O-Okay, let's see here. Glitter? Check! Difficult board games with confusing rules? Check! Crystal ball? Check! Lots of movies? Check! List of songs for karaoke? Check! Now all we need is...
*As she goes through her list, she looks up to see the readers, before smiling nervously*
O-Oh! Hey, everypony! I hope that everyone's been having a great October!
I'm really sorry about my lateness, everyone. I've been a little busy setting up the Lighthouse for a Unicorn Sleepover Party.
After Izzy invited me to hers when introducing me to her friends, I thought it would be fun to host my own. Just got a bit of a list and going over the necessary things one last time. This is my first time hosting an event like this for my friends and I'm a little worried that something might go wrong.
*Chuckling nervously, she takes a deep breath, while placing a hoof over her heart. All before slowly exhaling to try and calm down*
I know I'm feeling a little nervous, but I also know that I shouldn't. While this my be my first time hosting a party, I know that my friends will definitely have fun. I even had them bring costumes to dress up in. Given that it's almost Nightmare Night, I thought this would be perfect to change things up.
It may not be something that's on a traditional Unicorn Sleepover Party, but this feels like I'm making my own tradition.
Actually, talking about a sleepover party has given me a great idea!
Since Nightmare Night is almost around the corner, how about everypony tries to create their own story of a Sleepover Party!
This can be done with in the form of a writing event! This can be done as a regular Sleepover Party, or even a Nightmare Night themed Sleepover Party! The rules and parameters for the writing event are:
1. In your fic, your OC or any canon character from any generation would be telling a story of hosting their first sleepover party. It does not need to be Nightmare Night themed, but the spookier, the better (but not too spooky!)
2. Entries should be no longer than 10,000 words. Micro fics are around 5,000 count are ideal.
3. Entries cannot exceed a Teen rating. Mature rated fics will not be accepted.
4. Fics must be submitted to the Written Fan Works page.
5. Users can enter no more than 1 submission of their own work. (Please do not enter any other author's work into the event. Even if you're doing it for them, if they would like to enter the contest, they can enter the event themselves.)
6. Entries must be accepted until November 12th. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Those that participate will receive a badge!
Happy writing everypony! I look forward to reading through all of your sleepover party stories!
Here's to a fun and Happy Nightmare Night!
Submit Entries here by clicking below
Misty's Spooky Sleepover Party Submissions