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  1. Yeah, same. My biggest problem is the fact that Spoiled Rich’s sudden existence came out of nowhere, and it seemed like a flimsy excuse to justify DT’s actions when episodes like Flight To The Finish exist.
  2. Found this entry on the “Character Perception Evolution/Western Animation” page on TV Tropes. I personally don’t care for DT or her redemption(in fact, I despise both of those things), but what about you?
  3. Hey there! I'm new here and I'm looking forward to meet new friends!
  4. I made an account just so I could get this off my chest. Boy, do I have a rant for one episode in particular.. This. Fliping. Episode. Before then, DT and SS were nuisances that tossed out the “blank flank” insult at any chance they could. But when they realize it’s not getting to them anymore, Diamond gets the idea to go for a nuclear option. She and Silver Spoon Fliping bully a disabled kid. But it’s not only that, it’s what happens after. Scootaloo’s confidence and self-esteem is crushed, she begins to doubt herself, causing a rift between the Crusaders FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, and Scootaloo ends up being DRIVEN TO DEPRESSION. Not to mention her throwing away her scooter. Wtf is this Shoot? Why is this episode so damn depressing? The moral is a good one, as it teaches kids to not let disabilities define them, but what dilutes it is HOW WE GOT TO THAT MORAL IN THE FlipING FIRST PLACE! And to top it all off, DT AND SS DON’T EVEN GET PUNISHED! YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT! THEY JUST LOSE A COMPETITION NO ONE REALLY GAVE A Shoot ABOUT! Whew, sorry. It’s just that I personally feel like having the whole “Scootaloo can’t fly” plot would’ve been much better if it was caused by Scoot’s own self-doubt. It could’ve made for great character growth. But no, let’s have it be set off by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s bullying, as if that hasn’t been done a million times before. I guess Ed Valentine needed to give them some relevance to the plot. This was his first episode, yes, but I feel like it could’ve been executed better. This episode is one of the most beloved episodes of S4 and the show as a whole, but it’s my least favorite episode of all time. It’s too depressing, DT and SS don’t get satisfying comeuppance, it’s uncomfortable to watch them cause Scootaloo depression, and Scootaloo’s self-doubt over her disability should’ve been the inciting conflict-starter. You got that right. It’s a shame Ed Valentine couldn’t write in a scene that showed them getting some major consequences.
  5. Welcome to MLP Forums, @Gamernerd717! I hope you enjoy your stay! :D 


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