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Everything posted by nonee

  1. Probably change my yearly mlp convention trip to a second anime one. Good shows go down without reason all the time and mlp would be another disappointing drop in the bucket of nonsensical cancellations. Yeah I would miss it but it's best to just pick up an move on.
  2. I got the complete series if Street Sharks a few years back and have been rewatching that recently.. Also Star vs., Steven Universe, and a copious amount of anime.
  3. I'm 23 and have been single for roughly 5 years. Not that I don't care to date or anything I just have a knack for meeting women that cheat and/or are mentally damaging. So I just kinda gave up lol
  4. My first job was right out of high school working for my hometown as a secretary? (can't recall the exact title I was given) It was mostly just data entry for a local program called teen court that delt out punishments to minors caught stealing and what not. It payed $10/hr and was crazy easy. Majority of it was sitting around which was terrible until i just started watching netflix there all day lol. That lasted about 6 months then the funding for it ran out and I moved on.
  5. Street Sharks... I need a series reboot of Street Sharks and all of their toys.
  6. Honestly, I think I just like the show (aside from the writing and animation) because it's cute and has an overall them of peacefulness that isn't overdone to the point of being sickening. Also, it might be the community. I have been to a few of the conventions (Fiesta Equesria, BronyFanFair, and Nightmare Nights) and the majority of the people I hang out with there are really kind and considerate people and aren't the "rabid brony" that I keep finding all over the internet (that's a rant for another time though lol).
  7. Try this one friend :3 http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x2rf9q/1#video=x12b9ns 'Tis of far better quality and not a recording from a theater screen. The youtube link that is provided at the begining of thread is no longer good. Hasbro found them :c Enjoy everypony!
  8. nonee

    gaming World of Tanks

    Been playing WoT quite alot with friends lately. Mostly playing Teir 5's at the moment. Trying really hard to get up in teirs but takes forever lol People welcome to add me if like. Name is wolfprint1
  9. Don't think the show would go that far but I would love to see an episode about her dealing with the idea. Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  10. I just can't wait until after the coronation where Twilight realizes that becoming a princess means that she will now have to suffer having to watch all her friends grow old and pass away while she continues without them for thousands+ years. oh wait... kids show... damn :/
  11. Xbox Live gamertag recently changed to: Broken Image19 Mostly playing Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Boarderlands 2, ect. At the moment though I still kinda suck at black ops. Anyone welcome to add and invite me
  12. I can actually start using my mlp calender tomorrow. Yayness

    1. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I want one now. ;n;

  13. I like them raw. Favorite one would have to be S'mores! I'm interested to know what a white chocolate pop-tart would taste like. Love white chocolate :3
  14. Haven't been on the forums for a while but I believe I should be back for the most part lol

    1. NavelColt


      Season three is here :3 Time to be active!

    2. nonee


      Sooooo glad season 3 is finally here :D

      Though most my absence has been do to life and it's many irritations lol

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Funny when you think about all the things that have hit a three, while we're still waiting for Half-Life 2: Episode Three.

  15. Someone speaking down to me I suppose. It's the main reasons I couldn't stand most teachers (even fewer subs) during school. Age and a degree does not make a a person "better" nor does it give a person the right to look down on another. Also, disagreeing with a teacher/professor and defending your side of an argument, in a polite manner, is not the same as talking back to them. Could go on for hours as to why this irritates me lol
  16. nope not Danial lol Post a pic! Not often I get to see one of my clones running around
  17. Ganna call it an early night. I'm off to Austin tomorrow morning. So can't wait for the Brony Fan Fair!

  18. Was convinced by a few friends to get a large portion of my hair cut off yesterday. Just feels weird not having my hair touching my shoulders anymore http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Eh... My hair will be back with a vengeance soon enough!
  19. Rewatching some old counter monkey episodes. Spoony's table-top stories are always so awesome xD http://spoonyexperiment.com/category/counter-monkey/

  20. Ganna call it an early night. Soooo very tired D: Night everypony!

  21. Going to the Brony Fan Fair next weekend!!! SOOOOO EXCITED!

  22. 1. I knew I forgot something!!! Now I gotta go back and fix it! lol Thanks for reminding me!2. You and Nightfall both And here I thought I sleep weird 3. Thank ya very much! I hope I keep on improve at the rate I have. 4. Thank you for the support!
  23. Thank you very much! But I don't think I wouldn't go so far as to call this talent I'm starting to think I can only draw when I'm sleep deprived lol. I see what you mean with the blanket though I can't quite remember what I was thinking when I did that Either I was going to lead it into a crease so it looked folded over on it'self or I just wasn't thinking which is entirely possible. Thank you I would love the ability to do that seeing as it would free up even more of my time!
  24. Well I only ended up getting about 3 hours of sleep last night so I decided to give up about 5 am and try to draw something for my tumblr ( http://askbrokenimage.tumblr.com/) that I started the other day. All I had on my mind was sleep so I drew my ponysona sleeping the same way I sleep. Would love some feedback on anything you see wrong with it as I'm always looking to get better! The hand drawing And after coloring! (Didn't include the window because it's just didn't feel right )
  25. Time for walmart run :D

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