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  1. Been wondering things for some time now- why is it that the g1 Japanese Takara ponies, the main two, at least- Milky and Pinky, are named as they are? It could be entirely random, but I really don't like that conclusion, quite frankly. Their little sisters are named "Lily" and "Popo", and their four adult friends are named after different types of hairstyles: "Ami Ami", "Sara Sara", "Fuwa Fuwa", and "Kuru Kuru". Seeing as how the entire line of Takara ponies translate to fashionable pony", I decided to do some digging as to why Milky and Pinky are named how they are. Since the Takara Osharena ponies were released in Japan in 1985, I can only assume that their names would have some sort of reference and influence in Japanese culture around this time, or earlier. Why "Milky" and "Pinky", specifically? Well- seeing as how the toyline's name is based off stylish ponies, I can personally only assume that Milky, at the very least, could have been a name that was inspired and influenced by the Japanese Lolita brand, Milk- which was started in 1970, and paved the way for the fashion trend to grow exponentially out of Harajuku. Similarly, "Pinky" could've manifested and been inspired by the early Otome brand, Pink House, which was founded by Isao Kaneko in 1973. Of course, this is all merely my own speculation, (that may be fueled by my own personal biases) but I feel like it provides a reasonably enough explanation. If anyone has any other theories as to how these names possibly came to be, then I would love to discuss them.
  2. Now, there has been desire for an MLP anime among the g4 fan base for a long time now. There has been an official MLP the Manga, and Equestria Girls has paved the way for anime magical girl sequences through their many movies. I think that the biggest play that Hasbro could make at this point, is allowing the G1 Takara ponies to make a comeback and giving them their own anime through a fresh and fancy reboot. Now, I get it- the Takara ponies are a branch of MLP that is pretty obscure outside of the g1 collector's fan base, and only limited to Japan, but with with the MLP franchise approaching 50 years of pastel ponies, I think this branch could be given a second chance. In my opinion, Hasbro could take a leap of faith and really go all in on reinventing the Takara line for an anime- especially since it was a Japanese exclusive toyline, and Japan pretty much pushed anime to the world, and it is no longer something to be made fun of and ridiculed, as it used to be. I would love to see possibly even a brand new character being introduced, as well as fleshing out the very scarce Takara pony lore through an anime. Filly Frills (or just "Frilly") could be the new character- perhaps a protege of Milky and Pinky, the g1 Takaras, who, like g4 Rarity, could be all about fashion and style, or just have interesting magical girl transformation sequences that showcase different outfits, like that of Cardcaptor Sakura.
  3. I've been wondering, due to having far too much imagination and an idle mind. This thought came to me after realizing yet again that the Pokemon Franchise is one that is approaching its 10th generation of mainline series games, after the franchise has been around for 28 years, and has become THE biggest grossing franchise on the planet. Meanwhile, the My Little Pony brand and franchise is going on 44 years old in 2025 and is heading toward its 6th generation. I can't see the pony brand going anywhere anytime soon, but some part of me does wonder- what if MLP took Pokemon's place as the highest grossing franchise? How different would the brand and fandoms surrounding each generation be? Would there even be any differences?
