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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Rinikka

  1. Watching TLOTR :D

    1. LowfatEnvelope


      Hard to go wrong there!

  2. Watching The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is amazing

  3. Yeah, that make sense. But if they really want Sparity the would put them together dancing -Or maybe not, because any main character is dancing with another... (?-
  4. You should. Also, you are making me hate that photo. I was thinking in AC/DC X_x
  5. Yap, right. Maybe we'r overthinking this. For my cousings (both watch MLP with me on youtube), they will end up togheter (Rarity and Spike), and they'r only 5 and 11. They wouldn't do episodes like SomE, and then put Spike and Sweetie Bell together.
  6. Yes, I do! And that's why I'm afraid! The other chance is that Spike will go for Sweetie Belle instead of Rarity. Sad, but an option...
  7. Ok, now I'm sad u-u

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rinikka


      I miss my cat... and a friend is angry with me :/

    3. PlsDeleteAccount


      Why's he/she angry at ye?

    4. Rinikka


      Not angry, but... he's not talking to me by some reason... the problem is I don't know why. I didn't do anything bad ._.

  8. Rinikka


  9. Not so sure about that. I mean, if you are about to die, you should really love the other person -or Pony in this case- to tell him/her your feelings. I would be shouting, crying and saying I DONT WANT TO DIEEE. That was, also, pretty mature. A normal kid wouldn't did that.
  10. Epic fanfic is epic

  11. Woah thanks It's one of the besties I have. In the others, I'm in a long white dress (In my 15th birthday yay )
  12. Hi to everypony!! Yes it's pretty swell!! I love dark-magenta -black combination
  13. Do you know any tutorial for make a Pony-Plushie??

  14. Random word, now! BANANA

  15. I would love to see them together. But I want to think about everything that can happen. - Have you seen Adventure time? Finn's first love was princess Bubblegum, but now is princess Flame. Maybe we are going to see something similar with Spike? That is not nice, since they gave us an amazing episode of Sparity... but in Adventure time, they gave us episodes about Finn-Bubblegum (even Fiona with the Prince. - Spike can grow up in one day, but... it's a cartoon. The Fun about cartoons is that characters never (or most of the times) change. Maybe in a future episode... something like "Yeap, I'm adult Spike and this is my wife Rarity!". So we know that they will end up together, but we are not going to know how. (That's Fanfiction work, right?) Here's another example: Fry and Leela, from Futurama. They had a lot of romantic-episodes, but they never end up together. Can't be Sparity something like that? -About Beauty and the Beast, I totally agree! Yes, there are too many coincidences. You can't ignore them, as I said in my last post. They have a lot of things in common. -Note: My little cousing, that is 5 years old, said that she want to see them together after watching the episode (in english, right, but I translated it to her ). My other cousing, 11 years old, told me the same. Kids loves sparity!! (Well, my cousins at least ) -I don't expect to see them together right now, maybe in some future seasons (if there are any). Conclusion: I love Sparity, but I'm still confused about it's future. They have a lot of common, and the main problem is aging. (And as I said, Spike will not grow up in a day and keep his "age", because it's a cartoon). But yeap, Spike deserves a happy ending. He's one of my two favorite characters. So, why not?
  16. I have a question. Do you like Sparity? Just for know ^-^ (I DO!)

  17. Where. Did. you. get. that. Rarity. pushie? I NEED IT ._.
  18. I waaant to breaaak freeee!!! I waaant to breaaak freeeee!!!

  19. What do you feel for Rarity's little sister?
  20. People around here is so nice that you don't need to sleep. But you have important muggle staff tomorrow -_-

  21. My fav pony is Pinkie, then Rarity. I also <3 Spike :B

  22. I love Rock and Roll... Joan Jett is so awesome...

    1. Twiliscael


      I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation!

    2. Rinikka


      Living in the past, it's a new generation!!!

  23. I would love a phoenix. And a dragon asistant. And an owl. And... D: I want to catch 'em all!!
  24. Yaay muffin!!... D: I want to eat some muffins... >.<

  25. If I told you the truth, today I spend all the time on History Class drawing MLP. Also, I got an 10 (best mark!) YAY
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