1) Applebloom - I have always been a Bloom fan. What attracts me to Bloom may be her blissful naivety. It reminds me much of myself. She manages to get her into silly problems due to her ridiculous ignorance. Again, like myself. Bloom is the mirrored image of not only my childhood but my present as well. Me and Bloom both seek a cause, a calling, and aspire to mean something one day. I hope to receive my own Cutie Mark one day.
2) Rarity - Rarity is the centered image of what I admire. Her Beauty, Elegance, Grace, Poise. I love all of it. I try to keep a grace in everything I do, and put a little bit of me in everything I create, just like Rarity. That is what fascinates me about not only Rarity herself, but about the artist - the ability to leave your personal mark in anything and everything you do.
3) Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pie is another aspect I've admired in daily life. The ability to be so social is rather amusing. I can be like Pinkie Pie too, if I want something. Otherwise I'm rather quiet, which is why I almost envy Pinkie. How can she be so happy all the time? I can only attempt such a feat.
4) Twilight Sparkle - Intelligence has always been a roundabout rendezvous for me. Being intelligent has been one of the few noticeable attributes in life, and many of my friends both notice and like this. With intelligence I can be at least somewhat useful, and have some edge behind my name. I admire Twilight's Beauty of Mind. She tends to get overworked and overstressed, like myself, and tends to go overboard with the smallest details. Her strive for perfection is only matched by my own.
5) Vinyl Scratch - Vinyl was the reason I was attracted to the show, one day lurking /co/. Her character fascinated me, and does still. I like her much for the same reason I like Pinkie Pie, but the one feeling I understand with Vinyl is Music. Who doesn't love music? The ability to flow yourself through music is something I've wanted to understand and master for a very long time. My Nickname in many circumstances has been DJ. Soon enough, I hope to be more deserving of the title.