Hello all. My name is Vrantus, and I am an Electronic Music Producer from the Carolinas. I'm glad to meet you all. shout out to scraton.
I am one that is passionate for the past. more specifically, MLP's past. I believe music is a piece of what MLP used to be, and I wanted to bring it back a bit. My main genre is quite unfamiliar but recognizable. which is known as "Melodic Drumstep". a core part of my visions. to be honest, I made a remix of the ending track from the last episode...but lost it years after. but, I do hope to make people smile with my music, and kindness for all. I'm very excited to see what will come from this place. message me if you want to know more about what I do, or just chat with me! i love socializing. alright, with that being said, be kind, and of course, be safe. hope to see you guys soon!
-Your kind fellow, Vrantus.