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the magic catgirl

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Posts posted by the magic catgirl

  1. First of all, I think your red eyes are cool. But so are your glasses. B)


    Being a unicorn must make it easier to DJ, operating the turntables, etc. Do you think you could do as good a job if you were a pegasus or Earth pony?


    Aw, thanks! I got them at my first gig in San Franciscolt. Guess I'm not the only one who liked them!


    Well, having my horn does come in handy, but don't I think being an Earth pony or a Pegasi would DJing any harder.



    I mean.....Your awesome!


    Do you think you could teach me your ways of making teh epic wubs?


    Yeah, I get that a lot.


    Actually, I don't make those. A stalker verrrrrry dedicated fan of mine does. I need to go buy better secuity cameras now.


    What do you think of black coffee?


    Helps me get up in the morning after I spin the records until 2 AM. But dear Celestia is that stuff strong!

  2. Is that your natural mane color?

    Do you and Octavia have anything going on?

    Where did you learn those sick beats?

    Will you perform at my birthday party?

    Where did you get those googles/glasses and are they purely for fasion? And is it hard to see your turntables when you're wearing them?


    Well, I did put the streaks in for extra effect. They go great with my stage lighting.


    You mean aside our hatred of each other for nothing other than different musical preferences? Nope.


    Where do you think I got my Cutie Mark? I got my first turntable when I was 7 and I've been spinning records ever since.


    I'll try. Where do you live?


    I use the glasses so people don't freak when the make eye contact with me. Apparently red eyes freaks ponies out. They don't really make it hard for me to see, I know my turntable by heart anyways!

  3. Hello, Ponyville! It's everyone's favorite DJ, Vinyl Scratch! Here you can ask me and my nightly alter ego DJ PON3 any question that's been on your mind! Whether it be my awesome new tracks, my tour schedules, or boring stuff concerning my life, you can ask it right here! That's all I got for this intro, so just start submitting questions!


    Posted Image My new tour logo. Just for further reference.


    (I did not create that picture, I just thought it looked awesome. Hence it being there)

  4. I admit, I do tend to get a little over enthusiastic about the show when I talk about it with non-bronies, but at least I'm not one of those people who are all just "I'm soooooo awesome because I'm a brony!" Those people annoy me, but I wouldn't say I hate them. Most of them are new bronies who think they're just so cool anyhow. At least in my experience, I could very well be wrong. Normally the new ones cause the most trouble from what I've seen.

  5. Well, the show will have to address it at some point. There are too many depressing homeless Scootaloo fanfics out there for them to not. My theory? Scootaloo has family living in Cloudsdale who doesn't want to see her until she learns to fly. They could do an episode on that where the moral is that you should be proud of your kin no matter what their flaws are.

  6. Honestly, I'm quite sick of them. I probably wouldn't mind them so much if people actually knew how to write slashfics, but sadly, they don't. At least in my experience. The one I'm most tired of is Rarijack. It's a kid's show for Celestia's sake. Why are we taking a show that was originally intended for four year old girls and turning it into Rent? Nothing against Rent, I love the show, but you get my point.

  7. Well, we all wish it will stay just like it is now and never end, don't we? Personally, my worst fear is also Hasbro trying to doctor it up for "our age group". The beauty about the show is that nobody expected a bunch of teenagers and grown men and women to become the main fanbase. We like it just the way it is. I just hope Hasbro realizes that.

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