  4. Name: Saddle Stitch About the character: Saddle Stitch is a very mysterious pony. It always seems like when you need her, she's never around. Rather, she's almost always living her best life on faraway, fantastic adventures! Although, she's never one to forget her friends and will send care packages and postcards, she will always be found making new friends in foreign lands! When she returns home, she can either be found with her head buried in books, or with her hooves in the dirt, in her garden (which Posey keeps up while shes away). She loves to eat, and collect all sorts of oddities and memorabilia. Creation of the character (Authors Notes): While rewatching the "Magic of Friendship Grows" song, from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- I really got to thinking about much of the unexplored lore that was never touched upon within this series. Many things are left unexplained, and while is leaves a bittersweet taste in the mouths of many, it also leaves the door open for people to speculate and try to tie loose ends together on their own, which is one thing that I personally enjoy doing. With that said, while the subject of who originally found and planted the seed that was given to Starswirl the Bearded, who later grew the Tree of Harmony from said seed with the 5 other Pillars was one I have thought about before, I got to thinking on it yet again. Quite frequently, due to my adoration of the Generation 1 Japanese exclusive Takara Ponies in the MLP line, and their seemingly subtle clues around the scarce art on official merchandise that they have had, I have always been fond of the idea of linking them as being the source to the seed of Harmony's origin. Their box art features Lily of the Valley flowers, which can mean "a return to happiness" in the language of flowers, after all. They seem to be the only ponies in g1 that don't really have any arcane magic or symbols to channel their special skills through, as the other ponies do, throughout history. So one could reason that being without such things is the truest form of happiness or Harmony that the ponies might've meant to have....? Whatever the case may be, I thought about my love of the pony franchise. I have been a pony fan for well over 10 years now, and my love for it first started with being introduced to g4, which then led to my exploration and like of the many generations prior to g4 and afterward. So I wanted to create a pony that really encompassed the franchise as a whole, from generation 1 to 5. I'm sure, like myself, there are many out there who love all that this franchise and all its generations of fans bring to the table, and will continue to. While Saddle Stitch appears to be a primarily g1 looking pony, there are elements of features from several different generations to make her more unique. Her name itself is also meant to represent the unity and harmony that was a major theme among g4, and again- referencing back to "The Magic of Friendship Grows" song. The start of the series opens with a book opening, and with this song, it references the first episode with the same book closing on that story of the 6 friends and all they have accomplished. I thought it would be neat to give her the name of Saddle Stitch, because its a method of leather working and book binding- its a stitch that is good at keeping things together- unified. Like friendship. I also like to imagine that Saddle Stitch is the very pony who created the books that both open and close the FiM series- at the commission of Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. She is a bookbinder in her occupation, after all. How fitting. All the moreso if the ponies that commissioned her to make their books was the same pony who- unbeknownst to them- was the one who could've grown the seed that would grow into the Tree of Harmony? Her symbol/ cutie Mark is a reference to the g1 Takara Ponies, who she has spent much of her time with- a needle and thread on one side, and a Lilly of the Valley flower on the other- both connecting and forming the shape of a heart. This symbolizes the saddle Stitch technique that is used on bookbinding, but also again, the base intent of keeping things- such as relationships and bonds- together. Both the flower and needle and thread symbolize harmony and happiness.
  5. So I'm really curious about this. Many in this g4 fandom have concluded that the Mane 5- Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash (maybe even Twiight) are no longer around- I mean, old age or whatever. They were significantly aged up in to mid-life stage, it seemed like, during the final episode. But it again theorized that Twilight- being an Alicorn- is probably still around. G5's series pretty much confirms that only Spike is the only one still remaining, because dragons are far longer lived than ponies are (and the IDW comics confirms this fact) ....However, after watching the g5 special "Bridlewoodstock", and seeing three of the original g1 ponies- Snuzzle, Minty, and Blue Belle showing up and looking just as young and retrofied as in the 80's, I have to wonder if these g1 ponies are still around in the g5 timeline, then wouldn't the g4 ponies? What do you guys think of this? Did Twilight and friends get put/ trapped in an alternate dimension? Limbo? Are they really 6 feet under? Or are the g1 ponies in g5 re-animated through some mysterious, magical means?
  6. Probably not. But then again, I just watch pony wherever I can get it- but definitely not on streaming services. Who has money for that?
