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Everything posted by GreyScholar

  1. Guess who I got to say hi to? Sweet Celestia, I feel so huge in this image compared to each of them, it's actually pretty embarrassing. I'm going to be uploading more images tomorrow and on Saturday. Let's see if we can get some discussion going and talk about our experiences. I'm going to be a volunteer, and given how I'm showing you my image it probably won't be too hard to find me. if you like come and say hi.
  2. My apologies I thought this is more recent thread.
  3. I would be okay with such, as long as said character is not Rainbow Dash, but though much like a couple above the issue would be not making it a big deal or have it be their defining characterization. For said character not to perhaps need to verbalize their sexual preference. Maybe just have it that you have two mares or two stallions introduced who are married or in a relationship, while again not having the Mane Six or anyone else make a big deal out of such. Possibly slight confusion or surprise maybe, perhaps one finding it a bit odd, but still accepting. Anything more would be too much and make too much off a big deal out of such. Even what i offered before might be too much in some people's eyes yet perhaps not.
  4. An episode that I was looking forward to but also dreading on learning the synopsis, for that of seven season, where we get to see the focus placed on Princess Celestia though in this case with her younger sister. Signs, yet a few things prevented me from enjoying it though I wish I could love this episode. ------------------------------------------------------------- First, I did not buy the premise at all. Celestia gave up her sister for a thousand damned years, living with the guilt and loneliness all during this time with the Summer Sun Celebration actually being a painful reminder of what she had to do. I'm sorry, but in my honest opinion I do NOT see the princess not appreciating her sister. Second is that apart from arguably the dream walking aspect which I feel strongly would have had to been an ability Princess Luna gained after being redeemed by the Elements of Harmony so that she was no longer Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia has done her younger sister's job for a thousand years. Meaning she should know how hard the job can be. Third, Starlight. Now since I have not been active on here for a very long time many may not know my feelings on her but while her introduction was enjoyable the way the writers handled her reform and all the other nonsense that came with her return. I don't like Starlight, the way they handled her reform left me having very bitter feelings for her. In general even, especially when it comes to her power and skill in magic with the spells she has been able to pull off with that of her ease in doing so. I feel this episode should have been focused on Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. Without Starlight Glimmer playing any part in it or in helping the Royal Sisters with the issues they were having. She knew the sisters best, having been Celestia's student and the first to truly befriend Luna. Starlight, she ahd no connection to them nor did she know them. Also, almost forgot, I was annoyed that Starlight had any connection to the Cutie Map where it could send her off on missions. She never wielded any of the Elements of Harmony so she should not be called on for something the Mane Six should be able to do, and the Cutie Map should be special of their friendship.
  5. @VengefulStrudel Thank you, much appreciated. Since I now have that turned off, things should go much more smoothly.
  6. Greetings and salutations! It has been a long time, perhaps you might be up for a roleplay together?

    I may not roplay Princess Celestia anymore, something I have felt quite the painful sting of nostalgia for today to be honest, but you do still play the pony version of The Doctor. An adventure with him would be quite a bit of fun, or just generally having something put together with him and one or more of my characters.


  7. Thanks for all that I do appropriate the information. Another question, is there a way of turning off notifications for whenever someone I have friended on here makes a status update I don't receive a notification on here? I ask because my Notification has been filled with new status updates from people and I would prefer keeping it to just thread replies and PMs.
  8. So, it has been a while since I was really active or on MLP Forums. I have to say, a lot seems to have changed and I feel perhaps not all for the better. What of being able to mention, not only quote a member from their post? What have the formatting and layout of character sheets instead of just lines of text? Those are the two I have noticed right off the bat, though I am sure there has been other changes as well. The first thought that came to mind was that perhaps the membership simply became too large to support such features or too many characters created. Perhaps different servers or site design used which didn't have such features. I am simply asking for a bit of clarity, especially since as I mentioned above I am not sure if all changes are for the better. Thank you, for whichever mod or staff answers this. I have always appreciated you all.
  9. Greetings and salutations, I don't know it you remember but towards the end of December of 2014 we had tried starting a Harry Potter roleplay. I was wondering if you might be open for trying again this time?

    1. Pripyat Pony

      Pripyat Pony

      Sure, just let me know the details. ;)

  10. Kind of, yes and no. Given how I am LDS my view of heaven and hell is a little bit different from mainstream Christianity, in that the closest thing to such a concept it is by belief in spirit paradise and spirit prison. In addition, it should be noted, is that this is before the return of Jesus Christ and his judgment. After the second coming, we will be judged and placed into one of three Kingdoms of Glory of the light of the Stars, Moon, and Sun. Of note, is that even the lowest of these kingdoms is greater than the lives we live here on Earth now and were the majority of those that fall short go. In addition, very few in truth will go to the LDS equivalent of Hell, that of Perdition, as it requires very exact requirements. A particular worth, in the LDS Church it is generally believed that everyone will be given the chance to "be saved". If not in this life, in the next and after the second coming. Also before the age of 8 all children who died will go to "Heaven", no questions asked. Lastly, it is believed in the church that children are without sin and that's have no need to be saved. Of particular note is that infant baptism is considered extremely blasphemous and insulting, especially those that say that a infant who dies before being baptized goes to hell. That is my two cents on the concept of and belief in Heaven and Hell.
  11. GreyScholar

