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Duke of Canterlot

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Everything posted by Duke of Canterlot

  1. Princesses and Queens of the past like Princess  Amore, Queen Parabola, etc

    I think princess Amore is a distant cousin of Celestia and Luna , since their family tree clearly has unicorn somewhere in it because prince Blueblood is Celestia's distant nephew 

    Also Princess Amore is a white tall unicorn that bares a similar look to Celestia,  and I know there are other ponies that fit this mold but, Celestia would have known about the crystal empire and have the atorthy to put Cadence in charge only if she was related to the former ruler ,since it is a separate empire to what Celestia rules but still considered part of equestria. 

    As for Parabola let me know your theories



    Part 1 1/2

    Based on my last post about Alicorns I am going to say my take on gen5 Skyross land of Alicorns

    First thing first I think that only Alicorns in equestria have a purpose or royal status since they represent unity of the 3 pony types

    However if a palace outside of equestria that has nothing to do with equestria is home to an Alicorn race I think it's okay ,

    I think of it as another species 

    And as per Celestia's statment I think that even Skyross alicorns aren't born but transform somehow when they reach a sertain age , and they aren't born alicorn.


    1. Duke of Canterlot

      Duke of Canterlot

      Princesses and Queens of the past like Princess  Amore, Queen Parabola, etc

      I think princess Amore is a distant cousin of Celestia and Luna , since their family tree clearly has unicorn somewhere in it because prince Blueblood is Celestia's distant nephew 

      Also Princess Amore is a white tall unicorn that bares a similar look to Celestia,  and I know there are other ponies that fit this mold but, Celestia would have known about the crystal empire and have the atorthy to put Cadence in charge only if she was related to the former ruler ,since it is a separate empire to what Celestia rules but still considered part of equestria. 

      As for Parabola let me know your thepries


  3. How to become an alicorn User's guide

    feel free to give some theorieson the topic


    personally I am going with the theory  that an alicorn is just a combination of all three pony types/tribes's magic trough a magical or special genetic process or spell ,


    Twilight could have gotten the powers or esents of her friends when she completed Starsworl's spell 

    giving her enough magic of the three pony types to transform. 

    (credit to Sawtoothwaves for the original base of this part of my theory )


    a similar thing might have happened with Cadence, like maybe she absorbed the magic of the 3 types through the sharing of love  somehow 

    and as for Flurryheart vs the Cake twins, Flurry had the dna sequence for the alicorn genes from Cadence's transformation

    but the cakes although they have dna from all 3 types of pony , they don't have the genes or magical spell or process to combine it , but I am sure that if Zecora and Twilight were to study this they maybe able to make a potion or spell that can turn a pony into an alicorn, but it may only work on ponis that have all three pony dna types


    as for gen 5 , they show it in a much simpler way  with Sunny and the three artifacts 

  4. A thing that has been bothering me lately was that short episode that Rarity made spike use his wings to get wavy mane like the princesses, 

    For a pony that helped Princess Cadence to do a traditional crystal empire mane style in only a few hours dispite it being difficult,  how did she not remember the time they were the power ponies and Fluttershy's mane was wavy , but before you say it would be impossible to recreate it similar to the princesses and Mist manes manes , I watch that episode of power ponies and Fluttershy's hair was not moving by itself,  it was only looking like that when she walked, however when she moved it looked like it moved as well, maybe Rarity didn't want that since it was only an illusion, but I stI'll think it'sclose enough and Rarity could be able to recreate it in stead of over working poor Spike.


    But it's just my idea:winking-izzy:

    1. Duke of Canterlot

      Duke of Canterlot

      BTW I am talking about a short episode in the beginning 

  5. He would change , I think his top goat-like half would change to human
  6. I like this theory but what if I expanded it more So the box came from the tree, meaning it has a conection with the elements, But what if it was a way of fusing the mane 6's personal magic with the tree's magic , similar to the elements of harmony but different at the same time, The elements of harmony were the magical esents of the 6 pillars Then it took a turn and found the mane 6 and changed slightly, (like how the element of magic cane from sorcerery) but something that was mentioned in the show was that the elements were literally a part of the mane 6 symbioticaly conected to them symbioticaly, When they gave up the elements they gave up a part of themselves , so I guess the tree gave them the box to create their own elements. Part2 I think the idea of the box was a way for the mane six to create a new type of magic similar to the elements , The way they create this magic in my opinion , it is similar to creating magical artifacts, they combined their own esents with that of the tree Aka their items that turned into the keys and the box By doing this they made a new type of magic similar to the elements which could be used to fight against evil once more So in a way it is original , but only because it was new ,and belong to the mane six and not the 6 pillars Also it could be cutie mark magic , which I think would be able to use when a pony's personal magic aka the cutie mark magic is stored in something and grown or powered up , hence why it is shown in g5
  7. This is an interesting theory But I think they expand a little more about him in the comics I can't be sure though I don't read them However in the show he is referred to as Princess Celestia's nephew , and based on a resent theory Prince Blueblood is the great great great great....... (a few more great grand) nephew of the princesses (Celestia & Luna) on their mother's side of the family , so in other words a distant branch of CelestiCelestia's family tree The princess Platinum thing is nice as well, but I am not sure if Celestia is related to her. And while Princess Celestia is a very kind person I don't think she would give power to anyone related to a former dynasty It's just my opinion though....
  8. So resently I was wandering why Human and Pony Luna seem so different, 

    And why human Luna has a different skin color  (I know that Big Mac also has a different from his pony form) can someone tell me why,

    I also have a small theory that the human Luna was made to resemble the purple toy pony Luna's, also something to do with merchandise and franchising,  

    Also this is my first post , so thank you if you replied , or viewed it.

    Also I attached an image of pony Luna in the same color as human Luna


    1. Duke of Canterlot

      Duke of Canterlot

      I did also notice that Human Luna's pants and Big Mac's shirt are the same color of their pony counterparts' coats

    2. Shwaaaalalalalaburger


      Oh, I believe it has to do with the fact that their pony coat colors don't look good on humans. Examples of this happening would be on Big Mac (as you mentioned), Vice Principal Luna herself, and Cheerilee. Although, I think they might look okay with their regular colors.

  9. So...... based on all of the theories I've seen , let me list a few suggestions : 1. Sunburst is not a stallion hoove type like Shining Armor or Big Mac , his hooves type is the smooth one similar to that of most stallions and all or most mares , and the reason it's a different color is became of his coat or skin pigmentation since that spot on his face is the same color. 2. (Theory ) all stallions have hoove like the same hoove type (I dare say all ponies have the same hoove type (maybe )) , but based on diet , exercise, work or contributing factor that you can think of cause them to get like Big Mac , Shining , even Prince Blueblood's hoove type or style, and may be a choice by them to leave it a different color, (side note: a different color makes it more prominent, reason for wanting it to be prominent may be to show physical strength )and yes I know that Flash Magnus does not have the type of hoove in question and is still showed to be very strong/brave, 3. Shining, and Blueblood could be coloring or polishing their hooves, while Big Mac's hooves are that way from work, or they all wear some type of horse shoe casing it to look different, or as said before,( the feathered feet thing) I hope this helps a little , also all of this is off the tip of my head so forgive me if I missed out anything, or anyone/anypony
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