  7. I agree. Gen 2 needs to be more represented by Hasbro. It never gets touched on or given any sort of reference, ever.
  8. thanks. It was an interesting challenge to incorporate both worlds, but with the inclusion of g1 MLP to tie into it, giving its grittier themes, made it a bit easier. I like how it turned out, myself also. (I will be adding further to Trixie's backstory- just left it as a cliffhanger for now)
  9. The Story: On the night of the blood moon, the Witches strike a deal with their ancestor, Algol, to rain down terror upon and vanquish the pride of the ponies, the Alicorns- a race that unites them all. However, no one ever reads the fine print, and one simple request leads to them unleashing hell on all of Ponyland and unearthing monsters that should’ve never been unleashed. When Princess Majesty is called to the Alicorn land of Skyros to attend the Blessings Banquet as a delegate, the night becomes one she will never forget. As the clock strikes midnight, she watches in helpless horror as legions of the damned descend on the ponies all around, taking their fill. She barely made it out alive, but will never forget the screams of terror that continue to haunt her. With a vow in her heart to protect all that she holds dear, she seeks out a source of power older than time itself, and summons Spindle to grant her power in order that she may step into her place as a respected leader for the ponies. On her coronation day, she is crowned Queen- but at a cost. The power that she requested, unbeknownst to Majesty, was the combined magic and lives of the few remaining Alcorns that had somehow escaped that horrible night of the last Blessings Banquet so many years ago. Majesty, of course, did question why then she had birthed two foals….two alicorn foals…so many years after she had been crowned Queen.. It was highly unusual, especially considering that she never took a husband. Spindle was again summoned on the night of Luna’s birth, this time, not to solidify a contract, but for questioning. Again, much to Majesty’s horror, she learned the truth about the wish she had made as a filly had caused the extinction of the Alicorns, albeit temporarily. With Celestia and Luna born to her, they were a new start- a new beginning for the Alicorn race- so Spindle explained. Perhaps, too, a new beginning for many other things…. Princess Bellatrix “Trixie” Lulamoon Bellatrix is the illegitimate daughter of Princess Luna and Star Hunter. She was conceived during a time when Luna had been grieving the loss of her sister, Celestia ( who had turned into Daybreaker from the loss of her son, Lucifer, who was banished to Tartarus, and thus she had to be banished to the sun.), and sought comfort from one of her trusted servants. When Bellatrix was born, in order to prevent a scandal, she was sent away to be cared for by Tempest Shadow- a battle hardened ex-captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, who was now living in isolation at the borders of the Badlands. Bellatrix was technically born an alicorn, but has severely underdeveloped horn and wings, which are hidden beneath her hair and clothing. Her magic is unstable, and she chooses not to use it, as it causes her migraines. She has learned to rely on earth pony powers through the ground to manifest ancient energies that few ponies can fully utilize. Pinkie Pie visits often to teach her how to harness these abilities. The role of a Princess was never one she sought after, much to her Mother’s dismay. She just wasn’t cut out for ruling over other ponies, strict schedules, or weighty responsibilities. Instead, when the time came for royal guards to take her back to Canterlot to begin a proper Princess education to put her in line for succession to the throne, Tempest - respecting her decision- fended them off while Bellatrix ran deep into the Badlands. It was there that she found herself being taken captive by members of an imp mafia run by Crimson, and sold to Cash Buckso, a wealthy Imp ringleader for profit. Life in the circus was where Bellatrix began calling herself by her stage name, “Trixie”, and where she also met and befriended Blitzo- a young imp with big dreams. It was only after meeting her that this imp’s love for horses was made manifest, to the point where it would later become an obsession. Trixie, on the other hand, would learn that fostering friendships with the damned could only result in disaster. In a tragic accident that set the entirety of the circus ablaze, she wound up trapped in the inferno- her hind leg pinned and crushed beneath a steel beam. She heard the panicked cries, the deafening explosions of the fireworks that had been accidentally set off in the chaos- and thought it was the end for her. Never did she expect for Buckzo to save both her and Fizarolli’s life that day- even though she, along with Blitzo’s best friend, were invaluable money makers to him. Trixie left the hospital with a prosthetic leg and abandoned circus life, after a fallout with Crimson. She then saddled up for life on the road as a street performer, turning tricks for tips. Little did she realize- the life of a trickster wasn’t all that life had in store for her…. Notes: Upon completely redesigning Trixie, I decided to give her a new backstory and drop her into a new AU while I was at it. While it is a mix of MLP and the Vivziepop’s Helluverse (iI decided to give her a look that sort of reflected Criss Angel, the goth magician, with a bit of inspiration from what I can only assume to be her g2 inspiration, that of the pony Trixiebelle- a jester. Her actual name became Bellatrix, to tie into her ties with Luna, but also being an anagram of Trixiebelle. I really also had to include a little bell as her earring as homage to her g2 pony inspo, just because it's a very subtle and adorable reference.