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    Oh no, no, no, no. Hell no. I would suggest watching this video and others that came out before the movie ever released to theaters which very well explains why there was problems and why fans were upset. All the complaints and those involved that had nothing to do with the female cast. No misogyny and no sexism to be seen.
  12. My apologies for not posting, though I have somewhat kept up on the posts being made, I have to say that I feel there been a lot of things added that really don't work. You all do remember these are simply CATS? I saw a mention of a tent for some reason, and now I see written a dart coming out of the rogue's claw? Is no one going to call Sunset Light out for their character having a metallic claw with a dart gun?
  13. Like the ShadowClan medicine cat if I can ever get to making her. I will try to make some posts today.
  14. Forest near Thunderclan Camp @@Wolves @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus "We were asked to capture pray and bring it back alive so that the cure can be tested, there is a untrustworthy and potentially very dangerous rogue in our camp," Ausere says, as while he understood Owlheart's point he did feel this was not something to allow time to unnecessarily pass and offers, "I feel we are pressed for time, and do not wish to leave this rogue out of my sight for any longer then required. If we can all go back now, I would prefer we did." The warrior bows his head to Owlheart, trying to show that he wished no disrespect to his fellow clanmate. It was simply that this rogue had him on edge and he did not wish to leave him alone for long.
  15. Forest near Thunderclan Camp @@Wolves @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus Austere looked towards Owlheart a bit confused as well before asking, "You ask Darkpaw to bury the prey he has made sure to keep alive so as to help involving the rogue... and continue hunting? Wouldn't it be better to simply use this sparrow for the testing?" He was not approving of the apprentice sneaking off, but at the same time he didn't want Darkpaw's efforts to be in vain.
  16. Ah, I see. Duh, I remember Kestreltalon being mentioned in the roleplay. ... I have something to admit. If it wasn't for the fact there was already a Thunderclan leader, I woud have requested to play Firestar. Heh ^^' @@Unicorncob Since the sparrow is alive, couldn't the three go back to camp so as to test the cure more quickly? Sure, we could have the three go and get more prey, but Darkpaw went through so much trouble to keep the prey alive despite not being as larhe or strong as a more fully grown warrior. Burying the bird would simply kill it.
  17. Forest near Thunderclan Camp @@Wolves @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus "Careful not to bite too hard though, or you might break its neck," Austere offered, though such could take more effort, before continuing, "Try to move your teeth in to grip it tight, right above the wings, and it should help limit movement." Still, he would offer a look to Owlheart before giving the apprentice some praise despite Darkpaw breaking the rules, "You should have asked if, at least let another cat know where you were off to... but you showed initiative and a willingness to help the clan by seeking live pray yourself." It almost seemed the warrior said this grudgingly, but it was clearly intended to be honest praise.
  18. Forest near Thunderclan Camp @@Wolves @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus Austere would nod, before moving in the direction of the apprentice's scent was. With Owlheart not far behind, the warrior would come upon Darkpaw leading him to to frown. Seeing that the young cat had caught a sparrow, Austere asks, "You went hunting alone? Aren't you supposed to stay with your mentor little one?" Given his upset at the rogue, there was a bit of annoyance in his tone which could be seen as intimidating.
  19. I like Lyra and Bon Bon... but only when they are shown as close friends not a couple. Also how Lyra is obessed humans and hands is a bit wierd for me.
  20. @@Summer Breeze Well then, while Austere would appreciate the permission from Moonshine... the warrior is more then willing to drag the rogue out of the den and do the clawing outside. Heh
  21. @@Sunset light, You mean like Austere being a former rogue and thus suspects what may be going on, the ploy that may be in play? Oooh, I so want to have Austere claw that arrogance from the rogue, proving that at least he could hurt the cat... even offer some choice words on who could kill who. Lets just be glad my cat was sent hunting.
  22. Forest near Thunderclan Camp @@Wolves @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus Austere hackles were still raised a bit, his aggitation clear towards the rogue being in camp as he tried calming himself. He made his way into the nearby forest near camp, before the tom pauses as he catches a scent. Turning to Owlheart he asks, "There shouldn't be any apprentices out in the forest? I think I smell Darkpaw." He directs the warrior to smell as well, knowing that a second nose was best to confirm.
  23. Squeaks Anon has made a couple of Sherlock Hooves episodes: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM59Gwk-2WQuPPIn5gJjs0NfyyEKLE6CV
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