1. Season 2: I just love a lot of the episodes, they all are very fun and not too awful. Also the premiere and finale were so good OMG!!!
Fav episode: A Canterlot Wedding
2. Season 4: I loved the episodes so much and the premiere and finale were good as well. I think this season did amazing at making not boring or dumb episodes.
Fav episode: Trade Ya
3. Season 1: This season is so good for being the opening season. Most of the episodes are really fun like season 2, but some episodes were kinda mid which puts it a little under 2 & 4.
Fav episode: Dragonshy / The Cutie Mark Chronicles
4. Season 5: I love love love starlight!! I like the cutie map a lot too! I feel like some of the episodes weren’t that good or weren’t good at all + the finale wasn’t as good as others. But honestly I like it a lot so it’s gotta be up here!
Fav episode: The Mane Attraction
5. Season 6: I know a lot of people hate this season and I get it. Some episodes are really awful but I have to put it here because there’s some episodes that are about starlight which i really love!!
Fav episode: To Where And Back Again
6. Season 3: I love this season even though it’s low. I love some episodes but some are pretty bad and this season is shorter than any of the seasons so this is the highest i can put it.
Fav episode: Magical Mystery Cure
7. Season 7: Some episodes i really dislike + i hate the premiere (Celestial Advice 😭). I feel like the highs aren’t really good like the others so it has to be here.
Fav episode: The Perfect Pear
8. Season 9: I barely like any episodes to be honest. Most of them are just boring attempts at ending the series but I do love the evil 3 and the premiere and finale.
Fav episode: The Last Problem
9. Season 8: I just hate the friendship school. The young six should’ve had more episodes by themself instead of always being together. Some episodes were ok!
Fav episode: The Mean Six