  10. this is a very commom misconception in the g4 fandom that Celestia turned Twiilight into an alicorn, The this about this is many do not bother to look at the details before they make the assumption. If you go back and look at MMC, you can clearly see that the magic that leaves Twilight is purple and comes out of her chest- were her heart would be. She turns herself into an alicorn. Celestia's horn never once glows to turn Twilight in to an alicorn herself. Yes, Celestia herself was grooming Twilight for the role of becoming a Princess, and her successor, but she never turned her into an alicorn.
  11. So while I was rewatching the g4 MLP episode ‘Shadow Play”, I remembered that Starswirl very plainly went into detail about the origins of the Tree of Harmony. Shortly before sacrificing themselves to bind himself and the other Pillars to Limbo, He says: “But we shall leave behind a seed, in hopes that one day, it will grow into a force to stand against the darkness for all time.” This seed was actually a jewel that was infused with the Pillars’ of Equestria’s elements- Strength, Bravery, Healing, Hope, Beauty, and Sorcery. The seed later grew into the Tree of Harmony and spread its roots out to other lands, as revealed in season 10 of the comic arc, to manifest the Trees of Love, History, Family, Purpose, and Patriotism. Question is- where did the Pillars- or Starswirl- get this “seed”? Neither the comics, books, or series reveals this information, and after so long, I doubt that any new lore on the origin of the Tree will be dropped now that we’re well into g5. But I do have an idea of where this seed originated from….. I believe that the seed that grew into the Tree of Harmony could’ve come into possession by someone in Starswirl’s group (likely Mage Meadowbrook) from the g1 Takara ponies. And let me explain why I believe that could be….First off- the seed is a gemstone. While there is no shortage of gems in Equestria, I am led to believe that the seed did in fact come from the Takara ponies, because 1: the name “Takara” in Japanese means “treasure; jewel, precious thing”. The elements of Harmony that came from the Tree later on are indeed very valuable and took the form of gemstones. 2: Starswirl and friends planted the seed in hopes that it would grow to defend against the darkness for all time, during a time when they needed to sacrifice themselves to keep a villain at bay. Meanwhile, there is heavy emphasis on the Lily of the Valley flower in what we see of the Takara pony imagery, in what little “canon” they have been given through their box art and blurbs. In the flower language, a Lily of the Valley means “a return to happiness” and also “unity”; “peace”. Seems perfect symbolism right around a time when it is needed most for figures who will no longer be around due to putting their lives on the line as guardians, but who need to leave a tool for future generations to combat the darkness of villains who crop up after them, I’d say. But what do you guys think?
  12. I beg your finest pardon, but Celestia never did turn Twilight into an alicorn. This is an understandably, yer very common misconception.
