. After about a week from when Mythos returned to Canterlot, deciding it was time to put his travel on pause and decided to step into the Canterlot elite as an entertainer and storyteller, showing himself gifted as such and finding use for all the skills he had learned when young and during his travels. Using his magic and his knowledge he weaved impressive stories as well as even played his violin at times. Yet it was during this time that he took up other work as well, finding himself with offers to find information or to learn about this pony or another. It didn't take long for him to realize he could earn more as a freelancer then for entertaining. It was around this time Mythos met a certain dark blue pegasus, who quickly caught his interest because of how pretty and nervous she was. It didn't take long for him to find out her name was Stardream and that she was with an assistant to an astrologer. After this meeting came many more and Mythos became quite close to to Stardream, fond even though he wouldn't admit to being in love with her. After dating for a time Mythos even consider being with just Star Dream, to actually have a relationship but it would seem that wasn't to be. Now Mythos had not gone out of his way to hide his activities from Star Dream but neither did he ever go into details on them. Partly because even he knew he was at times working for ponies who were not of good character. Who wanted him to give them the means to cause trouble for others and bring themselves up. He was not proud of this but at the same time he did not see a reason to stop. It was his policy to be available to any that have need of him as long as they paid his price of bit as well as good stories... and as long as he wasn't the cause of harm a filly, mare, or foal. Star Dream found out about this and was not pleased, trying to get Mythos to stop what he was doing as she was upset he would help ponies that would hurt others. Mythos tried to make it seem it was no big deal, that he wasn't the one actually doing anything wrong. Star Dream was not happy about this and eventually left Mythos in tears, later he found out she had left to another city and he was without a means to contact her. He was left in Canterlot, understanding he had made a grave mistake but with no way to fix it. All Art Commissioned Work - I can provide artist credit.
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