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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by nonee

  1. Time for a nap. Oh how I love naps :3

  2. 1991, Male, White. Glad to see that white is a choice on here. People tell me it's weird liking the color white for some reason. It's a pretty color imo
  3. It would really sadden me but the community will live on for a long time after at least. Though I don't belive we are going to lose the show anytime soon. Hasbro making far too much money to just stop making it xP
  4. Gummy is my fave. Really wish we could see more of Tank though. Like where he lives and what not seeing as RD's house is made of clouds. Angel needs to be put into the bunny fire >.>
  5. Well facebook is slowly dying (not fast enough imo) wonder what's next.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom
    2. nonee


      Maybe it's just the 90 friends I have on their but people are just slowly starting to post status updates less and less. Most of what I see on there now is those stupid "share if you love your grandma. scroll down if you want her to die" crap. Just reminds me of how myspace started to die back in the day lol

  6. 10/10 Annie an Tibbers can be so evil T-T but thank Celestia she is squishy
  7. I rarely ever have dreams and of my year of being a Brony the few dreams I have had haven't been of ponies Maybe I will have pony dream one day
  8. 9:30 am and bored. This is why I don't like to wake up until 3 pm :/ Guess I'll just go die on DayZ for a while

  9. The dreaded Ursa Major x Gilda Luna x Tom Filly Fluttershy x Fluttershy Tom x Dumb Rock Applejack x G1 Sea ponies (all of them) Angel x Appletini (tiny Applejack)
  10. MLP Forums Such a forum newbie. I think the only other forum I have gotten on after this is the DayZ forum but lots of mean people on there
  11. Ganna have to go with Solar Empire. Not really sure where you are getting the "bad" listing for Celestia but don't fix what isn't broken is more than enough for me to support her being the leader.
  12. Did just say baby unicorns So you mean only pegasi babies have to wait while unicoron babies go around being awesome? D: no fairOops miss read it sorry
  13. Well they did explain that young unicorns will have a random strong burst of magic energy from time to time. No clue on the flying though.
  14. My dad really needs to realize that just because he had a conversation with me doesn't mean I was awake during it xP

    1. Ethan Pow

      Ethan Pow

      So he told you something and didn't check you where awake or wait for you to respond to you to confirm your alive that you got the info?

    2. nonee


      Nah lol I talked back. If someone starts talking to me loud enough while I'm sleeping I will respond, hold a full conversation, and won't remember a bit of it when I actually do wake up.

    3. Ethan Pow

      Ethan Pow

      That sucks, normally I can recall if I was half sleep.. they should leave a sticky note on ya to be nice.

  15. I don't think that what you do could be considered unhealthy really. I mean what is it really hurting? I think your in the same boat as everypony on this site. Until it begins doing physical harm that is. And I don't believe obsessing over a show and community that celebrates the ideals of love and friendship is ganna do you much mental harm And as far as the fantasizing about going to Ponyvill goes everyone here has at least once even if they don't want to admit it lol
  16. Thermal compound to replace the dried up amount on the heat sync to my video card. At least I think that was the last thing i bought
  17. Chysalis because the idea of changelings scare me and she is by far the most cunning of villains so far. I would say Iron Will is a close second Shocker I know but he did what Discord couldn't. Make Fluttershy go against her sweet and innocent nature That and I just find something extremely funny about him.
  18. List of things to do today: 1: Be manly... check Were done here
  19. I would say I can't stand when ponies that say they love the show then turns around and go against everything the show teaches and stands for. It's okay to disprove of something but to look down on somepony just because they're different just isn't right. We need to learn to look past what we see as a "flaw" so that we may see ponies for who they are rather than what they do (as long as it isn't hurting anyone). I just see so much hate in the brony community when we are trying to celebrate the ideals of friendship and love the show and it's creators try so hard to teach everypony. I know hate is hard to let go of but some effort could do this community some good.
  20. Rarity I suppose. Just seams like she would be the easiest to hold a conversation with and has a kind of personality that I can feel comfortable around.
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