  13. There are many people within the g4/g5 MLP community that seem to take most official media outside of the animated series as “B Canon” so long as it doesn’t contradict the series itself. But there is much untapped and unexplored potential for lore and long lost answers to questions others may have been asking for many years within these outside sources. That being said, I feel like it’s due time that an elephant in the room needs to be addressed. Addressing the topic of “what happened to the other Alicorns?” This has been a question that has been on the minds of many since the release of the official “The Journal of the Two Sisters” book. It details the lives of the young sisters Celestia and Luna and specifically mentions that they were raised by “the Alicorns”, meaning that there were others of their kind- presumably many of them, in the days before the nation of Equestria’s founding. This is the only time that “The Alicorns” are ever mentioned in any piece of g4 media. Except when “The Art of Equestria” art book for the MLP movie came out. There had been a scrapped idea of a pony named Cosmos being the younger, long lost brother of Celestia and Luna. He was intended to be a rough and wild pony adventurer that had a broken horn and wore a very strange looking and intimidating armor suit, but his character ultimately became Tempest Shadow, who had her role secured in the movie. Then when g5 came around, with the introduction of the villain Opaline, we seemed to get further confirmation of “The Alicorns” (although it seemed rather vague, with her wording of her backstory) Her dialogue basically says “When I was growing up in Skyros, THEY (Celestia/ Luna) were the golden ponies, the favorites. Everypony loved them! But I saw right through their act! They thought they were so great because they had the whole “sun and moon” thing going. Please! I had something much better. I was an alicorn of fire, of power, of strength!” At the end of her speech, Opaline then goes on to say: “I will live up to my elemental duty!” Now, while this brief bit of dialogue doesn’t mention other alicorns directly, I can only assume that when Opaline makes mention to not only Skyros- which can possibly predate the land of Canterlot where the Alicorns resided in the Journal of the Two sisters, but also alluding to herself being an “alicorn of fire”, it kinda makes me wonder of there were other elemental alicorns that had duties to fulfill, as Opaline seemed to have- only to be usurped by Celestia and Luna who were meant to govern the sun and moon. I simply cannot see Opaline talking about how, at the time, Celestia and Luna would be the favorites of any other pony species other than “The Alicorns” at the time of their childhood. So then begs the question again- “what happened to “The Alicorns”? Here is where the g4 comics might come into play, and my take on the matter. (Take it for what its worth) If we were to keep the idea of Cosmos being Celestia and Luna’s younger brother- although being left out of the movie, but existing in another B form canon media, while also looking at IDW comic issues #75-78, which feature a villain named Cosmos, that even Discord himself was afraid of, I think that it could unravel the mystery of what happened to the other alicorns. One thing I notice about the villain Cosmos is that she does not simply perform fun and amusing acts of chaos out of the hopes to connect with somepony and find a friend, as Discord did. She took things way too far, and enjoyed hurting others and having her chaotic powers destroy the fabric of existing realities. And, according to Discord, it took the combined powers of the “most magical beings” to lock Cosmos away in the 6 stars- into what then became known as the Andalusian constellation. Discord’s dialogue seems to imply that at this time when villain Cosmos was wreaking havoc on Equestria, during Discord’s first reign, the Alicorns, and Celestia and Luna’s younger brother, Cosmos were already absent from the scene- otherwise, I would assume that they would’ve been the ones to properly deal with the villain Cosmos, rather than Queen Novo, Celestia, Luna, Discord, King Aspen, and King Meowmeow. My thought is that at some point before villain Cosmos came to devastated Equestria, she would've had a confrontation with the alicorn Cosmos. The Alicorns would’ve moved from Skyros to Canterlot, at some point. (Maybe Skyros was destroyed? Who knows?) Cosmos, being the younger brother of Celly and Luna could’ve had a major impact on his mentality- having his older sisters potential to strive to live up to. Especially when Starswirl came to collect them from Canterlot to truly unite the Pegasi, Earth, and Unicorn tribes in the newly established land of Equestria. It could be that Cosmos stayed behind with the other alicorns- or simply ventured out on his own to try and do his own part to bring harmony to the world- perhaps until the villain Cosmos came and destroyed the Alicorns and their land, out of fear for their power of unity, if ever they decided to try and stop her, as she later was, by others. Unbeknownst to her, both Cosmos, and Opaline could;ve been outside the city and on their own, hence why they would’ve survived to present day. I would like to think that at some point, Cosmos would’ve come up against the villain Cosmos, which would’ve resulted in his broken horn- and while he barely got away at the time, he would’ve then created an armor that would succeed in deflecting her magic. And he simply strives to either return to his home after finding a way to defeat her- unknowing that she had already been sealed in the stars, or now is attempting to bring the other alicorns back, after learning of all villain Cosmos had done. Super headcanon-y, but again, there is much potential in “B canon” for explanation of what could;ve happened to the other alicorns. What do you guys think?
