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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Jeporauta

  1. At least four of those are very fitting for me. Gotten over gluttony without much effort so that one isn't me anymore. I'd say sloth because i usually try to get away from something with minimal effeort and are generally lazy when it comes to something i don't consider important. Still Pride and Greed are always there and a bit of lust too.
  2. I would abuse the hundreds of quick loan firms that are out there and just have fun in some random part of the world i have always wanted to be.
  3. I prefer Physical copies of everything except maybe games because steam has turned into such an amazing service. I have Many great record stores near me and it's almost impossible not to find the CD you want no matter how Underground it is.
  4. Not really. He said the likes the show in a "fun to watch with my daughter" kinda way, but the show is not for him. Anthony Bourdain on the other hand seems pretty open about liking mlp on his twitter.
  5. That scene made me lol pretty seriously. Might be bit cliched, but my favorite scene is probably "The Scene" from pulp fiction. Other than that i usually really love emotional scenes that have been building up trough the whole movie and then they just explode in that one scene. Powerful stuff.
  6. The game that changed gaming for me. Needs a sequel or a prequel bad. Shenmue seems to be one of those games that needs a sequel.
  7. These threads are hazardous to my health... hnnnggg.
  8. Standing while everyone else is sitting usually means that there wasn't enough seats so it's nothing special. Depending on the situation sitting while everyone else is standing(especially on public transportation) is kinda awkward. If I'm at a small party and there's on chair and i happen to get to it first i doesn't feel that weird. Someone else would have taken the seat anyway.
  9. Oh i wish that was one of my recently finished titles. Have to wait for it on PC My serial killer vampire lady needs this DLC/Expansion.
  10. What do i type here when i don't have anything on my mind? .... OH!

  11. Couple times in Detention when i was 10 or 12 for socializing during class. Wasn't really a thing for me. I did also walk away from a course in high school and got removed from it. I remember telling the teacher that she was terrible and i would be much efficient on my own(I was). I'm generally pretty nice. She wasn't so i didn't feel like being either. Imagine when you are asking a legitimate question that many of us has been wondering and instead of a helpful answer you get mockery from a self absorbed narcissist.
  12. People seem to get way more defensive when discussing sex online. Cultural difference?

    1. Jokuc


      Defencive? Nope not here.

    2. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      It has to do with the time differences, I'm sure of it!

    3. Jeporauta


      You might be onto something.

  13. I love AJs reviews. No matter what i think about his opinions, his reviews are so sincere and from the heart that it's admirable.
  14. I started a low carb lifestyle and it would kill me without meat. It has helped me a lot and i feel much healthier because of it. Also i love meat.
  15. Depends really how much you are related to to the kid. Babies crying on public transportation annoy the living hay out of me. I don't mind kids if they are keeping close to their parents and are not making a huge scene unless it's something terribly cute. If i know the parents well then of course they are automatically cute.
  16. I would just leave and not care. "Ponies, furries or whatever not my problem." That's pretty much how i thought about it before. I had even forgotten the time when a friend tried to introduce the show with lesson zero. I watched 2 mins didn't get it and moved on with my life.
  17. Because many other cool names were taken and i wanted a new one for pony fandom. Why i chose a modification of the surname that one of my commanding officers in the Military Police(conscript army training) had it, i do not know...
  18. So i see this just after seeing the twilight and growing spike sketches(made me teary eyed) for the first time. Why you little...HNNNNNNGGGGGGG
  19. I'm Dyslexic i hate reading, So my bookshelf is only full of old schoolbooks. I have read some books if really get into a series, but usually don't want to touch the things. Audible is a life saver and my real bookshelf.
  20. Why would i regret it? I know why i like it now and in the future when i might not be so into it I'll know why i liked it back in the day. MLP is one of the few cute and innocent shows that i watch. It's such a great change of pace that it makes me smile every time i watch it. How could i regret something like that. That's also one of the reasons why i can't get into grimdark fanfics. Everything else i like is pretty grimdark so i want to keep mlp clean of that...
  21. I'm listening to Dodger talk about video games.
  22. I had a stupid old brick Gameboy while this cool kid had a Gameboy color. i Was so jealous. Ahh good memories, everything was so simple and fun back then.
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