  14. For a long time now, I have pondered if there was more to g4’s Fluttershy than meets the eye. This little pony holds so much intrigue and potential that I think was just never really touched upon. For instance, I like to think that she was the daughter of g1's Queen Rosedust- which would explain their similar appearance. I know Fluttershy was based off of Posey, but let’s just entertain the idea for a moment, shall we? Like the g1 Flutterponies, Fluttershy herself is shy and reclusive at the beginning. Her name also could be a reference to this. If Fluttershy was in fact the daughter of Queen Rosedust, then this would obviously make her a Princess. (And isn’t Fluttershy a lot like a Disney Princess already? Looking at you, Snow White!) Now, I’d imagine that Rosedust would see that her daughter was born a Pegasus- but also having a mixture of Flutterpony genes as well- would reluctantly have given her up to a foster family- ideally in Cloudsdale. The Shy Family. Like the Flutterponies she could’ve had mixed genetic with, Fluttershy is not the strongest flier, but can somehow bend the most destructive enemies to her will and lessen their threat- as the Flutterponies promptly dispatched the Smooze as it destroyed all of the valley, so Fluttershy also put the lord of Chaos, Discord, in his rightful place. What do you guys think about Fluttershy being a Flutterpony hybrid?
  15. Now, before I get people saying “But Luna and Celestia are the two original alicorns in the animated series!” or “But Luna and Celestia’s toys showed up first in the toyline release!” Let me just say- I KNOW. But hear me out, I think that as far as lore goes, there is a significant chunk of of missing when it comes to the Alicorn race, whether in cartoon, comic, or storybook canon. And yes, Generation 5 dipped into providing more lore through Opaline’s backstory but there is still much we don't really know about the Alicorns- specifically, the two g4 toyline exclusive Princesses- Gold Lily and Sterling. But here’s why I think that these two could actually predate both Celestia and Luna (and Opaline, even). But let’s take a look at Celestia and Luna for a second, Do you notice anything about them? Why is it that Celestia’s crown and breastplate are gold, while Luna’s are both black? Naturally, the colors fit with their color scheme, and gold for Celestia is typically one that is worn by royals….but how do you explain Luna’s black crown and breastplate? Why not silver to stand out better against her already dark color scheme? Have you ever wondered? Well, what if I were to tell you that she’s already wearing silver on her? I highly think that both Celestia and Luna’s crowns and breastplates are them paying tribute to the original ancestors- Princess Gold Lily and Princess Sterling. Ok, so the Gold on Celestia is obviously homage to Gold Lily, but what about Luna? That’s not silver- it’s black!!! Or is it? What if Luna’s attire was simply tarnished silver (which can produce a yellow, brown, BLACK, or grey coating)? I find it even more interesting upon doing a bit of digging, that Gold and Silver ( Sterling) are considered to be “noble” metals….interestingly, along with Platinum (Princess Platinum. (though not an Alicorn, she is Unicorn royalty, with her father being King Bullion (and his name itself being a reference to Gold and Silver in bulk before coining)) Additionally, etymology of Sterling itself a derivation from a late Old English steorling (with, or like, a 'little star'), as some early Norman pennies were imprinted with a small star. This, once again seems as though Sterling predates Luna, the guardian of the night, and mover of the moon and stars. Gold Lily’s color is, well, gold. Yellow, actually- and yellow Lilly’s can symbolize joy, gratitude, and FRIENDSHIP. Lilly’s in general symbolize love, purity, rebirth, and fertility. This flower ties itself to the Greek Goddess, Hera. The Alicorn homeland is Skyros (possibly their original home before they all- or some of them moved from there and founded Canterlot in pre-Equestria times). Notably, this location is inspired by the actual island of Skyros in Greece, which also has its own breed of “Skyrian ponies”. So are Gold Lily and Sterling the original alicorns before Celestia and Luna stepped onto the scene? You be the judge…..
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